Are there chatbots on PSN? I was playing some PS3 multiplayer game before all of it is taken down and someone called "americalaird" had sent me a message containing:
> must love afros

What the fuck I thought to myself since it was like several years since I last used PSN and what did they mean? pools closed?? niggerlover???

The message had been sent 2018/05/22. I replied by sending a lewd weebgame screenshot and didn't expect a reply but almost immediately I was bombarded with standard sexbot/chatbot messages (Hi I'm X age/f from city, wanna chat?). It asked a bunch of questions and I replied with random shitposting and it kept asking stuff. Then it asked if I wanted to see its "whooty" and I replied with "pics or gtfo" and then it stopped responding. I sent a couple of more messages but it didn't reply.
> tfw rejected by a chatbot

By the way what's a whooty? A white booty???