> urrently a round.up to 1lb is in effect for each item. Is this fair? A lot of small stuff weighting a fraction of a pound quickly gets unrealistically heavy this way.
My latest rounds down to the nearest 1/4 lb, if you can't figure the math for that I will give you the formula.
things like rings would be weightless.
I could fix what you have when you release it, but you really shouldn't bother carrying 5lb jugs of vinegar without a clear use for it.
Ashley is what you would call a waif. She's exceptionally thin. Bear knew a girl in college who was 95lbs and to me I feel like she's probably closer to that but she's also small boned. Ah, I was just told by Bear, in her adult form she's 95, but in her more youthful form here she's 85.
> Instant death when you drop into water?
The drowning mechanic for D&D is very generous. You would not float when encumbered.
> Grappling:
> If the creature is the same size as the grappler, the grappler can drag the grappled at 1/2 speed.
> If the creature is smaller, the grappler can carry the grappled per encumbrance rules.
In the past, grappled and grappler were both pinned in place.