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she hates other bio females that's why she has no girl friends and has backstabbed the ones who have tried to befriend her. attention whores dont like to share the spotlight and she thinks she is special amongst them for being an egirl for a decade and having fucked sam hyde

not true, she already try to get closer of many girls including another e-girls on chans, but they were hostile with her always
I always try to get closer to other girls to make friendship but they don't fit with me and don't like me, they all say I'm weird, I didn't know what to do about it
To elaborate further marky doesn't have friends at all but she can easily get what she wants from men (attention, sympathy, drugs, money, sex) whereas other women are just competition for those things. I don't believe she has the loyalty or care for other people to be a true friend to anyone
Other way around. Marky has problems being friends with other girls. She is either obsessive in her unhealthy admiration for them or she hates them behind their backs, usually it’s a combination of both. It’s sad. Women need female friends and I hope she can find some consistent close ones eventually. I really do.
she may have been infatuated with alice for a bit before tossing her aside like everyone else but even that union seemed based in mutual attention whoring. I feel she is too accustomed to the quick fix of one sided simp worship to ever put in the work and compromise real friendships take. She might not even understand the concept.
the best you can do with marky is be the 1000th orbiter she messages obsessively about her past, music, art, anime etc and makes you feel like you have some deep connection before she ghosts you and does the same exact thing with the next person. If you are extra lucky you will get nudes or sex before being ghosted.
someone posted his twitch in a previous thread but im too lazy to find it for you sorry
selfishness or fear of reprisal possibly. one of the archives posted last thread had a very believable nude from 2020 that doesn't show up anywhere other than two posts days apart both claiming it is marky.
think for a minute with your tiny incel brains. why would she need to send him nudes if she was literally living with him and sleeping with him every night.
I was thinking of a game like Scott Pilgrim where you fight all of the exes of marky jane thompson. abusive chink in the Alaska level, brazil has many possibilities, you have the Russian kgb agent and his sidekick ekat, tranny in the shed and naturally sam hyde would be the final boss
in the secret bonus level you will fight the entire football team from her college in alaska boss fight is the half nigger model
Partners usually send each other spicy pics. Or take them together.
It's quite deplorable genuinely trying to get those pics though.
I'm so sad she just became some depressed coomerbrain that pals around with trannies i thought she would get her life on track
How many pedos and groomers does she need to associate with before one thinks hmmm maybe she is into that stuff too and she's not being tricked or manipulated into these relations
Marky is a victim of her own moral and spiritual sickness. She has made her life a vaccuum of evil. The people and things she surrounds herself with are all evil and unnatural and she sees them as good and desirable. She is drawn to dark like a moth to flame. This sort of evil erodes the soul which is why in her emptiness she seeks escape in drugs, media, the internet, men and why she has such little regard for her own life she does things like drink herself nearly to death or drive recklessly, crash two cars and then gloat about it and other self destructive acts. I pity her for the suffering she inflicts on herself and pray for her salvation, that she choose to reject what the soul knows is not good.
Seven deadly sins and marky may be a slave to them all yet if one were to be her master it is the sin of pride. She had a taste of the bitter fruit known as infamy, notoriety gained in the lowest of ways. Most would take a bite of this fruit, face puckered they would spit it out and never taste of it again. Marky returned to eat from this tree again and again and again never having her fill even when bitterness filled her up. It is her hubris, overconfidence in her intelligence, ability, rightness, goodness that kept her fighting to pursue the same path of destruction through her life. She needs simply give herself over to goodness but sin has made her worship at her own altar.
If a current catches you, begins to slowly drag you out to your drowning doom and you dont try to escape, don't call for help, in fact swim with the current away from help as hard as you can is it really fair to cry and blame the current as water fills your lungs?
Avoid philosophy.
And avoid worldly fables fit only for old women.

I can't make heads or tails of a sea analysis, just makes me think of the fishies!
My question I guess is, why can the antichrist blatantly host sick things online, and it never disappears? Who's just ignoring them?

Surely I'm not the only one who sees through the disguise of Tor and Freenet. At least before, on Limewire, they kinda hid it!
Pretty simple. The "currents" of this world run towards evil. We were given the gift of free will that we might try to resist the sinful nature of this world yet some do not have the fortitude and are swept away, some let it carry them willingly or swim with the current because it is easier or they foolishly think it will take them somewhere other than the abyss
I'm starting to believe that the religious schizo samefagger is katelynn using chatgpt to derail the thread (again)
I wish this earth would hurry up and pass away. It has nothing going for it anymore.

It's the new earth that has life flowing, and light aluming. And just truth.

On this earth, I saw a fatherless child could run to their mothers bedroom in joy, to draw flowers on her back in the morning,

But that same child, years later, was turned away by their mother, while homeless.

Source: I'm that child.
Btw laying on hard stone hurts like hell, the body goes in to shock. So much for human rights lmao.
Marky here!
Hey, thanks for defending me in the metaverse, I'll be over shortly to present my pussy to you, spread and ready for a fuckin!


Just the nerve of some people, to not just blindly worship me in my thot shrine. Ugh!!
I mean you can basically just surf playlists on YouTube and SoundCloud. It's not hard to find music on your own.

Gorillaz are good.
The Metal Gear Solid 3 soundtrack is nice.
it's not hard but bpds don't have much of a sense of self so they tend to mirror others and she is part of the /mu/ rym tranny crowd that cares more about aesthetics and peer acceptance than actual music
im sure its probably a good film, but I honestly just cant stand charlotte gainsbourg. am i the only one? shes just so ugly to me.
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thumbnail of The Science of Sleep - Stewrat Hugo RedRose mashup.webm
The Science of Sleep... webm
(13.8 MB, 640x360 vp8)
She's cute enough to be a placeholder for an idea, a character you fill up in imagination. She wasn't supposed to be pretty in the plot, she's sort of a grey mouse here. Besides, where'd you find a row of conventionally hot English-French bilingual movie actresses with some recognition in 2006? The movie was supposed to be shot entirely in French originally, but that Mexican dude wouldn't learn a few words in it, so they defaulted to bilingual dialogue in all scenes with him, which gives it sort of semi-realistic experience of a person who grew up abroad for most of his life, yet a bit whimsical feel too, as well being easy for ESL audiences to listen to in original sound track.

