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he probably got two sentences into his explanation about marky and the lawyer said wtf are you doing go no contact with this girl
> white supremacist larper hand sign
> fucks mutts, pedos and trannies
Juding by how she was still stalking his fishtank appearances 4 years later I'd say it doesnt feel good
It makes sense she would be watching those videos to see what fishtank was. Her name was mentioned in nearly every fishtank thread by people trying to use her to take down Sam. It is not outright indicative of her feelings towards him. Let's not forget she was the one who broke up with him.
> the lawyer said wtf are you doing go no contact with this girl
This. His lawyer knows that BPD girls ruin men with false rape accusations every other week and they are to be avoided like the plague.
It wasn't Sam who raped her. It was consensual with him and if I'm not mistaken, the AOC is 16 in Rhode Island. She was raped before than that as a kid.
she was watching videos specifically where Sam shows up though. sure she loves to put out there that she broke up with Sam and how horrible he was to her but reality is she wanted to get back together with him 3 years later and then she got ghosted and got bitter.
I have still yet to see her saying she wanted to get back with him and my point still stands, it makes sense she would be intetested in fishtank, she was mentioned in practically every thread.
lmao she said in her own words she hit sam up when she got back from brazil and was talking to him about being his captive housewife and living on his commune. My point still stands she was watching clips of sam not just fishtank. stop coping and accept that much of the sam narrative was a lie
What lies? After being "captive" in Brazil for 3 years it would unfortunately make sense she would try to escape to a similar situation but in her own words realized it was wrong thinking.
she wasn't captive at all and she didn't realize anything she got ghosted and found the Russian to take care of her in short order. you can understand why she tried to get back with Sam but she still did.
How did the Russian take care of her? According to both her and Kennedi he was a psychopathic compulsive liar that played them both like fiddles
He paid for an apartment for her. If he did that I'm sure he was paying for other things. She was also said to have offered shed guy a trip to see his friend in Australia on the russian's dime. Sorry dude I can't continue to explain common marky knowledge because you're doing damage control
This thread is hilarious. Anons so detached from reality they cannot tell the difference between two different people, then in the same breath thinking they have a say on events and people they do not know besides scraps of screenshots and gossip. Do you guys have hobbies besides pining over some whore in her late 20s that isn't even active on the intetnet? Go get another hobby for the love of god. You will thank yourself in the future.
It's him. It was taken from his twitter or something and posted on /mu/ like a decade ago. He also used to larp as a 12 years old girl for years.
This dude is a faggot pedophile.
its a pic of her injuries after her second car crash that she was so proud to share about how cool it was she totalled her second car in a mere month, literally flushing orbiter money down the toilet that helpd fund her second car. evil witch.
She probably gave you your money's worth by giving you more reason to bitch and complain about girls you will never know or have. Sonething you love so much to do. Thanks Marky!
not sure if you're a butthurt roastoid projecting yourself onto marky and getting upset or a 4d chess orbiter trying to instigate even more marky discussion by arguing and denying everything
It's the first one. She types like a woman and her poorly executed LARPs show how she doesn't understand at all the reason why we orbit and obsess over girls on the internet.
Has anyone managed to get their request accepted by Applecat on Twitter (https://twitter.com/adornoable) ?
If the person who bought her 'when they cry higurashi' figures set for 1k off depop is here among us, please come forward.
nah shes still beautiful. hasnt aged much. very good genetics. what is sad, however, is that mentally and emotionally i think she is exactly the same now as she was then. she is mentally/emotionally stunted with autism.
Femanon, give us one good reason to stop orbiting Marky and talking about what we like. I will hear you out if you make any sense.
she looks older and sad and she tries to look like a boy now that she's immersed herself in LGBTism. If she took care of herself and wore flattering feminine clothing she'd look good
This. She doesn't have autism. Her childish behavior is probably due to sexual abuse as a child and minor mental retardation.
not current but I find kennedi to be prettier, classier, smarter, and more authentic than marky. no wonder she was so jealous of sweet ken
The way you make Ken out to be a perfect human being is creepy and unhealthy.
She also frequently said she doesn't want people to do that to her.

> in every respect
The only thing Marky clearly has going for her is her big bazookas, even though Ken is fine being slim too.
Does no one know how bianca met ekat? I'd really like to know how she she started talking with an associate of marky's russian boyfriend especially since I've seen ekat blamed indirectly for bianca's death
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As looney troons dilate their cranial holes,
Inanely pursuing gossip in woes;
I dove into past to unearth little gem,
Take it, my brethren —
	— spread it on your bread like heavenly jam.
What's mine is now yours, shall be from now on.
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Marky archives on ENDCHAN DOT NET

Old picture collections
Marky.rar  >>/25646/
Album pa2i7 - Imgur.zip  >>/25615/
Marky-secret-stash.7z  >>/30878/

haiselnet  >>/27484/

Twitch clips
mirmeat  >>/29337/
haisel  >>/29342/

Youtube channels
mir / mirrr  >>/29654/ +  >>/30101/ +  >>/29432/

Mitomo7/Dropofcandy  >>/29334/

May 2023 Youtube streams
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i [CMhVZ-aoq6s].mkv  >>/28090/ + chat log  >>/28092/
mir_read description_2023-05-06.mp4  >>/29663/
ABSOLUTELY BASED. Thanks archivist anon, your contributions are greatly appreciated.
Now let's wait for the other anon to share his instaloader Haiselnet zip.
This should be added to OP in the next thread.
Markygods are the best. Everybody in this godforsaken website should take example from them and start sharing their shit and not act like stingy mfers.
Remember that sharing is caring.
very disrespectful to marky to share these after she reported the last ones. Clearly she would like to separate herself from her internet past and doesn't want the attention why are you making things hard for her to move on with life?
well she wont stream so theres no new content for us to enjoy, therefore we can only subsist of treasure troves of old material like this. if she was a good girl and started streaming again we wouldnt have too resort to this. so in a way, shes forcing us to do this :(
I found it amusing when she self posted here at the beginning of the summer and one of the selfies was a nose bleed pic. 26 and still trying to replicate her teenage infamy
Or just reoccurring symptoms of having a deviated septum with chronic nosebleeds, something she has admitted to numerous times
It's also amusing how she started posting ass pictures and saying NIGGER NIGER NIGGER just because nobody was paying attention to her kek
Interesting. I didn't know a deviated septum caused you to post pictures on the internet for attention because you still have the brain of a child and think nosebleeds make you look cool like you did when you were 16
I'm sure when she posts nosebleed pics she doesn't intend for anyone to make a connection to the nosebleed pic with Sam Hyde or anything... It was a traumatic experience not something she was proud of!
hey, i'm the guy who said she posted the pics on discord first and, like last time, the person you're replying to is not me
i actually browse these threads to see if you still think about me too, you know
that's funny you were such a retard that one time you think someone is referring to you if they call someone damage control tard
I wasn't talking to you. There is a new DCT (Damage Control Tard) in Marky's thread. 
Is it a woman projecting her experience onto Marky or a crazy orbiter trolling and fueling the discussion about her? We don't know. What we know is that we got our new schizo. Ken general has essayposter and we have DCT.
100% false. How do I know this? I invited her personally several times and spoke to her in it, although she was only there briefly.
if there was attention to be had and/or people mentioning her name she was there. safest bet in the world
look just trust me on this one...I dont really want to reveal who I am, but i talked to her on other platforms at the time outside of discord, ok? insta, twitter, etc. and i wrote a bunch of poetry and a short story about her in sheep and posted it, and told her about it, and she asked me to invite her to the server so she could read it. Then she came and stayed for like a day. choose to beleive that or dont, idc. god will hold you accountable for being a truth denyer
She was in sheep village for a day, and during that time declared she let a dog eat nutalla off of her genitals? Cool story bro.
Everyone ITT, whether they are defending or smearing, have been extensively trolled. Thanks for the shit show.
perhaps normie brad and the russian but neither of those lasted long did they and she cheated on the russian with shed guy who does have pedo claims against him
More displays of nonexistent self awareness. Do you think you are any better than these characters? You are a part of a community dedicated to stalking and sexualizing teenage girls as young as 12. Your peers are the likes of Seymour and Michael, if you are not them yourself. Hilarious hypocrisy.
> y-youre like these random people because I said so!
lmao no and why are you here? this is the egirl drama and gossip board. To be the arbiter of decency and good morals? No you just have an agenda that leads to you blatantly lying in a (very shitty) effort to damage control for marky specifically. Now why is that?
Cope and seethe pedos, faggots, and virgins. You will die alone and no one will ever love and cherish you. Your absence from this world will be a net positive.
Funny how the accusations of pedophilia come from a girl who intentionally lies about her age online to attract pedophiles and satisfy her disturbed pedo-enabling kinks. Very funny.
DCT istigates me to find more pictures of marky and to post them here just to make him seethe
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You fools are all being manipulated so easily... DCT is actually a secret agent and a puppet under the control of someone else.
Every piece is moving exactly as he predicted 4 years ago... I can't believe how naive we've been... all this time...
Call me crazy but I strongly believe that Andrei will actually return in Marky's saga at some point and he will surprise us with some 4d Chess-player 280IQ moves.
Why was she watching dozens of tranny rekts on /gif/, after "fappable women rekts" ? Did she masturbate on all of that?
Because Marky is a lolilocon and she herself drew some loli porn too. She is just trying to recreate her perverted fantasies IRL.
Marky is mentally ill and most likely doesn't know what she actually wants long-term. She also doesn't understand what makes a good man.
It's the case for most e-girls.
> INB4 DCT comes back and tells us that we should be ashamed of spreading these false rumours
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These were Marky's goal in 2012.
I don't know how old she was back then, I guess 14 or 15? I don't really keep up with birthdays of e-girls.
But anyway, she probably had a disposition for mental illness before it truly started and her online interactions only made things worse. A ton of people with mental illnesses actually have chemical imbalances and if that goes untreated for long enough, plus being exposed to discord pedos early on fucks their shit up.
They turn into what can only be described as "nonfunctional".
Happens to guys too, except they shoot up a school or rape somebody.
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Sorry Markybros but when I found these pictures I couldn't refrain from doing a little trolling. I thought it was quite evident kek.
Enjoys these nice rares.

