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why would he? why do you want marky to have dated him so bad lmao 
also his typing style in posts/comments is completely different from the posts, literally nothing from it adds up yet you guys believe it. if i said marky was dating timothee chalamet and posted a pic of someone posting timothee chalamet on 4chan as proof, is that really valid proof? you guys have trouble believing anything believable but would believe marky fucked an alien if it fits your agenda.
because he's a normie. he will surely say that someone else did it to retain his dignity.
it is also possible that someone was catfishing with his pics since it's a /pol/  bait thread, but that doesn't exclude that he may have actually dated marky. we don't have to leave out that possibility, considering that the original /r9k/ poster who spread that rumour is also the one who made his instagram known to the public and he said that he had found it through marky's followings.
maybe it's all bullshit, idk.

no one said that he was fat.

that's the hapa he supposedly dated after pumping and dumping marky.
You can't read. That post refers to the Opening Post, where this nigga is baiting, because that's what he used to do with his discord sheep friends.
"nah dude he was in SV since 2016" "he did drugs and lost weight and turned into a chad" 
0 proof of this, the only proof of him being on "sv" is people saying he was on it before it even existed. shit for brains
thumbnail of 2016.jpg
thumbnail of 2016.jpg
2016 jpg
(144.85 KB, 1080x631)
i don't know where did you get that screencap, but i'm talking about the original thread in 2020. no one there said that he was fat nor that he was in sheep since 2016. maybe the guy who posted that misread this post (picrel), which was in that thread.

"lose weight" doesn't mean that he was fat anyway. maybe he was average weight and got skinny, making his jawline, etc.. more visible.
i'm talking to him right now and he's confused as fuck
but i'm sure he's trolling for 0 reason whatsoever and posting his face on 4chan because that's what high status models that walk runways for mainstream fashion brands with tons of friends do in their free time, right?
> i'm talking to him right now
ask him if he was in HS with Marky. that will settle it. if he denies it, then you are right and we all are happy.
i brought up marky and waiting for a response, it took him like an hour to respond to my original dm
this is def some gay larper, there's tons of threads samefagging, the mentally ill at play
this proves further it's some mentally ill wastoid, post unrelated to marky yet continues to post about him.
> all the same filename
because those are reposts. the original pics posted by him (or someone pretending to be him) have iphone filenames
> iphone screenshot filenames
no, IMG_xxxx should be from the camera roll for old iphones. iphone screenshots are "Screenshot 20XX-XX-XX at XX.XX.XX.png". 
but with newer iphones they switched everything to the random 16 digit alphanumeric string.
> IMG_5425
> old iphone
that's what i said. i think it also depends on the IOS though. I think they made the change to randomized alphanumeric string around ios 16.something
yeah that's exactly what i told he would say because he's a normie. ask him about marky if they went to the same school or not. if he says no, you are right and we all are happy.
no one here is rooting for marky fucking a nigger anyway. im just saying that the rumour seems plausible, because the original poster of it had his instagram when nobody ever posted it before (i checked all the archives). that's why im saying that it might be true that she used to follow him on ig, etc...
it's disproven entirely because him knowing marky is based off of the thread that he supposedly "posted". marky has no irl friends as stated a billion times previously so he must've met her online (impossible if he didn't use Chan sites), and why would she still follow him if he ditched her etc? none of it adds up
him not using chan sites is a blatant and fat lie. he dates egirls, is a gamer and streams on twitch. there is no way that he never used 4chan.
the original poster of that rumour said that they met through discord i think. 
although i agree that many things don't add up. so it might be all bullshit.
> he dates egirls, is a gamer and streams on twitch
he dates tiktok 2019 style egirls, not the type on 4chan
playing video games and streaming twitch is not a link to 4chan. does xqc use 4chan? do all those succesful zoomer tiktok type streamers like that one guy kai or adin or speed or whatever use 4chan? this is an extreme fallacy
yeah, idk what that fag gets out of it tbh. most likely some demoralization bullshit
thumbnail of nigger.jpg
thumbnail of nigger.jpg
nigger jpg
(118.45 KB, 667x898)
i made some research, because you guys have some legit points, and im 80% sure the pics posted in the /pol/ thread are all screenshots from his instagram not posted by him, because all the images are 1080x1080 or lower. BUT the thread, which I have linked before (https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/56643689/#56643689) and where all the rumours started, has an opening pic in full quality, which means that it wasn't screenshotted or downloaded from instagram, but either him or a friend (whom he sent this picture through discord) posted it and made the thread.
so there are still possibilities that the guy, who outed him as a baiter and who spread rumours about him and marky, wasn't larping. 
he also said that marky's piano playing ex and some sheep members were following him on instagram. can anyone confirm that?
btw i found the post you mentioned and he was definitely fatter and more unattractive. that's why he is hiding most of his face. that part might be actually true.
you larped as a normie, what did you expect? you have also to consider that he's dating another egirl, so he has many reasons to lie. i might be wrong though. 
the uncompressed and full quality opening picture is definitely proof that he is lying about 4chan. either he or his friends were making those bait threads. that's almost guaranteed. about marky idk,  you might be right and i hope so.

