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> We would like a room for the night as well. What about you Ashley?
"I don't care anymore, just so long as Alice isn't doing weird things while I sleep. Anything's better than a cold tent near dead goblins."
The meal costs Ashley 2 silver 5 copper. The rest of the bill is as listed, pay appropriately. The lodgings is 5sp per room per night.
Tharden, Nundro and Sildar say their goodnights.
Sildar says before you go, "Be careful, we'll either meet you back here with Gundren or at the mine when we're done and rested. Leave us a, note with Toblen if you're not going to make it back or send a letter in care of Toblen. Good luck out there."
When you're ready, Evangela shows you to a small room with a window to the North.
Let me know your plans for tomorrow. Don't worry about being overloaded in town, you also can presume you have everything when bartering.