I've been thinking about this quite a bit lately. We see a lot of terrible fantasy and sci-fi being pushed these days, and a lot of people who are devoid of creativity inserting pop-culture references and meemees into their own artistic works. I wonder to what extent this is due to frames of reference changing. The best fiction authors were invariably well-versed in classic literature; whereas a lot of folk now seem to only to be capable of drawing on other aspects of pop-culture, so we're getting a steady degradation of quality.
> I know, I know: shit writers and shit fiction have always been around. But it's been something that's been playing on my mind lately.
Likely. Seems plausible and I can't find any holes in that theory at the moment.
> Amiga stuff almost always sounds dirtier to me, so this is a bit surprising.
No, I meant that in this game's case there are noises that clearly shouldn't be there, glitches or hiccups or how do you even call that stuff. It's like a really bad radio quality on a cheap, old speaker. Maybe not to the same degree, but certainly in the same vein.