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Imagine a boss who is the opposite of Armstrong.
He would be average, very weak for boss standards, but he constantly summons strong minions.
Here's the gimick tho, as long as there is a minion alive, he's hp cannot go bellow 1. Also, for each minion his damage and number of hits increase. Basically he cannot lose as long as someone believes in him, and uses the Power of Friendship to get stronger.

You see,
Senator Armstrong is strong and fights alone. He manipulates the weak into voting and fighting for him, but does so because he wants to purge all evil(weakness). Very selfless.
This imaginary boss is average but has strong minions. The strong Choose to vote and fight for him, but he only takes care of his own because it brings him the most benefits. 
While Armstrong would represent Anarchism or ancap (or really, everything except Fascism), this opposite guy would represent Fascism.

Now, lets get to the point.
My question is of xenobiology: double jumping theorically impossible, so how the hell can brazillians do it?