In any case, me being new here, not new on imageboards or anything, but never paying attention to gay shit that brewed on r9k and most of 4chan's red boards, so what brings me here is aesthetic similarity between Stephanie character in the film and this Marky girl. The latter reminded me of former after I've seen some pics of her room. Just asking questions pondering around.
Marky may I suggest you get with a real man (like me!) or even find a real woman if that's what you're into. I just cannot approve of you having sexual relations with this incel looking sissy or anyone of his ilk. Such creatures can be neither a true husband or wife to you
If you just want to make your parents disappointed I can do whatever you'd like to make that happen no need to go to such extremes
yeah its quite stupid , especially when you consider her life and look at the big picture. Theres a REASON that there arent any nudes of her floating around since she was like 16. posting those pics many years ago ruined her entire life. dont you think shes smart enough to learn from that and never do it again? after all the trauma and negative attention its caused her? i wouldnt be surprised if she looks at her own naked body after taking a shower and curses it and looks at it with disdain for all the trouble its caused her in life.
> return
doubt she ever left anon and if you mean do a stream or whatever she will only be able to go without that source of attention and validation for so long
> smart enough to learn
this is marky we are talking about
keep posting guys, you’re narrowing the playing field and making my dream come closer to being true. do a few more infantile psychoanalyses and keep up that brainless projection of your worst traits into others KEK. it doesn’t really matter if marky would ever choose one of us or not because the most vocal posters are already unfriendables by nature and we all know you need to be friends with someone to fuck, let alone build a life together
marky will be happy to hear that ive been diligently saving my money every paycheck, so when the day comes that she does decide to stream again, i'll be sending her a fat donation
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You serve no purpose in life. Your only purpose is to be Marky's personal piggy bank. How does that make you feel? At least drug addicts spend money on themselves to get high. You spend money for someone else. You're even lower than a drug addict.
well duh , id have mailed her a dozen care packages by now if i knew that info, but obv id never want to be invasive or overstep any boundaries.
im out of the loop, people keep saying this girl is trans, is she actually or are they trolling?
She had sex with a tranny from /mu/ (know as shed guy or katelynn) and had a relationship with it for an undetermined amount of time starting back in late 2019. Her appearance has also become much less feminine since she fell in with her "wife" and the rest of the tranny /mu/ cabal but she's probably not actually trans and has just immersed herself in trannyism and given herself further brain damage
Worth noting the tranny in question has also been accused in the past of helping to groom a 14 year old and and he and marky were also accused of harassing ken together back when her and marky were beefing in 2020
honestly all i want in life is to be her magical piggy bank that she keeps beneath the floorboards in her room, or under her bed. when times are tough, she takes me out and rubs me and i oink and money magically dispenses from me. just like a cute slice of life anime.
Idk guys, I will leave this thread until Marky come back, it's over, you all should do the same, maybe without all the attention getting she return

 see you all
Marky is way too narcissistic she’s really only a 6/10. Her nose/midface is too long and her jaw corners suck. Her chin is recessed too. She’s been overhyped by Chan people
Marky should've died a long time ago, leaving a relatively interesting legacy. Who would've thought that she'd become some tranny fucker?
she can fuck and love whoever she wants to even if they are transexual and she doesn't owe anyone an interesting legacy it's her life to do with as she wants
clearly she doesn't care about you. the coomer position is the only morally righteous one to have in an imbalanced, parasocial relationship. everything else is mental illness.
why do we still talk about marky again? she's getting old and isn't making any new content:// 
It's really starting to feel repetitive
Well there was some renewed interest from her posting here, the streams and hospital visit and the shed guy stuff being revealed but yeah its pretty much game over, got the boring depressing tranny route ending this playthrough.
Do you guys think nekoshelf took marky back last summer after she begged and cried on Twitter? Was her almost commiting seppeku this summer over him too?
its all based on old pictures and a phony internet persona she has since abandoned. People worship the memory or their idea of marky rather than the reality of her
Day 1 of mainfesting marky streaming  new Baldurs Gate on twitch that I bought for her , and her receiving hundreds in donations every time she streams
idgaf what marky listens to I was just keeping it quiet so see if she scrobbled nekoshelf or intimate gay sex again now i don't care
Hi Marky
so much for your mom blocking this site on your ISP lol

get back to streaming you slut
so it's just one person who keeps throwing dirt with some baseless claims, cause i'm the person who said it was less likely she posted those pics herself, and i'm not the person you're replying to (i haven't posted in a while)
turns out you're more obsessed than orbiters
I think they/them is the default one when you don't state your gender. I've seen other people having it and they weren't troons or anything of the sort.
Yes it's her. Since you revealed her username, there is no longer any reason to keep her accounts secret.

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Why does she have 86 posts on a private account with 0 followers? What do you guys think she is posting?
> please marry me nekoshelf... i love uuu.. i miss pegging your boy pussy and tasting your estrogen-ridden cum... please come back, i will peg you softer next time

probably something like this
How much time does marky spend making all these new accounts across several websites? If she was concerned about security/privacy why does she make it so obvious it's her and use the same weeb names and anime avatars across all sites like it's a rebranding?
> How much time does marky spend making all these new accounts across several websites

