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Compared to the $200 one, the $1500 one is definitely a luxury. I had a $200 one and it sucked donkey balls.

"Server flooded," Joy asked me to tell you she tried to answer your question three times today.

One time, I was trying to chop wood with a crappy but sharp axe and I don't know axe so I couldn't and so I did the right thing and got the sledge hammer because all the axe would do is get stuck so let's coax it through ya know? Anyway, I had the sledge hammer right in front of me, propped up by my leg and the wood awkwardly held with a foot and swung the axe high over my head, it ricocheted off the stubborn wood and  embedded into the handle of the sledge hammer right in front of my shin like an inch into hardwood.

That would habe chopped into my shin.

I took the broken sledgehammer, the axe and the wood and threw them all in the trash because that's what they were.