thumbnail of Linene_Graywind.webp
thumbnail of Linene_Graywind.webp
Linene_Gra... webp
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thumbnail of Elmina Barthen.jpg
thumbnail of Elmina Barthen.jpg
Elmina Barthen jpg
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Ashley slumps forward in defeat, "It's not like he's not going to be rescued, and we did Rescue Sildar! Look, I'm good for it, Gundren will be back in just a couple weeks, Sildar and his brothers are taking care of it or we'd be on our way with them now. Look, we're here to clear that mine so you still have a town to sell your wares to, or should we move on and take some other quest?"

[Intimidation 1d20+4=19 vs DC15]

"All right all right, two more weeks then the letter goes out. If you're telling the truth, then there's nothing to worry about I guess." She eyes Yulya, Alice and Cat, "Do I dare ask what else you need?"

"Shoes for this one, and they can pay for it," Ashley says.

She points to the shelves on the back wall.
There are suitable boots for Alice priced at 1gp, 2x the actual value, and weigh .75lbs, they're not as high as Ashley's high boots but would work well.

Interaction #1


At Barthen's Provisions, you're stopped by Elmina before you can talk to Hobby, "Fancy seeing you back here, ready to rip me off again hm?" She glares at Ashley but then sets her eyes squarely on Yulya, and points accusingly "I hear you're the leader of this proprietor of banditry, Cleric of Peace, what is it you need now? Blood for your rituals?" She doesn't look to be in a good mood.