egirls do this all the time
ciara had multiple backups to all her websites(instagram, youtube, ect)
same thing with erica
Most real e-girls have so much fucking time on their hand, they're going to constantly make new accounts, be it on discord or social media.
It's all they do all they day, chat and interact online with people. Which causes Drama and whatnot. Often they're absolutely negligible things, like tricking some other e-girl, but they blow them up to massive proportions, because it's all they got in their life.
i wish people didn’t judge her so harshly she’s just as fragile as anyone else. being in the public eye constantly doesn’t make you dead to it, but it does certainly kill parts of you that would care otherwise if it weren’t all so numbingly horrific. just try and dehumanize her a little less, please. i know most people don’t have ill intentions more than morbid curiosity but it’s scary to see how quick some people turn off their humanity for momentary stress relief.
i’m not trying to “larp” marky, friend. there are people who genuinely care for and believe in her, even if a lot of those same people aren’t safe people for her to interact with directly.  i’m definitely one of them. i just want the more extreme or extremely jaded posters to reconsider their points of view, even a little. no one acts that mean unless it was done to them first in some way so a lot of it is just venting frustration, i think.
one of them as in the latter. stalking e-girls has unhealthy consequences for all involved. that’s as much as i’ve seen a lot of people saying as well. it’s a pretty balanced view
delusional. maybe in her prime but not currently though she is still pretty despite her age and the way she now chooses to present herself. don't simp so hard, you're one degree removed from simping for a tranny
yellow teeth sweat stains typing about looks like they aren’t perpetually online *because* of their looks KEK
yet you responded so something in your brain is niggling saying “i’m an ugly little fuck, inside and out”. thanks for taking the projection bait though, little brother!
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dear mir, if you ever decide to stream again, i was wondering if youd please consider wearing this outfit? of all your outfits this one is my very favorite!
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thumbnail of stéphanie's apartment.webm
stéphanie's apartment webm
(17.88 MB, 800x434 vp9)
If it's not the same ethos, then what? Maybe it is my twisted mind, I project adopted dreams onto reality for I am unable to come up with my own, I really can not - I tried. This is suffering, everything reminds me of some other thing, an itch that can not be scratched, and once you try - it turns into a bloody mess.
Ive tried to stay hopeful, but I think Im close to giving up. my morale is low. normally she would never stay gone this long, unless she has someone in her life. i think she is back together with shedguy, they are living together, shes staying offline for good, theyre buying a house, getting married, having babies, starting a family, and this is how it all ends.
Its ok, she will come back when shes ready and comfortable. just know that a big donation is waiting for you when you return, mir.
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She has a Samsung phone with quad camera. It's difficult to tell the exact model because there are different ones which all look exactly the same (A53, A23, A33, A52, etc...).
honestly i wish she would do something, anything, other than rotting in her moms basement. just make a decision and go with it, marky. whatever it might be. go back to college, movie in with a rich orbiter/bf, be a camgirl, try to become a twitch streamer, be a bartender, a chef, just fucking ANYTHING that will get you out of the basement and help you to start living life again!
So I went to highschool with her, and currently live in the same town as her. She used to come into the place I work but I didn’t really know who she was at the time other than rumors she fucked Sam Hyde . Any idea if she is still here or where she works?
Do you ever think about how you could have met her before Sam Hyde and 4chan and been high school sweethearts and saved her from herself and everything else that came after living happily ever after?
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she would rather fuck a random trannie from 4chan than any of her fucking orbiters. it's fucking over for all of you.

she will never be your girlfriend, neither in this life, nor in the next life, there are no other lives but this one.
woah what do we care
Let's have a good time
do do do do  what do we care
do do do do good time
If she really wont stream
And this all is no meme
then there is no santa claus or mother goose
and its time for us to tie the noose
She was infamous for showing her underaged tits on 4chan and getting her bootyhole rocked by sam Hyde and has been posting herself on the internet for a decade so that's probably it unless you live in RI or near shed guy
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For all the years I lived so short
And for the nothingness I have acquired lot,
There's only one æsteem:
A soothing gaze of Ghost in my Machine
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win Marky over? pfft, the only way Markys coming back is if she gets another mental breakdown, I doubt reading these posts affects her in any meaningful way.
I posted that and it was just nonsense but I'm sure a mentally ill druggie walking cliche has an interest in discussing such silly topics. very effective for making someone feel important or meaningful before you ghost them.
can you imagine how insane it would be to trip balls with Sam Hyde's ex girlfriend at her mom's house and inseminate her in a shed three times and have it be the most profound experience in her life. Always be prepared with drugs to share.
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mir / alice mir streams / mjt-videos

or  >>/25646/

Album pa2i7 - Imgur.zip

haiselnet tumblr

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i [CMhVZ-aoq6s].mkv
or  >>/28090/

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 2023-05-06.live_chat.zip

mir_read description_2023-05-06.mp4

mirmeat twitch

Mitomo7/Dropofcandy youtube

The rest you'd find in these threads or on desuarchive.
you don't need it. it's included in the link (everything after the asterisk).
all gofile links are dead. we should find a better long term solution for archiving videos. any ideas?
Different anon here, the link works fine. Make sure you're actually opening the full link.
Uploading many videos to YouTube is a pain in the ass and not worth the effort. It isn't effective in preserving content either since videos get taken down all the time, and no one will save them.
Well, gofile links weren't intended to act as a long term archive, they are meant for people to download when they're posted, and used because they're convenient. Obviously, if you want to upload stuff to a longer term file host you're free to do so, but in my experience having uploaded stuff to share here it's mostly a waste of time and not worth the effort. People always ask for archives but then they don't fucking download them, then if they get taken down they complain and want you to re-upload everything all over again. And if they did download them they will refuse to re-share them themselves. Most people here are useless, ungrateful cunts. Often they won't even respond to you when you give them what they ask for, let alone thank you.
Maybe you guys should just delete those files and move on. I think mark would like for people to stop talking about him and to be forgotten by the internet and we should all respect that if we really care for him. It's kind of hard for someone to build a new identity and pursue the life they wish for when the old version of them is constantly being plastered online as a reminder. Just sayin
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deviantart... jpg
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Youtube transcodes and compresses videos, file quality deteriorates. Although there is a channel with some videos all of which are in first mega:

Here's my attempt at combining all files from  >>/29220/ and few more:
Including folder from first link wasted 2/3 of allotted 20 gigs, not sure if necessary, but just in case.
Thanks anon, this mega should be added in next thread's OP.
If you need them, I can re-upload her youtube videos from @mirrr so that you can include them in your mega. That will make you exceed the 20GB free storage though.
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> @mirrr
Was it this one: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj_UmWzyMhrNgs1Q3W-aOGA ?

