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6-4aQ-Qp jpeg
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could this fucking retard leave my fucking board or atleast not be a fucking retard? this board has 4 rules and the 4th one was originally a joke so I'll get rid of that one.


> obey global rules
> if it's not video games, it's out (meta is allowed. I'm allowing this thread because it is TECHNICALLY meta)
> no spamming

3 FUCKING RULES that aren't even that fucking bad.

you see that persona 4 waifu thread on here? you'd get banned like I did if you waifu post on /v/. you can samefag here too, you know where you'll get banned if you "samefag and starting up shit"? /v/.

so we are not as bad as /v/.

if you wanna bully someone, bully /v/.