Thank you DCT for instigating me.
Two days after she posted her milky jugs on 4chonge on Christmas day of 2013. Main body of ED article [1] is inconsistent and contains multiple spelling errors like it was written by a 14 year-old. There are no surviving /b/ archives from that era [2]. No threadshots of first Marky threads seem to exist.

[1] https://web.archive.org/web/20170527153941/https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Marky_Thompson
[2] https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/4chan

I tried piecing it together images I had at my disposal. Stylistically order doesn't make sense in few places, but I tried matching descriptions. Only one image contains the following timestamp
> 2013:12:25 14:10:04
Interesting. Who she was talking to in that FB screenshot?

> "I just happened to be the lucky one you decided to light afire"
I've been browsing 4chan for so many years, but never checked out anything but /v/ and /tv/.
I wonder how much shit I would have gotten myself involved in if I was browsing boards like /r9k/ and /soc/ back in 2014 or earlier.

It was most definitely for the better I never did though.
Good work on piecing together that timeline. So she did start it off by posting nudes and wasn't pressured into it like some people say. I think not enough anons know that she did cam sessions after this like she intimated she'd be willing to do and sent private pics to some anons too.
The "We meet again /b/..." timestamp pic has to be from the next day. The time is 9:40 AM as you can see from the light coming in from the windows. Also makes more sense with "meeting again".
its so crazy isnt it, how those 2 fateful days back in xmas of 2013, changed the trajectory of her entire life. if i had a time machine the very first thing id do would not be to stop hitler , or undo jfk assasination, it would be to go back to that very xmas night in 2013 and block 4chan from her computer so that her tits would never be seen by all of mankind
I don't think that stopping her from posting her tits on 4chan would have changed the trajectory of her life.
Perhaps preventing her sexual abuse as a kid would have made the difference, but we don't know for sure.
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Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
You were caught on the crossfire of childhood and stardom,
Blown on the steel breeze.
Come on you target for faraway laughter,
Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!
You reached for the secret too soon, you cried for the moon.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Threatened by shadows at night, and exposed in the light.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Well you wore out your welcome with random precision,
Rode on the steel breeze.
Come on you raver, you seer of visions,
Come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!
in another more exciting timeline... 

the car tumbled along the snowy banks and came to rest upside down next to a tree. marky was knocked unconscious. she came to as she lay upside down, blood dripping from her head where she sustained heavy injuries. she glanced around to see the car leaking oil and smoke beginning to billow around her. the car was becoming engulfed in flames and would soon explode! she struggled to get loose from her seatbelt so she could escape through a window, but she could not move. she was trapped. she felt the hot fire beginning to close in on her. this was the end; she would be burned alive. suddenly tinder chad appears and begins to rip the door off its hinges to rescue her
I like more the timeline where she repents for being a shitty person and a horrible friend in her last moments just before the car explodes.
Yes but to be fair she probably believes her own fictitious versions of events since her sense of reality is completely warped by borderline personality disorder
that's funny she briefly tried dating a childhood friend when she got back from Brazil then was like actually nahhhh I liked dating internet pedos better
> briefly tried dating a childhood friend
kek who sam? I wonder how brad felt learning his childhood sweetheart was trying to get back with sam hyde and then went on to get a russian sugar daddy after him
I get depressed every time I admit to myself that her path and mine will never intersect. I was not lucky enough to live in her neighborhood and be her childhood playmate; I did not go to grade school with her and play hopscotch on the playground with her or use the jungle gym after her; I didnt attend high school with her and sit next to her in english class; i'll never get to live down the hall from her in the college dorms in alaska and see her eating in the dining hall with charlie. Her life will always be separate from mine, and it hurts.
it's like stopping to help someone broken down on the side of the road but they're actually a gypsy who robs you and steals your car. all part of the hustle
oh my, there is genuinely no way this is real, its too funny to be
> films (sweets for the eyes and mind)
> salo, or the 120 days of sodom

> love life as one awfully big adventure  (chillingly prophetic)
>  Ciara and Samuel (sam) in "names i adore"
it appears that way but this was in between coming back from brazil, trying to get back together with sam hyde and getting together with a russian 4chan mod so how happy was she really? Brad mcnormie probably lasted a couple weeks before marky couldn't keep up the illusion anymore. she doesn't want a normie relationship she wants degeneracy, someone as fucked up as herself so she can later claim she was a victim of abuse or mistreatment.
no guy has a chance anyway she is still obsessed with Sam Hyde so the second he decides to reclaim what is his it's curtains
Don’t you think he would have done so by now? What is he waiting for she’s pushing 30. His Asian gf is younger than Marky
I do wonder if Sam has forgotten her existence or if he has followed the developments of her life with a sense of pity and slight responsibility. he probably wanted to help her but ghosted her out of necessity after realizing she couldn't be helped and trying so would only destroy him
He definitely hasn’t forgotten. His detractors still comment about her on everything he posts online. He has moved on though.
Times running out, marky. consider latching onto someone and settling down, and SOON. your looks are all you have to coast on, and they are fading fast with each passing month. In a few years , it will be too late and no one will find you desirable anymore and youll be a destitute lonely old cat lady. Your only choices are orbiters or maybe a wealthy older man (sugardaddy), but the window is closing fast. dont delude yourself and think "ill just hold out for love". no, you wont, that ship has left the port. its gone. The only guys left in their late 20's are divorced dudes with multiple children and very mentally ill men with no social skills. thats the pool you must choose from, or remain alone forever. tik tok, marky :)
She was asking to be insulted.

