
Let me break it down further for you.

First of all, I've been surrounded by beautiful women since I first got swol over a decade ago. Muscles magically call for beautiful womem to appear like butterflies in a meadow. So that's a given.

Second, one of them is my business partner, nothing sexual there but the occasional teasing, one is her way younger sister, one is her sister's bestie who never talks to me but does laugh at my jokes at least, not my type trust me, and one is my bestie who is actually related to my ex but we're tight and I tutor pretty regularly in math and we play xbox that kind of stuff. It's a totally daddy/bro thing nothing sexual at all but super cute. I thankfully don't think in any sexual way and I had an appalling dream once with her like trying to suck my D and I fought her off so even my dream self won't go there. Also I'm not allowed to take her anywhere without supervision because she's under lock and key, she's the narcissist's kid who's older than us and didn't come.

The younger sis of my ex had a crush on me once but she was still a teenager and I don't mess with teens, also I was dating the sister obv. These girls are all psycho too like they're nice to your face but plotting revenge on everyone, serious trouble. 

So I'm really stuck with them in like a mob style way, there is no escape.

It's nice on the eyes though. I'd wither and die of they were uggos.