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Creating Artificial Trees requires my Liquid Metal form and is a LV.16+ thing. So I doubt we will ever see them outside my ship. Even if, as cool as they sound, they will be mostly useless in gameplay. Because even though they can do extremely cool things, they are painfully slow. It's not magic after all but good old honest technology obeying the laws of thermodynamics.

Whether Artificial Trees can recreate the Dwarven brandy will depend on it's true quality. I already said I could not reproduce Daran's apple trees because they are imbued with magic. A high-level artisan who puts his devotion into a tool or product will imbue it with quasi-magical properties. You could say the product has soul. Something I cannot reproduce even if I or the Trees clone it perfectly. But that's something to decide when we get there aka never.

However, I will gain a Monk healing ability at LV.3 when I become a Warrior of Mercy and can use Hand of Healing. This needs to be worked out soon. As I cannot use magic, my healing skill is of physical nature and only works on physical beings. It should work on Ashley but not on a supernatural being, undead, ghost or whatever thing that isn't alive.

To make my miserable life even harder, this should also go for the counterpart Hand of Harm that deals necrotic damage. That makes sense lore-wise but still I should not be able to damage creatures like ghosts or spirits hat have no physical bodies. I can only degrade matter. It's not magic. I think that's a fair trade-off for my nanotech shenanigans.

Likewise, an Artificial Guard Tree or Fungus will manage to trap and disassemble basically anything with a physical body that doesn't have superhuman strength and constitution to quickly break free and heal itself. Otherwise it's curtains once the nanobots run rampage inside your body and turn you into goo. But even if those constructs deal necrotic damage, they have zero effect on beings that have no physical body. Yulya will have to deal with anything ghostly.

Regarding Viscous form, I'll let you decide at what level I can evolve to this. As I said I need to go to my ship for that. I would recommend Lv.6 as I get a number of cool monk features then that go nicely with a form change. I still don't know what other materials I gotta collect but the mine might be a good place. Suggestions are welcome.

I think no matter what level I reach, you'll easily be able to come up with enemies that I'm powerless against and I'm always willing to accept handicaps. But I already have a lot and my utter magic-lessness will put me to a severe disadvantage to any other high-class adventurer, even non-magic users.