I was in that stream and he only started insulting her after she gave attention to some guy that was insulting her.
Crazy she can make a living without even whoring herself online.
Too many weak men with money to waste.
> too many weak men with money to waste
> make a living
living with your parents and being miserable isn't a living but in theory she could do that it I guess
Giving ewhores money is pathetic but let's not pretend marky is any better. The only time she has lived somewhere other than her parents has been due to men taking care of her and as an adult she couldn't even handle driving, a responsibility handed to most children at the age of 16, yet she carelessly destroyed two cars in a month.
I can't believe she waster how Manu years living in Brazil, she got nothing done in that time other than some "art" for a game that who knows what happened to.
Makes sense. She is basically a dumb child that has sexual perversions and learned to use sex to manipulate as a result of being molested. She has always had a safety net of simps and her parents to fall back on so she's never had to learn from her mistakes, get help or live better and her ego would prevent that anyway.
does anyone know more about the russian? out of all the marky bfs, there seems to be the biggest information gap over him, not even a single pic. is he even real, or just is being used as a diversionary character?
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marky's dollman friend got permabanned from 4chan for posting ch*ld porn
he has a twitter, could anyone check if marky could be following him? I don't have an account. https://twitter.com/syrupydeath
it's amazing all this drama with him took place online yet no pictures have surfaced. he really got in and out of marky undetected it's kind of imoressive
Anyone that has even a slight familiarity with markys art knows what her favorite subject matter is. Don't worry though there is nothing sexual about it for her unlike Nick and others like him. she just enjoys the wholesome and cute aura of anime loli
not at all it's a shame marky can't find like minded individuals who just appreciate cuteness instead she keeps getting tangled up with pedophiles it's just not fair!
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Dollman got banned for posting multiple tiktok links. Can't link that here obviously but they're models of age 10-13 from Brazil dancing in skimpy clothes.
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on a side note, not really relevant to Marky, excuse me for it but the archived.moe admin seems to purge every AI thread now because they got warnings and their servers are based in Germany. 
Lot of archived threads have been deleted for good.
i'm sure the hellenistic egyptians had an appreciation for cunny, like all great civilizations. those scrolls were probably filled with it. nick is a true artist, one who advances human intellect and understanding, and whose work forms the basis of an enlightened culture. he will be written about centuries from now. leonardo da vinci, michael angelo, nick feldman.
mr dollman,
its an honor to meet you. im curious, was it you who bought her nice dolfie doll off of depop? if so can we see a picture of it?
What happens when someone figures out who she is and then your friends and family think you're a pedophile by association? I suppose if they think that about you anyway you have nothing to lose. You're only showing them old pictures of her right?
somehow I don't think it's a good idea to keep photos of a demon and use the photos in order to decieve. she is probably using the photos as a conduit to influence you and drain your psychic energy anon
If I didn't post demon awareness or pretended they didn't exist they still would. It's not that simple. Acknowledging the existence of a demon or speaking about the various ways in which they feed does not necessarily provide the demon with sustenance. Generally, revealing the true nature of things is anti-demon since they operate on many layers of deception and coercion. Truth burns them like holy flame from god himself.
If I was exposed on this site for creating multiple false narratives to cover up being a lying cheating manipulating whore who covorts with pedophiles and other miscellaneous groomers I bet I would find this site demonic too
cope demontard
why do BPDemons expect automatic praise from everyone and then when someone dares speak the truth about them they start throwing shit at the wall like stalker, pedo, incel, etc. They want to be talked about, they just don't believe anything negative should be allowed.
idk, i dont think this site is bad and nor are the ppl on it. a lot of good people come here who are lonely, depressed, and have hard lives. victims and outcasts who are unloved. but we deserve love, dont we?
uh but didn't you know it's full of 
STALKERS (people who don't worship me) and pedos (well just the doll guy and the cp spammer but...)
The only people who find this place demonic are the BPDemons discussed here. Even normal women would agree that spreading awareness on these subjects is the right thing to do.
Those with borderline personality disorder should all be forced to enter a registry and by law. Potential partners should be informed before engaging with them.
They're heartless, soul sucking monsters. They're evil.
Real question. Has anyone here ever had a good experience with a girl diagnosed with BPD? Are they even able to love?
Impossible in the long term they're at best like wild animals that have learned human "tricks" to get what they want, at worst they're literal demons. Either way they're not "people" in the way non bpds are
> Can they love?
They can't. I've seen it and experienced it first hand, and none of it was real. My ex was a vicious, manipulative BPD slut and I wish that I never met her.
She never really loved me or cared about me, she idealised me, and then after a while she discarded me. I never mattered to her, either. I know I loved her, and I know that she didn't love me.
I saw her behavior, I heard her worthless words. At the time I thought it was all genuine, that was before she eroded away all my self esteem and every quality I had.
She didn't behave in a kind and loving manner towards me because it's what she felt for me, she behaved like that because it's what she thought I wanted. That is not love. That's mirroring. There's nothing genuine about it, it's purely manipulative behavior. I'll never believe anything but that, and I'll never trust a woman with BPD again.
I can relate. My ex was diagnosed both with bpd and borderline, borderpolar and all sort of other disorders. It was hell. I had no idea people could be this evil. Still traumatized from it.
marky just neeeds a man with patience and understanding who will love her unconditionally. if she cheated on me id just say 'marky , how did i fail you? what did i , as a man, do wrong to cause you to cheat on me?" then we'd patch things up and id forgive her
lol retard you thought people were honest, acted in good faith and have some kind of foundation for their personality and morals???
If you act like that, she will lose interest in you in a day. They are attracted to abusive and toxic groomers who degrage them, not loving and caring husbands. They choose relationships and parters that are dysfunctional so that they can blame the other when it ends. They literally need a persecutory object in order to transfer the guilt of abuse onto them.
Samuel Sam Hyde Marky Jane Thompson Fish Tank Democratic Party Intimate Gay Sex 12 Rods LSD Shed Guy Sex Molestation Uncle Apple Cat Andrei Kennedi Rhode Island Providence Nippah Alice Crash Dolls Nick Lara Ciara Bianca Masterchan
Plenty of decent people have been molested btw jic any1 thinks being molested is excuse to be a dumb bitch
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um guys.. I just realized im in a server with that ekat person! holy shit. I dont know all the lore , but what should I dm and ask this person? It has to be the same person right?
Wow is that the person that literally got bianca murdered by encouraging her to cheat on that incel? I guess I'd ask ask if marky introduced her and Andrei to Bianca?
Yeah sure I know some molestation victims turn into pedophiles but not me you see I only make cute art of young girls that's borderline sexually suggestive and totally not pedophilic and date pedophiles on occasion even when I've been forwarned they're pedophiles but as a former victim of molestation by a pedophile I completely RESENT the implication that I myself could be a pedophile. How dare you sirs! Do you know how much I suffered when I lived with that pedophile for 3 years and had sex with him and helped him moderate his imageboard masterchan and how many cunny threads I had to look at? I fucking HATE pedophiles and that's why I have done everything in my power to befriend and have sex with every single god damned pedophile I have had the honor or meeting.
yeah I'm pretty serious about art been doing it my whole life here is my latest work "young anime child in underwear looking embarrassed and ashamed" what do you think?
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Quel savio gentil, che tutto seppe, disse per confortarmi: "Non ti noccia la tua paura; ché, poder ch'elli abbia, non ci torrà lo scender questa roccia."
Question for anyone ITT seething: were you ghosted, dumped, or rejected? I can't imagine getting this butt blasted over some e girl lmao
Why exactly are you here on the egirl drama and gossip board, on the marky thread specifically always seething when people post about her? Are you marky, someone who knows her or just a good samaritan?
the same ekat that was responsible for the death of bianca? friends with the russian who tricked marky and shed guy into bullying sweet kennedi? Someone needs to stop these villains!
I'm not upset though. This thread is bumped to the front page constantly with a number of schizo and angry posts that the other e girl threads cannot match. That's why I asked. I could care less about Marky personally.
yes, ekat is super bonkers and pretty smart, so people dming her should just be careful against giving her any doxxable info. still would be surprised if contacting her yields anything
Plenty of schizo activity and drama in other threads it's kind of the norm and what to do expect exactly itt? People say bad things about marky because she's an objectively bad person for many reasons and given her schizo behavior herself, including the posts here and the streams, it's only natural she attracts attention from schizos and other gawkers as she has been doing for a decade now. For some posters it could be personal marky does seem to make a lot of enemies and she posts here herself so why not? Glad I could catch you up to speed newfag.
yes please be careful these russians are super genius spies don't get in over your head they might make you do things against your will
it's true I tried to message Andrei once and before I knew what was happening he was flying to the states to fuck me and pay my rent
Andrei was real, they dated, sexed and he lied about his name and age. I think the larp begins where she cheats on the russian and then blames him and ekat for the things her and katelynn were doing to harass kennedi. trying to pin Bianca's death on ekat was a stretch too and how was bianca even talking to ekat? Was she another sad case like ciara of idolizing the wrong person?