1. If your collection is under 17 gigabytes, upload them here without sign up:
I removed alice-mir streams.

2. If it's between 17 and 20, make a mega account yourself. It's easy, cock.li and throwaway mails work. What I used:

Good idea as well.
Ah yes the blessed place where marky learned love is love and stopped being an edgy /pol/ larper. I for one am glad marky has evolved into a more accepting loving person who will fit in with society
thumbnail of [2022-09-22] Untitled.webm
thumbnail of [2022-09-22] Untitled.webm
[2022-09-22] Untitled webm
(4.43 MB, 640x480 vp9)
1. I took some liberty in changing your date formats into these:
>  20230510_My Video.webm > [2023-05-10] My Video.webm

Here's a shit bash scribble which does this recursively on a directory tree, using sed.
Replace (find .) with name of a folder to operate on if you're afraid of touching anything else, e.g. (find ./mirrr):

IFS=$'\n'; set -f
for file in $(find .); do
mv "$file" "$(echo "$file" | \
sed -e "0,/\([0-9]\{4\}\)\([0-9]\{2\}\)\([0-9]\{2\}\)\(_\)/s//\[\1-\2-\3\]\ /" \
for file in *; do
mv "$file" "$(echo "$file" | \
sed -e "0,/\([0-9]\{4\}\)\([0-9]\{2\}\)\([0-9]\{2\}\)\(_\)/s//\[\1-\2-\3\]\ /" \
  [2023-05-10] My Video.webm > 20230510_My Video.webm
replace regular expression in sed with this:
"0,/\[\([0-9]\{4\}\)\-\([0-9]\{2\}\)\-\([0-9]\{2\}\)\]\ /s//\1\2\3\_/"

2. mitomo7-dropofcandy videos were same as what was already there, you could have just posted a text file with timestamped filenames then. Mega unfortunately doesn't let one operate on archives without downloading full content first, so I had to download both to see what's inside and rename them, and as far as I know, none of client tools allow remote file renaming, especially by pattern, so I would have had to do it anyways xD

By the way, do you happen to know what do these digits after fps mean?
>  holding on 480p30fps 247.mkv

>  dealing with the unexpected 480p30fps 232.mkv

3. In the end here's what's we've got:
Download here:
Streams with Alice are here:
Upload your stuff here (11~ Gigs free, I kept the archives on server):
> I took some liberty in changing your date formats
Good, your format looks much better. 

> do you happen to know what do these digits after fps mean?
It's the bitrate.
> https://mega.nz/filerequest/bZx4bEUne-A
It says file request unavailable. I wanted to uplad haisel clips to backup them too.
> ToS violation
What rule did he break? As far as I know it's perfectly legal to download and back up youtube videos/streams that were PUBLIC
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thumbnail of I did not.mp4
I did not mp4
(506.92 KB, 854x480 h264)
thumbnail of [timestamped] youtube_mitomo7-dropofcandy.7z
thumbnail of [timestamped] youtube_mitomo7-dropofcandy.7z
[timestamp... 7z
(90.25 MB, 0x0)
Every link posted in this thread was removed, even Marky.rar which existed undisturbed since 2016. This could not have happened as part of automated content deletion through some association, while exact copies of some files in that folder are still available on Mega.
 Well fug, I guess some evil spirit is definitely watching us he-he-heh.

Endchan has 350 MB limit, plenty of space to host some stuff though. But we'd have to come up with a better long term solution soon.
What exact videos allowed her to take down your account? Do youtube videos even have copyright?  I've never heard of something like that.

I recommend using archive.org as backup. There it is full of pirated content that is still up. Endchan is not reliable and threads will die one day.
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I want to buy this for marky. norton reputation defender. they will make it so no bad stuff comes up when ppl search her name on google, then her online reputation can be restored.
There's only two types of markybros
"guyz where can i make a takedown" "guyz where da new pics"
why even live knowing marky will never make me a nightcore video encouraging my desire to transition to the female gender
Disgusting unapolagetic pedophile with an addiction to collecting child porn, and upon being discovered, tried desperately to convince a victim of child molestation they have the same illness as him. He deserves to suffer for the rest of his sorry life. What a hideous person inside and out. Pathetic that he thinks anyone wants to watch him play with his manchild gametoys.
> Disgusting unapolagetic pedophile with an addiction to collecting child porn, and upon being discovered, tried desperately to convince a victim of child molestation they have the same illness as him
Yeah sure marky. Didn't you come home from Brazil and take lsd and have sex and a relationship with a tranny accused of helping to groom a 14 year old girl. That sounds worse that collecting pictures honestly.
and that was after trying to get back with Sam Hyde (before he ghosted you). Seems a bit hypocritical and some of the company you've kept might have one wondering whats the deal with you yourself.
not really. that's horrible in its own right but I don't know if I'd say it's worse than directly and personally participating in or enabling the exploitation of a minor
Okay but next time in your post try to mention what kind of pictures he was collecting maybe? Sounds like you're fucking downplaying the shit he did.
> upon being discovered
at what point of living with him for years and helping him admin masterchan was this discovery made I wonder
they may have removed it without really looking into the report's accuracy or she may be using dmca takedown shenanigans to have things removed
i'm the creator of the first mega link from that post.

i just tried to log into my account and it says its been terminated for abuse of rights of others.

fuck you marky, everything i had there was shit you posted in public. the internet is forever.
Did they send you an email or something explaining the reason of the termination? I think she is abusing the report system. How is storing public youtube videos a ToS violation
she regrets posting them though so in her brain she's probably rewritten history where they were all stolen from her and posted against her will or something lmao
When you put something stupid/embarrassing/whatever on the internet, it's on the internet forever. After you put it out there, it becomes ours. We own it. And if we feel like digging it up and laughing at it, we will. And if you decide to chimp out over that, we will love you for it with all our hearts, and you too will become ours. And when something is ours, it's ours forever. We might get bored with it and put it down. We might play with it a little too hard and break it. But it never stops being ours, and someday in the future we'll remember it, and pick it back up again.

