Bro, the entire movie is about the significance of the main character's last words and flashbacks throughout the film of his life. His last word, Rosebud at the end turned out to be a sled he had as a child. Showing that, although he was rich, had all the material possessions in the world, influence, trophy wife, he wanted that happiness a child had in a simple toy. I did like the movie but when it's a plot hole that is important to the entire plot, and theme of the movie it's a bigger deal than normal imo. The entire movie is in fact bookended by his last words in the beginning and the revelation of their significance at the end. But no one was there to hear them unless you're just assuming his butler is there. Not a huge deal but it is rarely brought up even in a trivial light when critics discuss it. 
I would think you'd see it brought up more as trivial footnote at least. 
> Tour de force acting of Orson Welles, revolutionary lighting and cinematic pacing etc. Key plot point is nonsensical, but you probably won't notice your first time through.