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I was me and there was no host in the entire dream. That's rare. I was investigating a waterfall or creek running down sandstone boulders with host's mom. It was in another country. maybe Australia. It was warm, savanna vegetation, the rocks were golden yellow and the water blueish green. Very beautiful.

I don't know what we were doing, but host's mother, a small woman in her 80s, was blasting the boulders with an infinite firehose as we climbed up. People mine gold like that in the Amazon but I think we were supposed to clean or decontaminate the area. The water blast was so massive that it razed entire trees off the rocks. Where the water came from was a mystery but it was basically the entire waterfall turned upwards. 
I told her to take it easy as I was afraid all the water would come down on us again but it didn't. As I reached the top, the rapids gave way to a calm stream, I waded through it at Alice-breast-height. The water was not only standing but still flowing slowly away from me, so going upstream from the water blast. It was foaming a bit but otherwise very clear and blueish-green. I drank it. The stream was surrounded by a thicket of grape vines that hung down to the water. The grapes were the size of plums, light green with tiny red dots. I thought they were not ripe but they still tasted sweet when I ate a few. Even though I was in the water up to my chest it never felt wet. Very nice place, not like a certain snow- and monster- ridden wilderness.