I am working different angles as to not affect your style of play, which means tougher monsters after level 4 (2nd tier adventurers) instead of these little bonuses to you.

Bear and I will be living with +2 for advantage and -2 for disadvantage and see how that feels.

We will be allowed three "actions" per turn which may be a move, attack or bonus, casting, etc. This is borrowed from other games in the same genre, we're studying two other games that are very similar to D&D because they have other actions that felt interesting and mechanics that are supposed to solve the issues with 5e which solved the issues with 4e. Many of these will not affect you at all. For instance, if you don't want the +1/-1 bonus to new arrows and old arrows, then so be it and I'll just tell you when an arrow breaks.

Monks are mentioned as being close to broken after level 10, pure fighters too as they increase levels they just keep getting more attacks.

One thing I'm very happy about is the bounded accuracy of 5e. In other versions; to hit, AC, skills, and saving throws went up with each level akin to proficiency but you gained proficiency in things like armor and unarmored, so you continue to have more and more AC until you have 30+AC and monsters have +24 to hit at level 10 which just makes lesser enemies obsolete, where as in 5e you can still face 10 wolves at level 10 and get owned because they can still hit you and out maneuver you. Of course you have things like AOE which can take them out since they have low HP. I like this way better than wolves turning into flies that can no longer touch you even with critical hits.

So don't worry, we're playing 5e not arrow management simulator.

We enjoy thinking ahead instead of say, learning what monks can do or managing someone else's inventory.