Would you like to become ours, my dear?
She can take back the pics and vids she's posted publicly but can orbiters take back their money and gifts she's accepted over the years?
None of us want to take our money or gifts back. Indeed, we want to give her more money and gifts but she wont allow us to do so.
mega didn't send me any emails. i was using a throwaway account and the last email in that inbox was from when i signed up with mega.

i can't even appeal. the tos violation popup happens right after entering my name and password so it never logs me in.
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This  >>/29466/ is the kind of person Marky associates with:
> animal abuser
> ASPD sociopath
> stinky, doesn't shower and wears clothes covered in vomit
> was a furry and a tranny
> lolicon
> fucks niggers and junkies for drugs
> has AIDS
> had incestuous relationships
i feel so lonely. virtual girls arent doing it for me today. i need a real hug and kiss from someone that loves me. hold me markybros.
actual cp, he's a pedo who openly watches it on the reg and alienated friends over related behavior. this is hearsay so idk much more than this sorry anon
So he devolved from loli into the real shit? What triggered it during Marky and Roberto's relationship for him to go deeper into that stuff? Reminds me of someone I knew who used to always steal his grandmothers prescription pills and later on became a fully fledged homeless street junky. Sad to see.
> I didn't know he a pedo I swear I thought he was just into lolis and dolls and stuff!!
Lmao how many pedos do you have to befriend or have relationships with before you realize your hobbies and social circles are pedo oriented
i think its hot af, i dc what ppl think. imagine being mod on  a loli board, and coming home your gf who is also into loli (marky is) and she dresses up like a loli for you and talks like a a little girl. im sure he forced her to do that.
she just admires the innocence and cuteness of lolis. just because 99.9% of lolicons are pedos doesn't mean her intentions weren't pure. Can you really blame marky for assuming other loli enjoyers didn't have the same pure intentions as her? Imagine her shock when this brazilian loli enjoyer who admined a board with tons of cp turned out to be an actual icky pedo and not just an appreciator of free speech and kawaii things
Listen there's no way marky could have known he was a pedo creep when she was talking to him when he seemed like just a normal doll guy. People can be very deceiving
It's like hanging out in a gay bar and then incredulously saying
> why do all these faggots keep hitting on me I'm not gay!!! I just like the atmosphere!!!
thumbnail of Ashley DJs at 102 MUT.mp4
thumbnail of Ashley DJs at 102 MUT.mp4
Ashley DJs at 102 MUT mp4
(2.88 MB, 640x360 h264)
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thumbnail of ciara reacts.webm
ciara reacts webm
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hi masterchan webm
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rosetta webm
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Basically, or Lovely Queen Marky played brothel's Matron role in conditioning these girls to become underage whores, spiraling into drug abuse and self-harm. They all took "inspiration" from her, I'm pretty sure some still do - and look where both ended up. And how many more were there? This masterchan business has been completely memory-holed from collective imageboard consciousness, and hardly any evidence has survived.
> 29520 
she could and she knew it and she move to live with him knowing that
please guys we are talking about an 15yo who come to meet and fuck sam hyder
and what happened with bianca? I read this russian chick ekat convinced her to cheat on that guy and she got murdered but how was it that she started talking to ekat who was a friend of markys russian bf? ken knew them too was there some egirl server they were all part of?
a good chance he's lying, people who thrive on getting pity from others always have to share the bad things of their life whenever the opportunity arises
> just a normal doll guy
That's an oxymoron and you know it.
If you have your random ass collector's edition video game figure or some figure of your favourite anime waifu or husbando, sure whatever.
But being "a doll guy" is not normal.
There are no circumstance where that is ever normal.
The "normal doll guy" makes realistic CP with AI images not just loli porn. Pornographic ones of children and teenagers. Check the b archives under the usernames "koff" and "tenta*". There's a lot to sift through but it's there. 

This pedo dollman was a friend of Marky. Who knows what sort of damage and influence he had on her. I hope Marky wasn't swayed by him by his sob stories like he shares there on b.
Swayed by him to what? Like loli type stuff more than she has for years already? They're birds of a feather why do you think she always meets these kinds of people?
Where didn't it? Bad genetics, bad parenting, molested, overexposed to the internet and anime. She may have overcome the cards she was dealt if the latter two things didn't become her entire existence since she was a teen. In an alternate reality there is a marky that went to university, played chello and studied classic art instead of being a neet pedo connected internet/tranime addict
Marky , please think of all the people in your life who have been kind to you when you were down, whove helped you when you needed it. there have been many. I am now asking you to look inside your heart and return that favor. be kind and caring to the wonderful ppl whove supported you and loved your streams over the years. To those whove donated and sent you money or commissioned you. there are lots of us hurting right now and you have the power to lift peoples spirits. Please stream soon and show everyone you are not the selfish, inconsiderate, thoughtless whore you are showing yourself to be.
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thumbnail of mjt-videos (truncated).7z.001
mjt-videos... 001
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mjt-videos folder from
> https://mega.nz/folder/cyZHzJKI#YYqjZD6A1jNziJWPO_vbvg

I removed all which were duplicates (in lower resolution mostly) of videos already in the youtube_mirrr archive. Replaced 30fps mp4 of farm tour with 60fps webm from a youtube re-upload, as I assume the original mega version was also sourced from there.
This dude posting mega links 5 hours in the futures and still has his mega account deleted

Where is Marky? I hope she comes back soon
1. marky isnt even mentioned in that thread
2. markys legs are way bigger than that
3. markys legs and knees always have scrapes and bruises on them from hiking and climbing
4. sosa doesnt even talk to or know marky
5. marky would never wear super feminine pink sandals like that. shes a tomboy.
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No way there are residential properties in the US with concrete bathroom floors. Thighs are not as thick and toes are not as elegant, slippers are too pleb for our denpa girl.

Looks Western Euro to me, Netherlands or Britain perhaps, some council apartment building or row house from the 70's.
First two pics are taken in the mirror, dingus.
European date notation.
> source: none
Literally just made up by a bored anon. Marky openly despised Sosa and probably hasn't even thought about him in like 4 years. You're retarded for actually believing this.
can someone message ekat or katelynn so we can get more real marky action instead of this stupid shit
I doubt the russian agent or ekat have any more to say or they would have put it out there already. marky still has mutuals in contact with both her and shed guy and is still listening to katelynns "music".... She could still be fucking him for all we know and it was him and/or marky doing the heavy damage control over it here. We were fortunate to be spoonfed on the katelynn thing years later they kept it very quiet despite people knowing back then.
assigning a numerical rating to a girl is very incelish and superficial, we should all strive to mature mentally and be men worthy of marky, then perhaps one day she will return
I'm too good for her tbh she's been used and abused by all kinds of weird men from samuel hyde to a brazilian pedo to a tranny but I hope she has found someone to love her despite all of that
the rich russian was her only true hope to be set for life, but she ditched it all to be with a tranny. not that paring with a insane slav man is ideal, but she's no catch either
I don't think money is enough to satisfy her tastes... did the Russian even watch anime and obsess over pictures of little cartoon children he thinks are "cute"? He must have had a job so he didn't sit in a basement watching anime and playing video games all day. He was of the internet but not of her world.
There's also the question of her sexuality which doesn't seem entirely conventional or straight. You don't fuck, date and maybe even live with a tranny and play along pretending he's an anime character, call him your wife and make nightcore 'i wish you were a girl" for him and then suddenly want to date a real man again.
I extracted the timestamps from the metadata or other sources and renamed the videos inside mtj-videos mega folder.

