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interesting how these threads either have 300 replies a day or 5 replies a day, almost like the spammers took today off
Yea i stopped following this thread like two weeks ago since its too fast and takes up too much time now... i wonder if i even missed anything interesting besides this photoshoot or whatever

I'm still here, thanks for the compliment :)

I was thinking about the new earth recently.
How "the wicked, forever burning in the lake of fire" is a metaphor for "leaving all the liars behind on that old earth, with no opportunity to lie to me anymore, because I'm on my throne in heaven on the new earth".

And that on the new earth, we all get to begin without being from a womb (like adam and eve did).
So we each get to say "this is exactly how I'd like my first moments in heaven to be" and "this is what I'd consider the perfect me". Our own, personal new very beginning, not even from infancy.

It's pretty cool.

And we're truly the highest, and the entire new earth is "finished", there's nothing "unfinished". All is very ready and very "per your request". Eg, you can begin life by waking in your dream house, in your bed in your bedroom, your first breath in it.

And maybe there with you in it, is who has been most special as fit for being at your left hand on your throne. And as such for your right hand, they're just beginning life too (perhaps you all live together).

And you each truly have one another as beginning heaven together, like that's who you first see, hold hands and walk with.

A perfect adventure of your choice.
Forgot to mention.

My fate is uh, meh, life's been weird. Some people have wished suffering on me, sadly. The result of their ways, willed it.

I'll just say that I'm a regular ol Joe. Turned to Sam from the evil of my heart, basically obsessed over marky and sam and it ruined my career and life. Masturbating to her a lot, and eventually Sam gave me money (which felt like hell within me, because I was only interested in Sam from my hopes for evil).

I must have been evil enough at this time to turn basically everyone away from me.

Oh and worse is, it turns out this is a very bad idea if you aren't a rich motherfucker.

I have not returned from this.
It's been like 10 years of hell non stop. My parents disowned me.

All because I browsed 4chan lol.
What's worse is I'm such a regular Joe that my suffering is in vain, like I just wanna be back eating cereal for breakfast and beating my meat to pornhub at night.

Nothin special lol.
I have suffered so much hell because of this.
Marky and Sam were the most irresistible things to me back when I found them. She had me by the dick, and he, by my heart.
Oh and "being on your throne" is a metaphor for however you'd like to be, in heaven, forever. With none able to make you fall from that.

So if you most love being at home, maybe doing art and cooking, and playing, you can just do this. And that is you "on your throne".
If you consider it that, and never had to work, ever, nor that it be work, but fun and play, it is granted to you as that, for heaven is what you wish for.

Where as on this old earth, from lies, they have people not at home, but somewhere else just for a mundane task you can do anywhere, and paid by oath of your time there for the entiracy of a day (even if there's just one hour of actual work). And a task maybe you just give no fucks about. Zero.
It's a lie because that's not what they actually wish to be doing.
And life is suppose to be heaven on the earth. If its "doing something I don't wish to, somewhere I don't wish to", that's not heaven.

If it ain't just heaven, always and forever, the only other thing it could've been, was hell.
The biggest mystery ever, was that "God" in the bible means "You".

It's just a book about yourself, from yourself in heaven, for yourself to read on the earth.
Your own manual.

Many think it's instruction to say "I am the Lord" is to say you're like someone else, but really it's the claim that you are truly yourself.

Those who can't love theirself as the highest of theirself, serve others, which makes them even less than their own being within them.

Its like cucking your spirit, not just believing you're God and that all is from you. Why settle for less.
In my obsession over Marky I made a bunch of art of her.
Was planning on doing animation even, but it didn't go anywhere.

The only remains of it, she has (maybe still, unsure). I didn't keep it.
I emailed her it, and she did comment on the blog, but who knows what she kept. She was asking me if I had backed up any of her yt, so i guess like me, she deleted things at random.

It was the blog "entraidux", which basically i just made to do art of her, and to get her to see it lol >.>.

This was way back.
It's only shown on Google by my post on /i/ now.

It had a treehouse, like three pieces I did of her, and other randoms.

Its name was short for "entropy maiden redux", the animation title.

I didn't keep the blog just because the name sounds Le french. I'm not french lol.
So basically I was fapping so much to marky I stopped going to work.
And just kept fapping.
I got another job after this, but then just quit it, and for a year just fapped like crazy to marky and a whole bunch of porn.

Easily fapped hundreds of times to her. Fucking probably a thousand. Like daily. For years.

Amidst this I basically chose Sam over my own dad, literally like turned my dad away while doing something for sam (fatherless tho so who cares).

I'm fucked.
Never had my own house.
Never had a car.
Only ever kissed the one girl I love.
Haven't got to travel the world (wished to).

I'm so bored. And the food sucks ass big time.
Just wish someone would give me a house and money to save me.

I don't wanna suffer this hell.
She is who I wish for at my left hand when I'm on my throne in heaven.

Higher than any relation this earth has. Higher than a wife.
Higher than parents and friends.

Have you guys kept up with the Audrey drama? Looks like she'd rival even Marky in terms of depravity
Funny too since they used to talk back in the day and audrey was always protective of marky
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_o on Instagram filenames indicates high resolution, 2048 dots at least (or most?) for particular image from unknown year (pre-2014?). Second and third digit clusters remain the same but first one is different:
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Thanks for making me notice the drama happening in the end of the catalog.
Holy shit... a small piece of me died reading that. Not only does she rival Marky in terms of depravity, but it's also absurd how she managed to keep up the sweet kind tomboyish gamer persona in public for such a long time. At least Marky openly whored herself from the get-go. It really makes you wonder how many other e-girls posted here are also sociopathic sluts and we know nothing about it because the people who have the intel are not aware of this board or they keep it to themselves for other reasons.
Yeah I feel l ass too because I liked her a lot, but this only comes to show how all and any egirl ALWAYS turns out to be a whore. Some of them just know how to hide it better.

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