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> No shoes
> "Because she wants to be naked all the time maybe?" Ashley rolls her eyes.
Yes obviously but not in this goddamn cold! I hate cold even more than wearing clothes and shoes and a backpack. It just feels unnatural and wrong. Like a dragon wearing pants. What a pathetic thing to do, so - human. I would need none of this if I was in proper shape, haaa...
But as I am now I need shoes! Sorry about that and wasting more money on such trivial things. Please take me to that nice lady that gave me the coat!
> She points to the shelves on the back wall.
> There are suitable boots for Alice priced at 1gp, 2x the actual value, and weigh .75lbs, they're not as high as Ashley's high boots but would work well.
Alice tries the boots Cat hands her and is satisfied
That feels a lot better I have to admit...
Alice takes 1gp from her coin purse and hands it to Linene with both hands
Thank you Lady, you're a lifesaver once again after giving me this cloak. I shall not forget this!
Significantly warmer but still far from comfortable, Alice arrives at Hobby's shop and slips inside into the warmth, leaving negotiations to the others. Seeing trouble she tries to aid Cat by taking the role of the shivering child aside the poor kitty.