> mid 20s and he didn't look as expected. A thin hippie with a Rasta ponytail.

There was a time in my late teens and early twenties that this description would fit to a greater degree than you think, I was 6'4 159, heavy into long distance biking and liberal to a T including long hair that I often put in a pony tail because it was so hard to manage. I cut it off later and saved it, about 12 inches long. No dreds though. I cut it off as part of that summer job with the rich people that mostly paid for my next 3 years of college.

Later I ditched even a duck tail, now I pretty much shave it off. The girls in my life say it's hotter that way.

Looks something like pic, not the face, my chin is more pronounced than his, but slim, not Jay Leno or giga chad. I definitely don't need to mew to get the strong chin, you should see my xray, my chin is above average length but with my huge head it works.