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okay we're back in action. I know I said I would wait until I got a new pc to make the board again but fuck it.

this board is existentially /v/ but with limited rules and more freedom of what you wanna post so basically if you think /v/'s moderation is to strict OR IF YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED FOR A BULLSHIT REASON, you can come here unless ofcourse you just ban evade /v/.

here are the few rules. /v/ has 5, /vvv/ will have under that.

1. global rules apply
2. this isn't /b/, if it's not even vaguely related to video games, the thread is gone.
3. spam will not be tolerated and could result to a ban (bans will be no longer than 5 hours, not 5 FUCKING DAYS like on /v/)
4.if you wanna talk about undertale, do it on tumblr where you belong (you can talk about it, just don't be autistic about it I.E. make a general)

enjoy your stay. I hope this board will suit you well anon.

make sure to visit >>>/mu/ for your music wants, >>>/am/ for your anime serious discussions and >>>/tech/ for your technical doodads