I have a hard time getting worked up about sociopolitical messaging in games. What I care about a lot more is technology, game design, whether a game is fun, immersive, innovative in some way, or really cool to look at. What I'm eagerly anticipating is the next big thing. I think it's going to be AI-generated visual content and behavior, like using GANs to spawn a world-full of unique NPCs and a new class of algorithms to drive NPCs around in their game world. Imagine a game like Skyrim or Fallout or GTA where instead of statically-scripted NPCs, they have their own goals and understanding of the game's rules and are themselves playing the game. When you interact with them, they generate dialog on the fly in accordance with what they're trying to do in the game. Maybe they want to kill you. Maybe their inventory is full and they want to sell you stuff. Maybe they want to suck your dick for money so they can buy meth.

Maybe it'd be moddable and the messaging people could go to town: Maybe an NPC wants to separate you from your parents and sell you to a for-profit prison or recruit you to join them in a plot to assassinate the head of a pharmaceutical company, a student loan scam corp, or a corrupt internet service provider. It just needs to be fun. Bonus points if it looks good and doesn't crash all the time or make you sit through 30-second loadscreens that pop up in the middle of combat so you get killed without ever seeing how or what or why like in that buggy-ass elder scrolls online.