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> A lot of work indeed.
Slow and steady, this is not a speedrun! It's ok to take a break now or then if more time is needed.
> Why Cat's is off is a mystery now.
Cat is carrying a total weight of 188 lbs including her armor right now. Maybe you mistook that as base carrying capacity? To reach 188/376/564 Cat would need to weigh 256 lbs instead of the 180 lbs or 80 kg stated in her character sheet. It's not possible to reach 188 with an integer STR value according to your formula. Weighing 180 lbs she'd need above 25STR.
But whatever, we will stick to the formula values stated. We're not cheating.
> I have taken liberty with these characters and names and they don't match, nor are intended to match, Forgotten Realms lore in most cases, this is so you can't simply look things up and get secrets.
I appreciate your efforts but don't waste your time on that. First we could easily find out if we wanted and second and most importantly, we won't. I mean c'mon you think we would ruin our own suspense? I didn't even read the PHB and literally have no idea how this world works, what factions there are or the stats of any monsters. I don't even know what Forgotten Realms is. And I know Kashtan almost immediately stopped reading other D&D books to avoid any spoilers. So that's the least of your worries. But I'd still appreciate if you make your own adventure instead of strictly following a script. I'm sure all the canned adventures are politically correct, family friendly, predictable and boooring. You can do better than the losers writing those. As we say in tulpamancy - surprise me!