> what's a will DC and does my resistance to psychological effects like Charmed help? I'd guess so?

In their game, Misha the DM combined the saving throws into three groups like older versions of DnD had, where you have:

Fortitude=the better of CON or STR
Will=the better of CHR or WIS
Reflex=the better of INT or DEX

What this solves is certain monsters will obliterate certain undiversified groups. The combining of these makes it so a high Intelligence player doesn't get trampled by certain charisma effects, and so on. So grapple still may specify STR or CON but by default it's the better of the two. 

If you think Joy's rule list was extensive, Misha's adds to it by a long way and Joy will be adding some of them to hers in the future.

I don't know how Joy would handle charmed with you, it's a Wisdom check in 5e.

[Joy] Alice has stated resistance to psychic damage and charm, so she would have advantage on the roll.

There are no guns in any of our runs so Indiana Jones wouldn't have been able to kill the swordsman in one shot.