I wouldn't be surprised if ekat was a marky/katelynn larp as least in part
ekat is clearly a separate person, i just think a lot of her involvement in this saga is a larp by other people. i don't think ekat is a super galaxy brain manipulator, it's more likely it's just another average bitchy egirl
I'd like to know what the russians said to marky to turn her against ken that lead to her supposedly threatening to post ken's address and katelynn trying to get dirt from ken's exbf. if it's true that's pretty nasty. what could the russians have told marky or could ken have done herself to justify such bullying actions?
it was probably not the russian, but katelynn, who has a documented beef inside kennedi's circles, about applecat and such. the russian seems completely detached from the /mu/ stuff, so there' no motive there
It was said back then she had threatened to and also there is this post about marky and katelynn harassing ken from two years ago  >>/4054/

Them making amends isn't surprising they likely bonded over mutual hate of the russian and marky spun it to blame him for everything she did to ken and made herself into a victim as usual.
> I only threatened you because Boris and Natasha told me you were threatening me!
that easy
they made "amends" but ken didn't forgive and forget what they did to her. she was just smarty about it.
There is no reason to believe that baseless claims by orbiters are true without proof. This is literally hearsay from some anon 2 or 3 years ago in a Ken thread saying they heard about something Marky said from an old friend of Ken's who none of us know anything about, from the same time period a schizo was on the loose in Ken threads and made her leave social media for good. 

With that said, Ken and Marky WERE turned against each other before they figured out the Russian was a compulsive liar. And this Katelynn guy IS involved with Marky and DOES have some kind of past with Ken from before that somehow since Ken's confirmed old friend has beef with him being a pedo enabler. But I don't know how the Russian or Ekat ties into that. Sometimes it seems like the old friend of Ken's popped into the thread to rant about the Katelynn guy and cause drama.
No I am just an anon. You are right it is as verifiable as fanfiction. One could speculate about what ken and applecat may have done but no one will prove it or retaliate for it.
katelynn contacting Ken's exbf fits with the dramabully applecat described. So that didn't happen and marky didn't threaten to dox ken... then what exactly was the drama that happened between them? How did they turn against each other and what did they do as a result of that?
Ken confirmed years ago while panicking because of a schizo guy on /mu/ that the Russian guy turned her and Marky against each other and wrote out a list of things he lied to them about. Basically was telling Marky fake stories about ken and telling Ken fake stories about Marky. It was one of the few times she actually posted on 4chan.
Shut up faggot, that can't even be considered bestiality. There's no penetration or molestation, just a playful dog cleaning up his clumsy owner who stained herself on the wrong place by accident while naked.
It can happen to everybody. It happened to marky too, or are you implying that marky molests dogs?
> this is beastiality that's pedophilia blahblahblah
why do some people have to take cute innocent things and try to twist them into being perverse. stop projecting your own sick thoughts onto others
why are you guys still trying to establisho the loser totem pole? i think we’re all pretty fucked if we’re at angsty orbiter HQ in the first place. just have fun appreciating the culture of stalker society without attacking eachother and/or marky senselessly lol
It's mostly the glasses tbh. She looked good even after the excessive drinking and insomnia on stream when she took her glasses off. Not sure why she wears that shit. Maybe it's like a hijab, to keep us orbiters uninterested in her?
between the way she's dressing herself, the scrobbling intimate gay sex and the like, fucking trannies etc I think she could be trying to make herself as unappealing as possible
now that I think about it marky isn't very smart instead of thinking a step ahead she thinks like 20 steps behind so more likely she looks and behaves unappealing just because she is.
oh god, so much info
> marky has a nude set from 2019
> ekat is a man
> marky fucked ekat
> shed guy used to ERP as an anime character and wear black stockings
> seymour is still obsessed with marky
> while marky is still obsessed with sam

what else am I missing?
reality is funnier and sadder than any fanfiction could ever hope to be
I hope someone leaks the nude set just to make Seymour seethe and realize that how stupid he was to pay that russian for such a ridiculous promise.
Anyone who has interacted with Topper for more than 30 seconds would know he is an unreliable source of information, but have fun with your jerkoff fantasies.
He knew about the modeling nude set before seymour mentioned it. What he says it's likely true. And shed guy  cosplaying as an anime girl matches with the Urabe stuff the anon pointed out long time ago. It can't be a coincidence.
Am I the only one who is team Seymour? 
He loves her more than his life even knowing how disgusting she is.
I hope the old man will make it one day.
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I suffer from PTSD after being raped/beaten dozens of times in my childhood. 
every fucking morning i wake up with that shit on my mind, and this feeling as if someone had died, as if something terrible had happened and I had witnessed it, this feeling continues for the rest of the day until I came home at night, to have more nightmares and wake up suddenly in the middle of the night, thinking about death and destiny, and how my life has no possible solution

I know that she was not raped, no one can live happily after that. she is probably lying to justify her behavior,

