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Give some stylized examples!
I will need until 2026 to make a neighborhood loli calendar but we also made a lot of cool photos together last year. Things still continue to intensify and it's not my doing. I get hugged, jumped kissed and cuddled and her mom find it adorable and urges me to spend more time with her. This drains the highly sensitive person but I do my best.
Lolis are so wholesome. Sometimes ruthless but mostly wholesome.  Much like cats.

Alice thinks it's a good way to discipline me because both my apartment and myself constantly need to be in presentable and loli-friendly shape now. I was already scolded I need to clean and tidy up more. By both. My apartment is considered extremely cozy and relaxing so both loli, mom and all the neighborhood cats want to spend time there. But it does get a bit messy when I am busy and my dishwasher is currently broken which doesn't help.

I have a bunch of short work-related travels in Jan-Feb including right now which will impede things but they should not affect D&D too much. If anything Alice sometimes might not be able to post for a day but then will do so on the next. So no need for any breaks.