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Whoops, I forgot to talk about PVP! Since I'll be honest, I like playing DaS in singleplayer, which is why I love the first so much.

Dark Souls 3's PVP still suffers from Network problems due to p2p faggotry. And the good things from DaS2's PVP, those being that allied summonings or invaders can't heal, was done away with. Meaning that fights of attrition like in Blood Borne and late portions of DaS are very common all throughout the game. Additionally the PVP suffers from the hitboxes of the weapons being slightly bigger than they appear due to networking issues.

You'll think you dodged a swing from a gigantic fucking grave sword, but it turns out you didn't! Whoops go get fucked XDDDD!!111! It's annoying and I really wish Jap developers knew how to code proper multiplayer games. They've shown they can via the Oldschool DOA series when Tomonobu Itagaki was still in charge.