at least her beautiful face has served to me as a paleative, as a placebo for my mind, so I don't have my mind full of shit all the time (I cannot be alone with my mind, in silence)
Thry say "modeling nude set". Seems something professional or semi-professional. I wonder why she accepted to do such a thing, considering that in 2019 she already had the russian paypig providing for her.
Everyone processes trauma differently, sorry that happened to you but you are more miserable because you think feeling that you suffer more than random people you see makes you more virtuous. It doesn’t.
can someone give the qrd on who this topper is and his history with marky? Also whoever posted this you should ask yum if he has or knows where to find the marky and russian photo
He's just an orbiter marky played wow with and that was 2 and a half years ago. He never dated her and he doesn't have the nude set.
he has the set it's some artsy fartsy thing looks like some art college project. One of the pictures was marky and the blonde girl (her roommate?) sitting down nude asses facing the camera
just a disgruntled orbiter. he played wow with her every day for months, when she moved back from brazil. he thought he was on track to be her next bf. then she met the russian and started to ghost him, and he became very schitzo and angry  and has been bitter ever since
> gets proven wrong
> yeah well you're just bitter now let me sling shit,cry and reply to myself to damage control and cope more
lmao no refunds
Why the resolution of the pics you posted is so low then? If they are from a set, even if cropped, they should have much higher res.
Sorry guys I lied I don't have the full set someone just sent me those cropped photos and she isn't even nude in any of the pictures from what my sources tell me
I know this  >>/32239/ is a larp, but that's likely what is happening. 
His friend or the russian sent him these cropped screenshots to him over discord or instagram (which compressed the images) before he could buy them. And he's posting them to prove that he has the set when he actually didn't buy it.
It means that you paid good money for something that can be duplicated infinitely so the list of people who have this set for FREE will only continue to grow
Usually photos from sets have are at least 2k-4k. The screens he posted are not even 1080p. This guy is either lying or doing something very VERY wrong to the pictures.
I admit it this was a fun joke, but I still find it weird that the picture is only 838x900 (not even 1080p), like the precedent cropped pic. I think you have been scammed or something.
did the madman andrei really get $700 and then distribute the pictures anyway? do not even message this man unless you're a mensa tier galaxy brain or he will play you
this is the first time posting in this thread, im just tired of seymour publicly dragging my name through the mud because he's so envious, if you wana know more just add me on discord. she was paid 300$ by the photographer for this big set of her nudes.. he worked at some college and is around 70 years old + yes only 300$
also i wana make it clear i did not leak ANY photos or even crops, but seymour decided to bring my name up yet again so i'ma tell you nigga the truth, he's seething because he can't comprehend the seller gave the set to other ppl. i hope the seller actually does leak the full thing
Well, if this is just a troll, it's a really well made one, because frankly I was feeling quite sick that there are (fake) markybros, who use our memes and then act as greedy leeches. 
The real markybros share everything they have, as me and many others did. Instead this dude is just leeching from us and enjoying our memes while sharing nothing.
Thankfully it was just a troll.
Look him up he is from Newport, Rhode Island. His site is full of similar shots. The old man is a master of getting dumb women to disrobe for some pennies and attention.
its not a troll, me and seymour and the seller have the pictures, they were before AI was even a thing. theres sets of her with her roommate at the time whom allegedly shes not friends with that girl anymore because she fucked her boyfriend while she was at work. she is a legit farm girl working on a farm so im not gona give her info out but the seller showed me her website .. im only telling you faggots this because seymour is a huge faggot who cant keep his mouth shut about me and i know this is the thing that makes him seethe the worst, i dont even browse here, somebody had to link it to me last night
mostlikely a seller or reseller, not me or seymour that is for certain.. im just waiting for them to contact me to sell me some extra pics or something that he withheld
btw so all of you know, i never was obsessed with her, the seller contacted me like a year ago to sell me these then he got pissed at seymour for telling marky so he doxxed seymour and showed me the full sets which drove seymour into a damage control mode, i was super close to marky for a year and he seethes about it... this is why i know everything about her we used to ERP im not hiding it anymore since seymour is being a total faggot and has no sense of "brocode"
i wont be typing here anymore, so anyone who acts like me is lying. if you want to contact me im available on discord, i never type here because its full of stalkers and guys who cant get info themselves, i literally had to babyfeed you dumb shits. i wont be visiting this website again so yea discord
God, Marky, why. I don't care and I don't think anyone else should care that she did this, but I just don't know why she gave anyone these photos, knowing how people are. Anyway, Marky, if you're reading this, just know it really doesn't matter.
A reminder that Topper is fucked in the head and any information sourced from him is beyond unreliable.
hi seymour, reminded every butthurt guy talking shit about the set is him trying to save face when he bought the set for 500$ and it was given off for free
well the set is proven to be real and out there so what is there even to doubt? The exact nature of his relationship with marky? I don't don't know but don't care if marky was fucking yet another orbiter not like it's unbelievable.
also let me remind you faggots, i never leaked period. im not about to be the fall guy. it just proves everything i said was 👄, there are other people who have the sets, semyour. keep my name out of your mouth
The photographer posts most of his photos on his website or other platforms. I already found nudes of the blonde girl. Probably marky ones are out there too. Even if they aren't for free, we can still buy them from him for way less than 500$ kek.
I think it's more likely that people bought it from the photographer and are reselling them cropping away the watermark that the he applies to all his pictures. That would also explain the low quality pics posted earlier by the larper/damage controller.
This is his instagram btw, if anyone want to buy the set and then pls share to everbody.
this guy chose a genius career path btw dumb women love having their picture taken and the excuse to be a whore
She will tell Mr. Hovermale she is a victim of sexual abuse and stalking and he will remove them as any decent person would.
To all the paypigs who wanted to give big donations to marky, why don't you use that money to buy these sets instead and then share with all the markybros?
No, I don't think so. It's his work and he profits from that.
When you accept a deal, you can't go back even if you have belated regrets.
I'd say Seymour not marky takes the L on this once since the photos are pretty standard artfag shit but we all know he just wanted to jerk to the photos not save marky from her own tard decision to post nude once again.
she shouldn't it's really not a big deal they appear to be nice photographs. if I were her I'd be happy to have a distraction from all the pedo and tranny sex talk
What is the drama here other than orbiters trying to keep these photos to themselves? It's not like these are private photos it was a shoot done by a professional photographer and apparently she gave her consent for at least some of them to be posted publicly.
I know Seymour is samefagging hardcore in this thread, I told everyone to add me on discord and nobody has except Seymour. this is the best case of obsession
I don't have discord but while you're here do you any insight about marky and katelynn supposedly threatening to dox kennedi or contacting her ex boyfriend to get dirt on her? Seems like maybe it's connected with the applecat thing too.
it's all unstable delusion guys it's in the pixels look at the resolution 1080 x 1080 seems too perfect too even this has ai all over it I know these aren't real they weren't in the set I paid hundreds of dollars for and I got every last one they're all mine mememe keep your knockoffs
nice cope, the literal photographer is posted here and I have his set, way before AI, lemme guess you're Seymour hopin to deter anybody because you're afraid the 500$ you wasted wasn't in vane
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Thread for our beloved Marky/Mir.
Previously:  >>/30707/


Old picture collections
Marky.rar  >>/25646/
Album pa2i7 - Imgur.zip  >>/25615/
Marky-secret-stash.7z  >>/30878/

haiselnet  >>/27484/

Twitch clips
mirmeat  >>/29337/
haisel  >>/29342/

Youtube channels
mir / mirrr  >>/29654/ +  >>/30101/ +  >>/29432/
Mitomo7/Dropofcandy  >>/29334/

May 2023 Youtube streams
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i [CMhVZ-aoq6s].mkv  >>/28090/ + chat log  >>/28092/
mir_read description_2023-05-06.mp4  >>/29663/
I removed some of the dead/archival links to make it more compact, because if it's too long no one reads it. But I like your OP. That's good too.
I'd be upset too if I paid for what others were given for free

Andrei was definitely not the only source of these photos
someone gave some of these pics out in a discord server I was in about a year ago and this guy seemed to know marky irl or it was a really good larp
this was last summer the server was mostly games and anime I was invited by a friend the server name was just gibberish but started with a bunch of P's, I think the admin was named Treckback or something like that? anyway people would make jokes to this guy about marky like he knew her and one day he basically said fuck marky want to see something cool and posted pics from this modelling shoot. This server had 15-20 people in it I'd say. I guess it's possible he bought the pics but it didn't seem that way
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I don't know if I have them all but I have some including the pic in question. Not sure if they're the original quality but they are definitely not cropped. Sorry but I am not looking to spread nudes of marky just truth about how I came upon them
I'm not sure I don't remember a katelynn being mentioned at all people just called each other by their handles and the admin was not the guy who posted the pics
Those are not nudes. Those are artistic photos taken from a professional and marky was paid to model in them.