[2016-06-10] 25594877.480p.mp4
[2017-10-31] MVI 4447.mp4
[2017-10-31] MVI 6186.mp4
[2019-01-26] 300 subscriberspecial asmr.mp4
[2019-04-01] a story part 1.mp4
[2019-09-13] you hecked yourself for life (= sicko  game over mode ver. 2019 09 13 10 30 19.mp4
[2019-09-13] haiselnet-20190913-0004.mp4
[2019] qna part 1.mp4
[2020-03-31] marky's tour of the farm [RfVsriY5QaM].webm
[2020-10-19] 2013 sadie.mp4
[2020-12-01] VID 39970414 171013 145.mp4
[2021-01-28] MVI 4325.mp4
[2021-04-05] past few years.mp4
[2021-12-02] December 2- 2021.mp4
[2021] 261893113_635851110757676_1987588646007113379_n.mp4

1) I couldn't determine the date of these 2 files:

Can anyone say or guess at least the year?

2) In the video '[2021-04-05] past few years.mp4' marky is hanging out with a man. You can hear him talking at 02:26. Could that be Katelynn?
you're probably right, there's no indication he was a pedro like most her other bfs (sam, azn, brazil, katelynn), despite being a 4chan mod. beggars can't be choosers though, she needed a guy with the financial assets to let her neet for life
dont forget, her brazillian bf claimed to be 'rich' too, in an effort to lure her there initially. he turned out not to be as rich as she was led to beleive. The same could be true of the russian guy. anyone can claim they are rich.
russian guy was clearly rich by the amount of international travel he was doing on a whim along with living in expensive areas. he also paid for her apartment afaik. the question is would he have supported her forever, probably not
I'm a bit confused on the timeline. She had the apt supposedly financed by the russian bf but she cheated on him with shed guy at her mom's house. Did she move back home from the apartment already by then or she would just bring guys back to mom's house to take drugs and have sex?
> couldn't determine the date

Endchan MD5 filenames, I checked my early thread scrapes:
> 659e979db33bc5cef248df799465fc18-videomp4.mp4

> 7fef8436b7f5d71e70be21c342a69de1-videomp4.mp4

> marky is hanging out with a man

Her brother, Hunter (^:

It didn't cross my mind to expect these files to have original upload dates (not in a way I've seen yt-dlp handle them), and can confirm that original farm tour video in that folder was indeed sourced from same re-upload. And for whatever reason creation time is precise up to seconds (unknown time zone), e.g. exiftool shows the following:
> File Name: marky-s tour of the farm.mp4

> Media Create Date: 2020:03:31 07:21:46

NB: filming must have taken place around Christmas 2018, Marky talks about shipping her bikes to Brazil.

Here are the dates for files in alice mir streams folder then:
irl was fun 3$ tts 15$ firesale.mp4
2021:11:15 11:14:07
just horsin’ around tts $3 firesales $15 - first.mp4
2021:11:14 01:52:19
just horsin’ around tts $3 firesales $15 - last.mp4
2021:11:15 02:01:25
just horsin’ around tts $3 firesales $15 - middle.mp4
2021:11:14 14:27:29
mir stream takeover 3$ tts 10$ firesale.mp4
2021:11:15 07:04:25
Newport Rhode Island tts $3 firesales $15.mp4
2021:11:15 00:07:47
Newport Rhode Island tts $3.mp4
2021:11:15 04:52:57
visual novel stream ft. mir.mp4
2021:11:13 09:11:22

For reasons unknown first mega had few filename characters replaced with dashes, e.g. marky-s tour of the farm.mp4 as shown above, stream names had no dollar sign originally or had dash instead (better ask the guy who uploaded them).

