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I always found orbiter art to be some of the most interesting. Muses have always existed but orbiters never even get to see their muse in the flesh. Its poetic in a way. I know some of you are artists and the rest of you have old art saved on your harddrive. Let's get this thing going
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Low res pic of a drawing Ciara made of Agatha. Funny how some of the girls ended up being orbiters themselves. I always wondered what the psychology behind it was
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Ciara held a drawing contest for orbiters and promised the winner cash. I think only a couple people submitted art and she got upset that none of them were up to her standards so she never mentioned it again
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Random anon drawing of Kennedi. I think it's the best orbiter fan art I've seen along with the Ciara pic in the OP.
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Since a certain someone has daddy's money for a legal team that cleans up all her dirty laundry I'll leave who this is up to your imagination. The drawing isn't by her and it's a loose interpretation, so it can't be DMCA'd.
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I always liked this drawing of Kasper. The art style looks kind of familiar but probably because its derivative in the first place
Kooky Ciara was immensely jealous of the attention and admiration Agatha was getting and felt entitled to it herself. She made some outward outreach while bad mouthing her in private.
Didn't know she was into Jojo. Just knew she liked K-on and some other usual teen girl animes, but yeah never Sailor Moon. Any idea when that pic is from? Looks like 2016-17

Ciara also orbited Marky for the same reasons, jealousy and wanting the same amount of attention at all times. But then there are girl orbiters who observe from afar at first then end up getting into the mix themselves, like Avery and Sunny did. I guess that was also wishing they had the same attention and seen as desirable
Not like Kasper’s proportions make sense in the first place. At least it actually looks like her unlike with most drawings of Ciara.
i don’t get it. neither of these look like any of the girls. but i recognize the second pose as one marky did. doesn’t look like her at all though.
You're really good at playing but you need to raise your bridge

That rattle is caused by two things; inaccurate fretting which seems unlikely at your skill, and the string vibrating vertically and hitting the board.  Raise your bridge

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