Share some art and culture with us and be a good markybro.
If the photographer hasn't publicly released them himself, it could be considered illegal in terms of copyright and revenge porn.
Of course he sold them. How do you think these people got em?
He paid marky and the other model too. Why would he not sell the sets lmao
It COULD be if Marky decides to report it. She probably only agreed to the release of the photos posted on his site and instagram. The rest could be considered unreleasable depending on the contract she signed.
there is a watermark you just can't see it the letters blend in bc it's a really zoomed out screenshot from gallery view I guess
good point and I just don't want to anyway that wasn't my reason for posting nor was it to brag
You are delusional. He doesn't  have to ask for any consent from Marky. He owns all the copyright on them. Marky received her paycheck for modeling and that's it.
He can post them on instagram or on his website or sell them and Marky can't do shit.
why are you certain do you know who those tweets were about? i don't think marky would be able to stay with the same person that long but those bedroom pics from 2021 with the n64 and stuff were a little sus. whoever the summer 2022 heartbreaker was it could all be connected
so many insufferable faggots on this board. it's not revenge porn, it's copyright infringement. marky pirates media all of the time.

there is no honor in keeping these pics to just yourself, like a fat kid hoarding his slices of pie. marky will not reward you by sleeping with you or giving you head pats.
all we know so far is that someone broke up with her, it had to do with her mental issues and she was very distraught over it
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What is your point exactly? Do you think that a professional photographer, who partecipated to numerous exhibitions and received many awards, paid Marky and the other girl to take photos to keep for himself?
You are a disgusting leech and an hypocrite. If someone buy the full sets and post them here, you will be the first person to download them.
when seymour purchased the set, he literally bought the intellectually property rights and now owns the copyright. contracts were signed, and he was transferred the ownership papers. posting any pictures from it is exposing yourself to a lawsuit
Not necessarily. my interest in the marky saga isn't sexual. I've had mutuals with her and even been in servers with her in the past and never tried to speak with her one on one. It's more just something I've been on the fringes of and keep up with now because it's a complete shit show.
What are you smoking bud? Seymour bought the pictures from a russian third worlder (illegal reseller). Eric hovermale is the only copyright owner of the pictures.
> only seymour has them!
> the seller! you have to get them from the seller buyerbros no one else has them!
is this the new damage control?
Dude, I literally thought the same thing as soon as I saw these Marky pics lmao. The pics feel very similar, something very sad and kind of pathetic about both sets.
this cat fight over who is special and has the pics will shirley bring us to 800 morkybros
I think that the sets are at least 2. One with the blonde girl in the white studio and another one solo in the blue studio. At least that's what we can gather from the instagram pics.
That's because he is a mentally ill, arguably schizophrenic, compulsive liar and pill addict. Also half asian if that speaks for itself.
kek nice self reply it makes perfect sense not surprising in the least
she didn't have to be hard up for money to still want more money and money didn't even have to be a factor she may have just thought it was a good idea at the time because of her subpar brain
according to richtr8 shed guy is like some neet shutin so I doubt he was a paypig
> captain sadfaggot of the ss internet
as he said so he probably had other things to offer like drugs or his hole
It's not a self reply. I have no idea who topper is but it's evident that he's not very reliable. The photographer is from RI. Why would marky have a roommate there? She lives in her mom's basement. 
And why Andrei or katelynn would cheat on Marky with such an ugly girl?
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The blonde girl is more prominent on Hoovermale's insta, two portraits on his webpage, even third party gallery sites.

Abstract stuff she used to post is uncannily reminiscent of early Marky's (circa 2013~14) as well. Yet there's definite contrast of outward physiognomies between the two girls: formal arts college education in USA really does amount to outcomes of stereotypical caricature proportions.
I think she was Marky's roommate in the apartment paid for by Andrei but I could be wrong. I thought the implication was marky fucked the roommates boyfriend but maybe I just misread assuming marky was the whore. I don't know how long she had that apt but probably not for long sounds like she ruined things with both Andrei and the roommate and once again found herself back in her mom's basement.
the origin story was marky fucking him in a shed and him blabbing to his faggot friend about it

I wonder if this violet chick properly thanked andrei for the apartment. He wasn't a cheap ass and only paid marky's share right?
> ok so what I'm going to need for you to do for me is get naked for me
> ok good now play around with this shower curtain thing
> Great great such talent you're going to be a star!
eric hovermale seems like a perverted creep and a predator of young girls. wish cops would raid his house and studio. id be willing to bet dude has questionable material stashed
He's just a provincial photograph who probably gives classes in local community college. Of course his main clientele would be theatrical troupes, arthoes and mothers who believe their 10 year old is the next Gisele Bündchen.
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₣om $40 ($56 inflation-adjusted) for Skype session showing her ass to $300 ($360 inflation-adjusted) for nothing revealed in particular.

Don't tell me you wouldn't either, bros. There's probably an art study or college with bigger demand for male models for their sculpture and portrait classes. You'd get to meet cute artist girls as young as 16 and talk to them. Why do you even need Marky at this point?
idk im just saying i dont think its a coincidence that eric takes these kinds of lewd pics and also just happens to take pictures of 14-16 yr old girls who like gymnastics and ballet.
there's always someone moralfagging. thats why you guys dont get any pussy.

i don't give a fuck about eric hovermale's corpus of photography or his artistic principles. just post the marky nudes.
itd be so funny if he turned out to be like a Terry Richardson , fucking all of his subjects
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We should assemble a SEAL team of Rhode Island Irregulars to exfiltrate the compound and get ahold of all rare Markies in his possession. Levitation-man is a boomer, he 100% keeps all of his shit on an external hard drive (unencrypted of course) connected to an iFag computer in the grand study.

A Brazilian stealth submarine will be waiting at a nondescript location not far off Newport's coast to pick the data and move it into international waters, outside of Touro Synagogue jurisdiction.
there is no proof she was with him for such a long time even if there still seems to be connections to him... mutual friends like that petra and acro, her scrobbling his videos recently, the youtube cat stuff, calling herself nekogirl and other things that add up. I wouldn't rule it out anyway since we know he leaked that he fucked marky and talked about how mental she was to at least one person on discord
do you think that marky would contact the old grandpa just to tell him that a few of his precious photos have been posted here without his consent?
at worst he will ask the admins to remove them through a DMCA takedown amd that's it. he won't take legal action lmao
It's years that people are illegally reselling them, which is a more serious crime, and she never moved a finger. She won't bother dude.
didn't seymour give marky a bunch of money for her car or something? you'd think she could have sent him the pics as a thank you at least instead of making him shell out $500