What do you mean uncompressed? It's the same file naming as a screenshot uploaded (same file naming system as screenshot posted above yours) as well as the fact it's same quality as Instagram. Dude, just give up. You're samefagging and embarrassing yourself. Nothing is proving this, you said yourself "if he doesn't know marky then it'll be proven wrong" then the same shit happened and you're doing mental gymnastics. Seriously, why would a guy who looks like that waste his time trolling losers online? What fantasy world do you live in?
that filename is a 16 digit alphanumeric string, so from a new iphone because it was in 2020 and he is an evident ifaggot (look at his airpods). then you have to consider that that picture was never posted before on 4chan and is not on instagram. the resolution is 1536x2048 and more than 400kb, which means it wasn't screenshotted or ripped from instagram and that's a FACT. so i'm saying that he or his friends used to do bait threads to kill time, not necessarily all of them, but the first ones. filenames like 1644447208268.jpg  are unix timestamped 4chan names, which means that someone downloaded it from 4chan and reposted it, therefore not him.
he's denying all of this because you larped as an absolute normalfag 
> those pp r really weird
> i've seen it through Twitter
> i've nothing to do with it. i swear im not a creepy incel stalker
you also mentioned having many followers and many mutuals. so what did you expect exactly? 
that guy was a wageslave at the time, now he's an affirmed model dating another egirl. he has many reasons for lying.
you should have asked him directly if he was in HS with Marky Jane Thompson or not, instead of pussying out. he might have replied honestly to that.
i just think it makes sense and it would explain why marky left white chad BF.

listen to my line of reasoning:
> iphone filename
phoneposting from an iphone
> 1536x2048
makes it impossible to be a screenshot. latest iphone in  February 2020 was the iphone 11 pro, which is 1125xsomething, therefore you can't make a screenshot with a bigger resolution.
> 400+ Kb filesize
means it wasn't downloaded from Instagram, because Instagram compresses pictures to smaller filesizes ( 50-200Kbs) and lower resolutions (usually not more than 1000-1200x something).

assuming that the picture in OP was phoneposted from an iphone and that it wasn't a screenshot nor a downloaded picture, we can only conclude the the image comes from either the gallery or discord. this basically confirms that either he or one of his discord friends made the bait thread, which is what multiple people accused him of in that thread. 
among them a marky orbiter threatened to doxx him if he didn't stop making baits to laugh at incels with his normie discord friends and later shared his instagram, saying that he had found it through Marky's following. after that his ig username had been posted, another guy (or the same one samefagging) claimed that her piano playing ex is also following him.

idk if this is all a schizo larp or not, but it's evident that the person baiting with the nog pictures and the people(or person) insulting him and shifting the thread toward Marky's argument are different. they (Marky's whiteknight(s)) have evident inside knowledge about both Marky and this nog. that's why their claims could be considered somewhat reliable. although it's true that not a shred of evidence had been posted. so it can be all bullshit the story between marky and him.

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