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I really hated that. Fucking hipocrytes that dont see that there cant be freedom or a healthy internet without sites like chans that arent a piece of shit like 4cuck. A bunch of Coyotes that saw a moment of weakness and they already think they made a huge favor to all, when in reality they are sending the net to the darkness. Shooter wasnt related to the site or even 4cuck at all, and the site plus Gab Ai was intermediately deleted almost without warning.
And the retards think that the site was only /pol/ (With wasnt just Natsoc stuff), when it was a forum of discussion of many matters: Videogames, music, traditional games, series, etc...AND NOW ITS GONE. 4chan is a worse, but still similar ideologically to 8chan, but it is still up, even when more people are there. Fuck this.