too bad sam wasn't having that shit
i don't know about you guys but i'm not migrating to a new thread until i see the uncensored pic of marky's pale plump ass.
Guys don't you ever think that you are taking this a bit too far? 
At the end of the day, you have already seen marky naked and making schizo rrats and insane headcanons all day will be deleterious to your mental health in the long run. Every second you waste here is a second you could be spending to find a person that really values and cherishes you in a genuine way.
We are but humble truth seekers here the demands for nudes are most definitely some kind of false flag to discredit the wonderful investigative journalism that takes place here
Look, I am not trying to shame you because I know where you are coming from and I know this is a way for you to cope with loneliness or personal issues, but there are healthier ways to do that. Engaging in petty gossip 24/7 will take a toll on your mental health. That's almost guaranteed. And the girls discussed here are affected by that too. Most of them have also a plethora of issues and past traumas of their own. This board is a recipe for a disaster.
If I was a compulsive liar that had all my shit btfo I guess I wouldn't like it either 
many entertaining characters many layers to the lore. you have the surface level false lore official narrative and then the deep lore of things that actually happened
hasnt this been debunked numerous times already? her nipples look nothing like that. she has small puffy aeriolas. plz stop pushing this fake
so who leaked the nude on 4chan was that on /mu/? I can't remember what board but I know that pic only showed up twice a couple days apart seemingly posted by the same person that sounded like they had a falling out with marky
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I think this is the same sports bra if you look close it looks like it has a black band on the bottom with the cursive writing
angle and blurry so it's hard to make out size plus she has the sports bra on
In the leak she's standing with a slight arch sticking her tits out which makes especially her left breast look much more voluptuous
Was Franz a compulsive liar? I've just read threads about him. So I don't know all about him, but I agree with his motives to shut down Agatha and with most of the other things that he said.
You waste time orbiting and gossiping here and you don't even know how to properly use the archive. If you find the original post that includes the picture, you can tell by its filename (MpHpIYJ.jpg) that that is a downloaded picture from the web (mixed uppercase and lowercase letters), probably a social media and then he cropped the picture to remove the face, hence the low file size and the unusual resolution (886x973). That also broke the image reverse search.
If I put some more time in it I can probably find the source, but I don't wanna and I don't care. I'm gonna leave this thread now. Good luck to everyone obtaining these nudes or whatever meaningless thing you are trying to obtain.
> 800 posts
We are making history. Going this way we'll break the thread, unless someone drops the sets.
wow, over 800 posts of speculative fan fiction about my favourite egirl. i can't wait to read all of them, y'all are so creative
the thread isnt bumping anymore though and that makes me sad :( i want her to be the very first thread in catalog so ppl know shes the most important and popular girl here
yeah I feel really bad for her I guess that's what happens when you deal with villains like seymour, topper and that damned russian. I hope she holds seymour responsible for his part in instigating this latest drama.
Marky you have nothing to be embarrassed about there is no shame in showing your body. I know it sucks but it's just tits you're not a kid anymore. You're an adult and it's no biggie. just be more careful who you socialize with in the future
yes she needs to take responsibility as well for her complete lack of common sense on who she chooses to socialize with. It's either baffling ignorance or actual willful stupidity and she's literally asking for it
I don't anything about him other than he's a genius manipulator and evil incarnate because he lied to a liar about his name and age
best guess is he's likely in his 30s, considering he's involved in the 4chan mod scene, where everyone else is 30+. also the income/ability to travel internationally on a whim isn't something low-20yos can do..
Good catch I wasn't sure but if you play with levels on the pic you can make it out a little 
better to see it's cursive there too. Once again the coincidences pile up
looks about right to me like the other anon said the boob facing the camera just appears extra large from that angle look at the other one and really take in the proportions
kek saw this classic its fanfiction post from back in september 2022  >>/15778/
> russian bad
> this justin guy sounds made up though
I salute your commitment fanficbro aka richtr8 and/or nekotranny keep fighting the fight
marky was definitely manic, but she seemed by far the happiest during the russian era. she was lively and interacted with people. plus most content was from this time. we need to free her from the depressive tranny grasp if we are ever to see new content again
both physical and mental symptoms indicate trannies have been hazardous to her health these past years. Looks like a different person. she needs to break free even if it means going cold turkey on tranime life completely
pretty girl should be dressing like a lady and out meeting a husband of repute not sitting in a basement meeting trannies pedos and other shitters on tranime and doll forums and discord servers
I don't think she's coming back. I noticed that all the gofile links that I shared were reported and taken down before they could expire. She is trying to disappear from the web.
How much is the photograper charging for the sets? And what happened to all the people promising big fat donations if she ever streamed again? Was that only one person, i.e. Seymour?
i have never seen a thread so starved for content that they invent new crap out of thin air and hits its own auto lock limit
the sets were real and we know now the 2020 nude was real because she's wearing that same sports bra in another photo on top of the body being an uncanny match. How many of the 1000 posts will be you bitching and doing damage control?
They're just chapped lips anon or she might bite her bottom lip
she's not leaving the web she can't even leave this site. She'll keep making new accounts and eventually exposing herself or she'll have a bad day and start streaming for attention again. I'm sure she's extra ornery after the shed guy was a tranny reveal and now all this nude business seymour helped dig up you have one old nude proven to be her and others confirmed to be out there which will almost inevitably get posted here.
hopefully marky holds the leakers shed guy, richtr8, topper and seymour fully responsible and thinks about her own culpability in befriended and in some cases bedding these types.
I'm pretty sure that the 2020 nude is not her. The belly button doesn't match. It's  vertical in the picture while Marky's is sort of triangular. The tits are different as well and so is the sportive bra.
In the nude she's slightly arching her back and has her arm raised which is kind of stretching the stomach area

sports bra appears to be the same or massive coincidence in the design it just looks different because it has so little definition it all blends together including the black band in the bottom so it all looks like one smooth grey thing and her flat
that one is blurry as fuck and again she's stretching it in the tits one doing that pose to stick her tits at the camera. it's the same sports bra if you think that's just a coincidence or the orbiter put that much thought into it or could find a fake to so closely match those specifications I don't know what to tell you.
If I lean back a little like that my normalish belly button stretches to look like a vagina try it yourself. Probably won't work if you're a fatty though you have to be somewhat fit like me and marky
I'm the same anon who posted this  >>/32556/ and I kept investigating on it in my free time as a personal challenge, because I don't really care about marky. 
It took me little time to find out that that type of filename is obviously following a pattern ( 7 characters with mixed uppercase and lowercase letters) and that it's from a social media (imgur), as I predicted previously.
Random examples:

Ergo the source is https://imgur.io/MpHpIYJ.jpg which redirects to https://i.imgur.com/removed.png because NSFW content was banned from imgur in 2023, but the link was working before than that.
Do whatever you want with this piece of knowledge.
Case closed.
so you have no source but possibly marky or the guy she sent this to uploaded it to imgur... interesting development anon thank you
they look normal? or do you want me to post "yes those are cock lips - i can tell" for my professional orbiter forensic lip analysis opinion?
> uh yeah I don't care about marky at all but I'm back once again to do damage control for her, disprove nothing but speak from a place of authority so hopefully someone listens
> Marky got naked once again
> Her or the guy maybe uploaded pic to imgur
> Orbiter scoured random imgur images until he found a match for marky's body type. bonus: same sportsbra
Yeah that sounds reasonable! Case closed.
Markybro, I want to see marky's sets as much as you do, but you are being delusional. The 2020 nude is not her and it was debunked a long time ago.
She said in a livestream that she drinks wine and then her lips get stained and chapped. There is a pic of her with similar lip markings and a wine glass. I don't have it but maybe another anon does, she has short hair and is stretching one of her eyes.
nipples are different because you're looking at cp anon. You can easily read about breast development and see what changes occur as a girl reaches maturity. belly button is just lmao tier cope at this point
The last picture of marky that hovermale published on instagram was posted in 2022. He's still uploading photos from old sets.
Perhaps if we put a lot of likes to marky's posts, he will upload more for free.
> don't look like a creep
> call her by name revealing you're a creepo stalker
Here let a non autistic help. just send the guy the link to one of the pictures he posted on IG and ask if that set is available for purchase. don't over explain or spill your spaghetti
maybe even throw in one or two other random ones to inquire about and then decide you only want the marky set if he gives you prices
Wouldn't you find it weird if an ig account with 0 followers dm'd you? We need a real account for that and most of us don't have one.
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Ummm discord bros... Our gracious Queen...
Keep in mind marky could reach out to him and tell him stalkers are looking to buy her pictures. If he's not money hungry or a total dick he might ignore you or tell you to go screw once that happens.
Seymour, the only way to save Marky is to reach out to Hoovermale and warn him of this site and its occupants.
He will sell the sets to whoever wants to buy them. That's what photographers do. He won't remove them from sale just because Marky asked nicely.
Not like she's known for being smart or making good decisions. Still those are just random tits could be hers could not be. The other one is likely her it's just far too unlikely anon found a rare nude with her build and sportsbra browsing imgur.
stop thinking like an autistic for a second a normal person might have compassion for her situation or wouldn't neccesarily risk the pr headache of some girl saying he's selling photos to stalkers and endangering her just for a couple bucks or because he can.
He's selling artistic photos made in a professional studio. They are not leaked nudes or CP. There is nothing wrong with it.
In this hypothetical maybe this guy wouldn't want some girl potentially blasting him on social media for ignoring her warnings and selling her photos to literal stalkers and predators? the naked picture guy needs his clients to trust him and feel safe not potentially risk that, his rep, college affiliations etc to make pocket change. You forget normal human beings have things at stake and think about potential consequences
yes, this is how it normally works.
> an of-age model consents to be photographed by a professional artist and accepts money for her time.
> professional artist now rights to display and sell his artistic work of the subject
> buyers compensate the artist for the right to possess or use his works

you live too much online if you think some dumb girl who wants to reneg on the deal and complains on instagram is going to cause some kind of public relations nightmare for an established artist
i have purchased original photos and prints from photographers that weren't "stock photos". you don't know what you're talking about kid.

yeah i'm going to listen to some anime watching 4chan freak of nature explain normal human behavior to me
unsurprising your brain is small enough to lead you to believe your singular personal experience buying photographs carries over to this separate and unique scenario
I don't watch tranime and your thinking which is basically
> he can technically do this so he will regardless of any other factors
is retarded. go interact with people irl until you have at least a child's understanding of how people act
Anyway I was speaking on one way in which he could respond and you are speaking as if you know exactly how he would respond. Guess you'll find out when he gets back to you.
The photos were taken for the purposes of public display, that's literally the entire point of them, and she was fully aware of that when she agreed to participate in the shoot, so what the fuck are you even on about, retard.
> 900 posts
Can we stop moralfagging and focus on buying the sets before we hit the autolock limit?
> agree to participate in nude photo shoot and have the photos publicly disseminated
> "OMG you're literally endangering me!!!"
No one will buy the sets.
No one will contact Pedormale.
And no one who has them will leak them.

