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thumbnail of Natalia-as-Osha-in-Game-of-Thrones-natalia-tena-24525551-720-480.png
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We can all agree that this show has gone down the drain, right?

In the last episode (S6E4) we were treated to an all out feminist takeover:
Jon had to be convinced by Sansa to fight and retake Winterfell
Theon sobbingly asked for forgives and wants to help his sister rule the Ironborn
Margaery was the only one able to keep her cool and had to comfort her crying brother
Cersei & Olenna managed to get Kevan to cave in to their scheme to save Margaery from prison
Dany single-handedly killed a handful of khals by burning them alive, and is likely to be worshipped by the rest of the Dothraki

Not to mention the Sand Snakes killing the Prince of Dorne and his son with no repercussions in the season six première.

There’s also the fact that with very few exceptions, every male character is now as boring, incompetent or downright evil:
Sam is an actual cuck, taking care of Gilly and her son
Jon is the worst case of a Mary Sue other than Dany, with plot armour so thick not even death could keep him down for long
Tyrion has gone from a loveable rouge, to a boring comic relief, struggling to keep Dany’s reign from coming to an end
Jorah was always a bit of a sap, but now he’s downright pathetic
Jaime was always an unlikeable cunt
The Hound got his ass kicked by Brienne and was last seen begging Arya to kill him
The Mountain is reduced to a zombie doing Cersei’s dirty work with no will of his own
Ramsay is too much of a cartoon villain at this point to be taken seriously – they really want the audience to hate this guy

The only male characters left to give a damn about would be Littlefinger, Tormund & Qyburn

Also, RIP Osha ;_;