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> sure he rejected me but I wouldn't have wanted him anyway eventually!
kek only a retard would believe that. As an adult she was planning on being Sam's commune wifeslave and accepting his financial assistance, driven by her positive memories of the past they had together. That entire chain of messages does give a good insight into the sort of mental gymnastics marky engages in where she creates these false narratives about past events to make things appear more favorable to her.
It's pretty obvious knowing the full story that Sam lives in markys head rent free and that she was just bitter he ghosted her and moved on with his life
Came to her senses? But after this she sought out another piggy bank in the form of the russian who she went on to also publicly trash and say he took advantage of her. after she cheated on him with a tranny in a shed of course.
Mmmhhhhh, but imagine her sitting on you, grinding her little butt against your crotch, having her tight waist squeezing your cock.
just another piece on the board my friend these fools think in such small terms they can't see the big game unfolding right before their eyes these past years
Don't listen to the haters if you find love hang on to it tightly. It doesn't matter what they call themselves or what they identify as. That doesn't change the person inside that you love. You don't need to hide or be ashamed fly your flag proud girlfriend and love unapologetically!!
Unironically this. People get mad anytime she has sex with someone and/or loves someone. Wouldn’t matter what gender the person is or what they look like. And it definitely doesn’t make a difference in our lives.
tranny thing is whatever she has to carry that with her but what gets me is like what are the odds that the shed guy ends up being another guy accused of being a pedo/groomer? sure it could be a lie it's 4chan posts but really another?? how many times can lightning strike in the same place?
Shed guy is boring same old as the rest I wanna know what brad experienced

he has the appearance of a total normie it must have been a trip
Marky is a larper guys, the sooner you realize that the better.  It’s so funny how everyone thinks that she’s in a dire situation when she’s not.
it could be dire as far as the last time we saw her she was clearly unwell. Looked unhealthy, emotionless and weird even for her, asking for insults and gave herself alcohol poisoning. doing manic behaviors like asking for lots of money for a worthless youtube channel and posting lots of pictures to this board here. i think she's just a sick person so its dire but that's just how it is with her. I think it's been proven by posters here her accounts of events maybe not so reliable
i will wish she figures it out how she see that she likes all the bad things and bad people. something is not working you keep doing it wrong you sick miserable, want to die keep giving yourself to bad perverts but don't say why do I like these places and people maybe a little part is also me even if theyre really bad? maybe im doing bad things too like you think these certain pictures and the guy with dolls is all innocent normal? no I don't think so you have a good brain when you want I know that
Yeah I don't think she's a pedro like I've seen others claim but you look at what she focuses on in her art, you look at some of the types of people she has been connected to and idk I can't put my finger on it but I think she's drawn into that world and attracted to those people even if she isn't one because of what happened to her as a child. I don't think she could be a pedro because in her mind she'll always be the obedient child.
I guess what I'm trying to put my finger on was maybe an attraction to or fetishization of an exploitative dynamic in a sexual relationship due to childhood trauma that manifests in her art and other misc hobbies, social circle and choice of romantic partners in interconnected ways.
this. she's just as much a larper as the "ekat" character (and i wouldn't be surprised if ekat is just an alt). if the only proof for drama is logs without pics, then larping is always more likely
my bet is on marky being ekat, since ekat talks just like a manic marky, and vanishes at length during similar times. the only problem with this theory is that marky seems way too retarded to manage a plausible alt
idk if I believe it's marky but something doesn't add up with the whole thing. the post someone made about ciara being groomed on masterchan just had me curious where the bianca ekat connection came from
i just smoked a big bag of weed and been pondering this whole thing. i think marky is a gay man on the inside. if she could go back in time, shed probably try to transition into a boy when she became a teenager. i think sam fucking her in the butt had a huge impact on her, and since that time she now wants to fuck others in the butt herself and self insert as sam. thqts why she googled 'gay intimate sex' and dated a tranny. she wanted to use a strap on with tranny shed guy and be the boy. she is a gay boy on the inside
same here. the dreams i have are usually pretty wholesome . the other night i had one where i was at summer camp, and marky was there too. and it was the last day of summer camp and everyone was in a big room saying their goodbyes, and marky came up to me (and me only) and said 'it was great meeting you here at summer camp anon, see you around' and everyone was super jealous that she came up to me and said that and no one else. i sat there feeling so happy inside and could hardly contain my joy
dilation is a holy ritual of the markybro. only through dilation may one be called upon for the rite of shed sex and ascend to the plane of enlightenment

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