
> fixes
> plural

Last I checked all he did was remove some it up. 
No, not fixing the mistake, because that takes effort. Just removed them.

That made things run better for a while, but that obviously doesn't make Vichan any less of a ticking timebomb.

Instead of continuing to apply duct tape to Vichan he's chosen to work on his emoji language. That's right.

What he says there speaks volumes to his incompetence and uncaring attitude towards the site.

Also can I rant about how fucking terrible the claims system is on 8chan?
The claims guy hasn't bother with them for who knows how many months and blames it on the "situation with cock.li"
Emails were lost when they had to revert to a backup but the email still fucking works and emails received after that point still come. 
Even if there was a huge problem keeping him from using the old email he should have made a temp one.

The incompetence is incredible.

Also when are we going to have user side custom CSS? the bright background kills me and it's honestly why I don't post here that often.