Seymour can't stop winning.
yes people would eat that shit up just look at her lies about Sam and other things
Are you so dumb you take talking about how people might behave as an endorsement of their behavior or viewpoint?
what Sam did was unethical but not illegal. Why should I care about it when marky wanted to marry him when she came back from Brazil when she was what like 21 or 22? He ghosted her and then she started shit talking on discord and wherever else.
sam is a fag that's why it's so easy to just take markys side but she's just dumped and bitter and likely still in love with him judging by her watching his fishtank appearances
cope she admitted that's what happened. Her saying "now that I've been ghosted I see I was being an idiot" doesn't change anything
I still can't comprehend why DCT wants to fuel drama about Marky. Is this an attempt to derail the thread?
and then she got back from Brazil and everything I said happened happened by her own admission but you know that and are lying even when the screenshot proving it is in this very thread >>/30721/
I still don't know if it's someone really bad at damage control that thinks they're a lot better at it than they are or some madman just fueling the discussion either way I play along for the sport of it
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He most likely sells only prints, auctioning them after an exhibit. If he sells pictures to some rando, who'd post them on the internet, why would people even come and pay an entrance fee for an exhibition then? Unless you're some sheikh and ready to shit thousands of dead presidents upfront.

All variants in descending outcome probabilities are these:

- One of the discord faggots coughs them up if what said here is true.

- Visit one of Eric's exhibits and see if these pictures are there.
a) Take high-res shots while nobody is looking.
b) Steal and scan them after the event.
c) Break into his puter and download everything.
c) Buy physical copies (ask for digital originals), scan.

- Be a chad gallery manager. Formally inquire mr. Hovercraft to participate in your exhibit featuring nude autistic women, tell him it's a "digital" expo, so he'd bring the JPEGs along. Collect the pictures from him.

- Be a chad photographer with existing portfolio, slide into panties of a short haired girl, collect pictures from her.

- Be a chad photographer with existing portfolio, looking for autistic women to shoot nude. Ask for samples of particular girl from Hoverberg.

- Pretend to be Marky (requires an IG account with realistic deepfakes, technology is not there yet) and contact mr. Henryman asking for another shoot, "oh and one last thing, do you happen to have digital copies of the previous one? Would you mind sending them over, I happened to lose my flash drives in flood or something."

- Marky posts them herself.
tardbro she literally says there she missed Sam when she got back from Brazil (with a bunch of BPD rationalization for why) with the implication she reached out to him. They discussed her living on his commune and being his wife and making plans to go after her molster and then he ghosted her. the lie is her entire narrative that Sam took advantage of her she dumped him and that was the end and she's angry over it. She got angry when she got ghosted years later but she lets people run with the fake story because she looks like more of a victim and it's worse for Sam who she has a lot of bitterness towards. even in that screenshot it's transparent how she words it in an attempt to twist things in her favor.
> thought back to before it all went wrong,my relgious upbringing 
all of that was her coping about why she missed sam and hit him up. You think she did it because of her religious upbringing anon?

If you think the girl who just got back from living with a Brazilian pedo for 3 years and then after this got caught up with a 4chan mod paypig wasn't going to accept her first and only loves assistanve and companionship you're drunk on simp juice
She thought Sam was the person she should be with because he was the first person she had sex with, and he was the last person she had been with before her life went to shit, so she wanted to return to that better time using the only way her retarded brain knew how - through the aide of a man. It isn't that hard to figure out as these are her own words. You still have yet to point out any lies regarding Sam.
I appreciate you regurgitating her desperate coping about why she crawled back to sam. The lie is that she's mad he took advantage of her when she was 16. She's mad he ghosted her when she was in her 20's when she thought he was taking her back. She'll proudly tell you she dumped Sam and about the letter but usually she'll leave out the rest of the marky sam saga.
All you can do is regurgitate what is said by the people involved because anything beyond that is nothing more than your own personal projections, interpretations, and inferences. You are at the mercy of your own bias.
marky crawled back to sam, got ghosted and got bitter. no amount of cope from you will change that fact.

if you want personal interpretations I'll give mine that her being ghosted by sam had more of a negative impact on her in the ensuing years than Roberto, Andrei or anything else.
> modeling sets confirmed real
> 2020 jugs confirmed legit
> derailing attempts ramp up 1000%
Even if you guys spam this thread to 1000 arguing back and forth it just continues in 16 you're not burying anything.
I think that's the entire set, not just one print. And that's from an exhibition. Maybe Marky's one costs a lot less. Especially if you are just buying digitally and no prints. 
We need to contact Mr Hovermale to check. Everything else is just speculation.
Explain a rational scenario where the orbiter received the nude through imgur and not discord or snap or whatever sex havers normally use, I'm waiting.
It's CP (Ciara's Picture). She's the one with cuts all over thighs and belly, Marky never had any.

Imgur filename because it was found via 4archive or uploaded for whatever reasons, maybe as part of an album.

Stop shitting up this thread with your pointless gossip.
She's dumb enough to upload to imgur especially if she could make the image private but more likely the poster uploaded to imgur and pulled it from there again when he posted or someone else sent him Marky's tits they uploaded there and he posted them. That's assuming it even came from imgur based on the filename. Whatever scenario, it is way more likely than this guy found a nude that looks like marky and has her sports bra.

Those are marky hips
The mental gymnantics lmao. When her sets  get leaked, you'll realize how fool you are. I bet her nipples are exactly the same as back then. Pale and puffy.
I noticed you didn't explain how anon finding a nude picture on imgur that looks like marky and has the same sports bra she is pictured wearing is more likely than someone who had her picture uploaded it to imgur at some point, assuming it even came from there in the first place.
It's not the same sports bra. You are blind. And the first scenario is what happens every single day and how all the deepfakes are made.
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Here's the picture along with an image of Ciara's stomach. She has a lateral scar above and to the left of her bully button, and one below and to the right, which are visible in both pictures. It's definitively Ciara.
lol, i still remember the comments speculating on the title. i can't remember the date, but i think it was around 2020? Chew on that theorists
Not him but marky doesn't cut. She thinks that all cutters are faggots, which is the only right thing shes ever said in her life.
ok dct I'll hand it to you. Posting obvious ciara boobs and fighting tooth and nail that they're Markys was actually a pretty good deflection
No, I mean these sound only videos, (song) playlist in youtube_mirrr archive. Marky plays piano, but is that her voice singing? I'm not very good at recognizing voices.
I was saying they weren't marky from the start he was just arguing against the obvious with everyone like he always does so people don't talk about real things
wouldnt it epic if the 1000th post was one amazing 2019 marky nude from the set, showing her pefectly shaved bush , plump round ass, and amazing tits? thatd make this the greatest thread ever on this board
Wasn't it confirmed that marky bought and used meth a while ago? Is that really the role model you chase after?
was she having a 'miraculous weekend' in her moms shed with the tranny? is that what inspired this?

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