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thumbnail of 702219195c19d55fb47345c4261f97e7048c43c1ce26b58e58ea1c1f3764723b.png
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>  >>/6519/
Thanks, studying now!
I have recalculated the encumbrance in the inventory sheet so it uses the formula now and we can enter weight and strength.

-currently a round.up to 1lb is in effect for each item. Is this fair? A lot of small stuff weighting a fraction of a pound quickly gets unrealistically heavy this way.

-if jewelry isn't weightless how much does the frog weight? I used 0.25lbs like for the rings for now

-does the girls weight on which encumbrance is based ever change? Mine certainly will when I change my form. We could roll for a weight change each level-up for the lulz.
Also does Ashley really weight the same as me though being 23cm taller? She has a BMI of 15. Auschwitz-tier!

-what does 'unable to swim when encumbered' mean? Instant death when you drop into water?

-what exactly changed at grappling?