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I was at an unfamiliar place, maybe some kind of fair that consisted of several small buildings on a meadow. Each of the buildings was much larger on the inside. The attraction was a live stegosaur that had a spiny tail but lacked the plates on it's back. It was bright green.
There were lots of people I did not recognize. I was in one of the buildings that looked like the lobby of a tropical holiday resort. Rattan furniture, couches with orange pillows. Someone brought in the stegosaur on a leash and paraded it around. Some kids started teasing it and throwing stuff at it. I knew this was a bad idea and soon the stegosaur had enough, went on a rampage and started to toss the furniture around with swings of his spiny tail. I hid under one of the couches but it didn't feel a very safe place. but the guy with the leash managed to drag it back out like a disobedient dog.
A friend of mine came and told me to get out from under the couch because she wanted ice cream. For some reason I was more concerned about the fate of the dinosaur and went to look for it. It was brought to its preserve in a large silver trailer-kiosk operated by a Chinese woman. I asked her if the stegosaur was inside and she said yeah of course where else. I went to look for it and wasn't charged entrance fee. The inside of the trailer was huge, after crossing several museum rooms I reached the preserve, a sloped all-metal room with prehistoric vegetation, at least 20m across. Strangely nobody else was there and you could walk through it. The stegosaur was at the uppermost ridge minding his own business. There were also a giant brown snake curled up and a giant green frog that hopped toward me. I decided it was safer to leave. The next room was an identical setup but under construction, only metal ground, no vegetation or animals. I realized the size of it all was utterly absurd and only wanted to get out. Going up a slippery metal slope to reach the door, it went steeply downward to two doors left and right. This was the end and there were several people waiting in line. I soon realized these were the toilets. I asked a man if there was an exit and he laughed saying no, you have to go all the way back. What a shitty setup. What architect made this? So I had to walk all the way back and woke up at some point.