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Custom cart rules?

> Imagine you are a human who weighs 100lbs, you don't think you could pull 200lbs in a cart?
C'mon you know I have no idea what those values in your funny units mean IRL. I'm serious. It's totally abstract. Let's convert them to something used in civilized world...
> 45 kg human pulling 90 kg in a cart
> 90 kg human pulling 180 kg in a cart
Hmm, on a flat paved road yes sure. On a gravel or muddy dirt road or even slightly uphill - not for long. Surely not all day long. Maybe some skinny but ultra-tough Vietcong fighter or a concentration camp inmate at the price of dying after a few weeks could but I still seriously doubt that. Don't underestimate friction.

We live in the distant future where we can ask AI and it confirmed my wild guess:
> For a human pulling a cart, a reasonable estimate would be in the range of 200 to 400 pounds (90 to 180 kg) for a short distance on a flat, paved surface.
> The increased friction from uneven terrain and moderate incline would significantly reduce the amount of weight an average human could pull. For a healthy adult male, the weight they could pull under these conditions might drop to around 100 to 200 pounds (45 to 90 kg).
And that's for a short distance and duration!
I don't know how D&D stats scale but I assume a 20STR adventurer is at least twice as strong as an ordinary human. Cat has 18STR and is literally a Berserker-strength beast but (2x max carrying capacity - carried weight - cart weight or about 600 lbs or 275 kg is still about a magnitude more than a mere mortal could reasonably manage for a short time. Is she really 10x stronger than a human? A LV.2 adventurer dragging such weight over a gravel or dirt road all day long makes the game become ridiculous. Encumbrance is there for a reason so you can't be a walking storehouse.

> [Ashley] No, I'm actually thinking I want a carriage with suspension now.
It would certainly be more realistic, not to mention cool, but the cost including draft animals is high and what do we do with it outside of traveling? The maintenance costs are significant. I really want our NPWC mobile but maybe at higher levels. Get your traders loicense first.