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thumbnail of Vermintide The 5 of Ubersreik.jpg
Vermintide The 5 of... jpg
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Vermintide montage 4 png
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Vermintide montage 3 png
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Vermintide montage 1 jpg
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Try all weapons possible, and try to level up as possible. Yeah game is grindy to get max level. Dont bother with crafting much, besides changing properties and characteristics, and dismantle any excess you have until you are at higher levels, so you get lots of dust for at least upgrading and/or improving your yellow weapons. For trinket (Again, unless meta have changed it) get both cooldown and VS curse.
Unless the new patch have changed it, for necklace, 20+ health & 2+ stamina is really good, and either Natural Bond or more healing is good. speed bonus for weapons and other should be still be recommended, and racial bonuses are good, but berserk & monster bonus are not that much. Remenber that you can push AND left clik for push attack, and depending for weapons, it is really good.
And really important, get the aproved mods, or at least the usefull ones. New patch maybe not all work now, but get them, or at least know about it for later. Fatshark is too lazy to even bother to add these to the base game for some retarded reason.