Now what's left is to get full instagram archive from someone. And maybe few old twitch streams.
nekoshelf aka katelynn aka justin aka shed guy. she presumably did not know people could still see her last.fm scrobbles after she got caught scrobbling "intimate gay sex" a while back so a couple weeks back she was spotted watching/listening to nekoshelf despite one or both of them putting in a lot of effort doing damage control here about their relationship
I wonder where she is with all the religious iconography on the walls? Same place she was living in those bedroom pics from Feb 2022?
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thumbnail of Blessed Maiden Marky, Queen of Rhode Island.jpg
Blessed Maiden Marky,... jpg
(1.55 MB, 4000x2666)
"Marky" does not exist, someone just made her up, Sam Hyde probably - to punk 4chan nerds, as part of his metamodern comedy tricks. We in turn are compulsively collecting two-dimensional images of a cute girl with big grey eyes as an aftermath.
Maybe I'm in a shitty mood today but I'm feeling very angry at what a shitty friend she's been. I honestly hope there comes a day when she is at her lowest point and needs a friend to reach out to, and NO ONE is there for her. That would be justice.
she'll always have someone to use when she's in need. There's no justice or victory to be had. she has lost, or more accurately she lacks, and for that you should pity her
what she lacks can't be bought, manipulated, coerced, seduced or guilted from another. she cannot even comprehend what it is other than the abense she feels where something should be.
Funny to see orbiters talking as if they intimately knew her and even funnier to see them thinking she owes them communication. You deserve nothing and are detached from reality. She is doing the best thing for herself to NOT stream and NOT engage in this online circle of concentrated degeneracy and cancer. Anyone who deserves communication or friendship from her, or anyone for that matter, would not be involved in this place or engaginng in its associated behaviors.
the circles marky has been a part of are more cancerous and degenerate than this place but you are right she owes no one anything and the other side of that is they owe her nothing.
Try to self reflect instead of coping and fooling yourself that you have any valid insights on someone that, at the end of the day, you do not know outside of your own projections.
I think marky likes the attention she posted here and her last two streams for us were asking for insults. Didn't she only stop streaming because she got into trouble with her mom for the hospital visit and the huge bill for it?
if she's low she'll post another sui poll here and farm buttloads of sympathy from the incels, creeps stalkers and other deplorables here she despises so just like last time
need I remind you she also expected someone from this circle of degeneracy to pay her $2000 for her YouTube channel
If anyone is concerned for her as  a friend, they would not be wishing for her to come back.
why do you feel this way? I dont understand this. She enjoys drawing, playing visual novels, and streaming. we want to support her in those endeavors. Why cant she be more like "Iris" and just have a casual, friendly relationship with her fans? I really dont get that. maybe theres a few bad apples but overwhelmingly, ppl here are her fans and want to support her content.
Marky, honestly, if I was you, at this point you're already know in chans, I would go to surface and do a youtube video speaking about all your traumas cause orbiters and channers and open this opportunity to other girl speak about, this fucking nerds are all here trying to hide from real world
It's not Marky. That isn't  her typing style. It's likely another femanon duscussed here trying to deflect attention from her own thread. Probably the same one who is mass-bumping old threads.
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She is a victim. What is wrong with you guys? She's been exposed since a young age.
Don't come here and say Marky was a whore when she was only 13 or 14 when she started to be on chans; fuck you all, she was a kid influenced by stupid assholes like Sam Hyde; probably she has been abused or something as a child; it's not normal for a child to draw this kind of thing, post nudes, and go to meet a 29-year-old pedophile and accept to have relations with him; all her actions since then show us she was mentally unstable and suffer from something; she put herself in a lot of abusive relationships, and may she was not nice too, but what you all expected from a beautiful girl who was persecuted by a bunch of boys, mands, pedo's, and weirdos the whole life? Imagine how many of orbiters didn't try to reach her in secret by her socials, pretending didn't know her, trying to get close and fucking her head even more when they don't got have they wanto to. She deserves her privacy, the change of being normal, without all that girly goussip you all keep in here. Stop this. She probably hates you all for trying to extract any photos, videos, and information of her. Let her breathe. She fucking needs to deal with the fact she caused all that for herself because she posted on chan for the beginning, even though she was a kid and didn't have guilt on that irresponsable. That's terrifying. Imagine dealing with all that. Your psycho sent her photos to her family, her friends, school. Imagine this humiliatiation. It's amazing she didn't kill herself yet at this point. I would, and I suffer similar with chan but not as here.
In her adult life marky has only been the victim of her own stupid decisions. She plays victim of situations she has happily been a participant in until she changes her mind or things go sour with the person then she changes the story to make herself a victim who was tricked or taken advantage of. like with Sam, the Russian, the Brazilian. It's a pattern she repeats over and over. She was trying to get back with Sam when she returned from Brazil and once he ghosted her she changed her tune on him completely and started speaking out against him.
Fine now proof everything you said, where is the screenshots of all that you knew? or you are just presuming it was like that?
Why should I spoonfeed you when you don't know what you're talking about? There's a screenshot in a past thread of her yalking about planning to be Sam's wife and live on his commune or some shit when she got back to the states and how he was going to help her take legal action against her molester but then Sam ghosted her... Cue the cope from her about how she would have seen sam was bad on her own eventually
She WAS a victim, but she isn't anymore. She is an ABUSER now. 
She literally cheated on each and every partener she has ever had and cut off every single one of her friends for no reason. She refuses to go to therapy and prefers to self-distruct and have sex with trannies in a shed doing acids.
As far as the Brazilian she lived with the guy for what like 3 years and helped him admin masterchan. How much money did she take from the Russian guy. He's a big meanie that lied about his name and age and she cheated on him with a tranny so?
She was talking about a past offer Sam had given to her which she declined. I am assuming the legal advice or offer of help was declined too. There was no change of tune, she was telling someone what Sam offered her.
Where is proof she cheated on every partner? Where is proof she admined Masterchan, let alone AFTER learning she was with a pedophile? She may have been led to believe she was doing something good taking down bad posts for all we know. Where is the proof even he was a pedophile beyond anonymous posts?
Sounded like she was on board with the plans with sam and was expecting his help with the legal situation until he ghosted her, hence why she says she would have seen the light eventually and wasn't thinking clearly because she had just got back from pedoland
Why are you demanding proof when you can't even bother to go back and look at the old marky threads to have even a clue what you're talking about
Where does it say he even ghosted her? There is a lot of "sounded like" in this thread
I am not going to read every thread. I have seen the screenshots mentioned and they don't provide proof of anything I asked.
There is proof of everything you are asking in the precedent threads. It's evident that you know nothing about Marky, but you are defending her regardless, because you are projecting yourself onto her.

Lili is better if you stfu and post more nudes. That's all you are good for.
some weird posts in here today from third world ESL pajeets and vietcong hut dwellers. stop defending her. she is a pedo herself, shes done countless art commissions of lewd and suggestive lolis in the nude or in their little panties
>  >
30348 I'm not projecting; I'm saying is no sense to keep trying to stalk this girl; she started here as a victim; what else she did in her life is not anyone's business; you all claim she was absuive and manipulating, but what are you all doing, you know? You are all saints? You are here on this site because you are a good man who fits in with society. Who the fuck are you all trying to judge someone; at least he knows her past, and what about you or each of your stupid guys that are clamming she's a whore, you are all good? do great things to people? treat your family and partners well? is kind to people? You didn't make any effort to be good, and that's why you return here every day to gossip about a girl that was molested, to judge, to say all these girls use drugs, are whores, and all that.
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thumbnail of marky telling ken about sam hyde.  (1).png
marky telling ken... png
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God I hate you damage control niggers. She had Sam nostalgia when she got back to the US, tried to get back with him, they started talking and making plans then he ghosted her.
stop clout chasing, lili. go back to your own thread and stay there. this doesnt concern you. you know nothing of the situation. dont barge in here talking shit.
ok we all can go to discord use a profile pic of any chan girl here used before and say anyshit we want pretending its her, bastard
It's confirmed to be her in those screenshots. Every happening in Marky's lore has been substantiated by solid and undeniable proof. 

