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Donald Trump has a brainchip in brain it's evident how he behaves he is controlled he has a packed with "the electronic devil". 	

The brainchip inside Donald Trump's brain is managed by control center in Switzerland.

This control center used to be controlled by MOSSAD.

American military intelligence understand the secret message.
Electronic engineers, chemical engineers, and neurologists of USA Intelligence must form a joint team. This team must decide how they can disable the brain chip without harming "USA citizens implanted by MOSSAD with a chip in their skulls".

The human body naturally emits waves similar to sinusoidal waves. The human body does not generate a square wave signal.
If square wave signals are emitted from a naked person's body, that person has an electronic implant in their body.
"USA citizens implanted by MOSSAD with a chip in their skulls" should be stripped naked and taken to the Faraday cage, and the presence of square wave signals should be detected and reported with an oscilloscope device.
By using frequency measuring devices, the operating frequency of "MOSSAD's brain chip" and the communication frequency with which it connects with the hub should be determined and reported.

The semiconductor chemical substance used by MOSSAD's brain chips must be determined and the vibration mode or resonance frequency of that chemical substance must be determined.

The frequencies and wavelengths that MOSSAD's brain chips use for communication should be determined. MOSSAD's access to the brain chips should be prevented by electronic jamming.

US Intelligence should establish special signal stations in all states that will follow the frequencies and wavelengths used by MOSSAD for communication.

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