The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine allowed to mobilize patients with “asymptomatic HIV” and other limitedly fit men
The decree of the department makes a number of amendments to the “Regulations on military-medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, which was adopted before the war. According to the new order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, a number of diseases will be excluded from the list of those that allow conscripts to receive a “white ticket”.
So, from the list of diseases for “unfitness for service” will remove clinically cured tuberculosis, viral hepatitis with “minor impairment of function” and asymptomatic HIV. Also from the list disappeared chronic diseases of the blood and circulatory system, diseases of the endocrine system with “minor dysfunction”, “mild” manifestations of mental disorders and neurotic diseases “related to stress”.
All right, Danilov's son fucked up and ran to do a disability certificate... then he remembered that he was in Miami, and he was discharged from Mikol