Marky is a whore, a serial cheater, an attention seeker, a drug addict, a pedo enabler, a bad friend, a bad lover and a bad human being, and this is a FACT.
Faggots, looking like little girls group to talk about boys, going here and obsessing over girls and talking about their lives, you all act like fem and hate then, wtf
Fuck you, orbiters didn't cause any traumas to Marky. All we've given her is attention and money (through  donations and art commissions). We are not the ones who raped her and gave her drugs.
I'm inclined to believe the claim that she was threatening ken with posting her address of whatever too especially after we found out the katelynn who was said to have contacted ken was shed guy of marky lore
Markybros, our next operation will be trying to get in contact with applecat (sodr5,orah,sarah) and ask her about katelynn. Let's  go!
think she also went by adornable but yeah she has the goods on katelynn being a groomer (made the callout post on /mu/ saying he helped his friend and notorious pedo spacegiko groom her when she was 14) and on the drama with ken possibly being harassed by marky and katelynn  >>/4052/ and it's very possible she dropped all the katelynn stuff here for us to enjoy

It was always kind of glossed over what happened between marky and ken other than the diabolical Russian pitted them against each other but there was always the rumor marky threatened kennedi. If they really harassed Ken and contacted her exbf to get dirt on her that would be some next level hypocrisy or something right?
> also apparently some girl named katelynn was also following kennedi on her private account and spoke to her ex Chris

A conspiracy woven in a post two years in advance. This could only be the work of that scheming russian
she literally said good riddance i would of came to my senses asnyway and realized i was dumb talking to sam again. she was just trying to go back to how things were before the brazilian.. reading comprehension 101
> sure he rejected me but I wouldn't have wanted him anyway eventually!
kek only a retard would believe that. As an adult she was planning on being Sam's commune wifeslave and accepting his financial assistance, driven by her positive memories of the past they had together. That entire chain of messages does give a good insight into the sort of mental gymnastics marky engages in where she creates these false narratives about past events to make things appear more favorable to her.
It's pretty obvious knowing the full story that Sam lives in markys head rent free and that she was just bitter he ghosted her and moved on with his life
Came to her senses? But after this she sought out another piggy bank in the form of the russian who she went on to also publicly trash and say he took advantage of her. after she cheated on him with a tranny in a shed of course.
Mmmhhhhh, but imagine her sitting on you, grinding her little butt against your crotch, having her tight waist squeezing your cock.
just another piece on the board my friend these fools think in such small terms they can't see the big game unfolding right before their eyes these past years
Don't listen to the haters if you find love hang on to it tightly. It doesn't matter what they call themselves or what they identify as. That doesn't change the person inside that you love. You don't need to hide or be ashamed fly your flag proud girlfriend and love unapologetically!!
Unironically this. People get mad anytime she has sex with someone and/or loves someone. Wouldn’t matter what gender the person is or what they look like. And it definitely doesn’t make a difference in our lives.
tranny thing is whatever she has to carry that with her but what gets me is like what are the odds that the shed guy ends up being another guy accused of being a pedo/groomer? sure it could be a lie it's 4chan posts but really another?? how many times can lightning strike in the same place?
Shed guy is boring same old as the rest I wanna know what brad experienced

he has the appearance of a total normie it must have been a trip
Marky is a larper guys, the sooner you realize that the better.  It’s so funny how everyone thinks that she’s in a dire situation when she’s not.
it could be dire as far as the last time we saw her she was clearly unwell. Looked unhealthy, emotionless and weird even for her, asking for insults and gave herself alcohol poisoning. doing manic behaviors like asking for lots of money for a worthless youtube channel and posting lots of pictures to this board here. i think she's just a sick person so its dire but that's just how it is with her. I think it's been proven by posters here her accounts of events maybe not so reliable
i will wish she figures it out how she see that she likes all the bad things and bad people. something is not working you keep doing it wrong you sick miserable, want to die keep giving yourself to bad perverts but don't say why do I like these places and people maybe a little part is also me even if theyre really bad? maybe im doing bad things too like you think these certain pictures and the guy with dolls is all innocent normal? no I don't think so you have a good brain when you want I know that
Yeah I don't think she's a pedro like I've seen others claim but you look at what she focuses on in her art, you look at some of the types of people she has been connected to and idk I can't put my finger on it but I think she's drawn into that world and attracted to those people even if she isn't one because of what happened to her as a child. I don't think she could be a pedro because in her mind she'll always be the obedient child.
I guess what I'm trying to put my finger on was maybe an attraction to or fetishization of an exploitative dynamic in a sexual relationship due to childhood trauma that manifests in her art and other misc hobbies, social circle and choice of romantic partners in interconnected ways.
this. she's just as much a larper as the "ekat" character (and i wouldn't be surprised if ekat is just an alt). if the only proof for drama is logs without pics, then larping is always more likely
my bet is on marky being ekat, since ekat talks just like a manic marky, and vanishes at length during similar times. the only problem with this theory is that marky seems way too retarded to manage a plausible alt
idk if I believe it's marky but something doesn't add up with the whole thing. the post someone made about ciara being groomed on masterchan just had me curious where the bianca ekat connection came from
i just smoked a big bag of weed and been pondering this whole thing. i think marky is a gay man on the inside. if she could go back in time, shed probably try to transition into a boy when she became a teenager. i think sam fucking her in the butt had a huge impact on her, and since that time she now wants to fuck others in the butt herself and self insert as sam. thqts why she googled 'gay intimate sex' and dated a tranny. she wanted to use a strap on with tranny shed guy and be the boy. she is a gay boy on the inside
same here. the dreams i have are usually pretty wholesome . the other night i had one where i was at summer camp, and marky was there too. and it was the last day of summer camp and everyone was in a big room saying their goodbyes, and marky came up to me (and me only) and said 'it was great meeting you here at summer camp anon, see you around' and everyone was super jealous that she came up to me and said that and no one else. i sat there feeling so happy inside and could hardly contain my joy
dilation is a holy ritual of the markybro. only through dilation may one be called upon for the rite of shed sex and ascend to the plane of enlightenment

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