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I found this girl named Lynn / zombiebeatz2000, I think she's pretty cute.

Original Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@zombiebeatz2000/featured
New Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Nadesico-la
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hikichan, hikkichan, Noriko Hikkichan, Noriko Hatakeyama, Ashley Hanrahan, hikki-chan, 777crycrycry, nadesicola, nadeshico-la, cooliostreetcat, STURZKAMPFFLUGZEUG_EXTREME, Neko-chan, Nya, nyaxnyaxnekoxnyaxx


37564nadeshiko @37564nadeshiko

zombiebeatz2000 @zombiebeatz2000

Video archives
HIKKI CHAN ARCHIVE CHANNEL @hikkichanarchivechannel

Admin Odysseus @adminodysseus9149

Lynn @Nadesico-la



4649nadeshiko - cooliostreetcat [FULL ALBUM]

Bootlegs/Music archives:
rope @reisaforever

4649nadeshiko - 4649nadeshiko (2020)

4649nadeshiko - DJ nadeshicol▼ (2021)

4649nadeshiko - tteyuu (2021)

4649nadeshiko - nadesico-la (2020)

4649nadeshiko - mp4
the description on her last ig i know of (flight.f35 iirc) was slava ukrain, i wonder how she reacted to the war
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How long ago was that? No such Instagram account exists anymore.
> slava ukrain

Hmm, I dismissed the following yt channel at first because of cyrillic name, but it certainly looks like her. Uploads of obscure japanese music + in two videos you see woman's fingers tuning in radio receiver to beeping shortwave stations, probably to obtain samples for new music. Here's the channel:
> i wonder how she reacted to the war

The conflict is old actually, it goes as proxy/civil war since 2014, there's a video of Donetsk rebels shooting a PTRD anti-tank rifle in one of channel's playlist, but it's impossible to tell when it was added there. Another playlist contains a Russian post-punk song. I guess her interest is no more than aesthetic, similar to how everyone was about ISIS nasheeds and sampling them for everything in 2014.
Don't bring up hikkichan on this zoom infested place.
She's a real one, a qt and an actual autismo that didn't have anything coming to her.
Don't get these dorks going on someone like this.
Did she. Ah well fuck me sideways. 
If they ain't underage post em.
I haven't followed these e-sluts in a very long time, please if you will inform me.


what's interesting is that she isn't being harassed by channers anymore but by tiktok and instagram zoomers, cringy youtubers, and redditors, most of whom seem to be hispanic
Why doesn’t she delete her YT channels if she dislikes the attention so much? Does she not have access to them? Are they not her’s?
It would be very odd if she isn't even behind the zombiebeatz channel. I don't think that's the case. Who else would it be? Where would the videos be from?
https://twitter.com/norikonchan (presumably her?)

She has a thread on Slutchan that has been up since 2019 and is still currently active.

> I can’t believe there’s all this shit about her already wtf
she was chan known years back retard. She was your avg 2010's egirl, dont know why zoomers are flocking all over her now. 
GTFO zoomerfags

 OP this girl was 8chans version of Boxxy she was known for years. 

> she was chan known years back retard. She was your avg 2010's egirl,

Fucking this.

Based post Ashley is a stupid cunt playing the victim and taking no accountability for the fact that she made the choice to post on imageboards and she blames all of us with her garbage recent statement and all the normalfags come to her defense when all of this is her own fault.
Nigga she doesn't care. She's now a married normie living a normie life with her husband and her kids miles away from the internet, which is what the other reluctant hags on this board should have done years ago.
> Nigga she doesn't care

If she didn't care, she wouldn't have made that recent statement, nor would she be trying to delete everything.
Stupid on her part addressing the stalking after 5 years of silence. People aren't gonna stop to do what they are doing because she asked.
Unfortunately for her she went viral on tiktok and youtube. Most  of the stalking of the latest years is from tiktok and discord trannies.
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Finally, someone with a fucking brain thank you. Anon there is now a discord server dedicated to her but don't bother joining it is just monkeys throwing shit at each other and acting like a bunch of retards. 

There are a bunch of normal niggers in there too saying shit like oh you are a pedo for liking a 15yo girl even though it has nothing to do with age and Ashley herself went in there and had a spazz attack at her orbiters blaming them for the stalking even though most of them have nothing to do with it and most of her newer fans are underage LMAO. 

 The funny thing about all of this is that her and her normal nigger friends keep blaming this one guy for everything despite the fact that he only played a small part in the larger picture. 

Some people will listen and delete stuff, but others will not, and she needs to accept that the internet does what it does and once it is online it is on the internet forever.
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Some of you live a reality that never existed. 
How did you become obsessed to the point of living in a past created by a 15 year old teenager?
The videos what this girl made in 2010 and 2011 only showed what she wanted to show, 10 hours of videos don't say much about her, in fact it says almost nothing.
Did she have her mental problems? She had it but she overcame it.
It's time for you to make an effort and try overcome your own mental problems and live your life and stop harming others, finding absurd justifications with arguments taken from the ass

"Some people are born with tails. You have a tail and you are just self conscious about it"

Doesn't matter i hate her now because of the way she treated us.

Of course i will always love old Ashley but new Ashley is a  roastie bitch.
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 >>/46831/ The fact that you were able to procure a photograph of a movie actor acting his role, taken some 50 years ago, months before his death - in readily available digital format at your fingertips says something.

Consider Ashley, or any girl discussed on this board our Bruce Lee. Some people archive pictures of martial artists for future generations, we do same for cute and mysterious girls.
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Bruce Lee did not come out of the tomb and made a statement after 5 years to ask them to stop. The fact that some of us don't consider her respectful request to stop this is undignified.
Read her words: " - I am asking you, as a human being, to please leave me alone."
pfft, you are an anonymous retard on a dead imageboard obsessing over a 15 year old girl that you never met. you are a huge faggot.
I just wanted to say that those of you who are helping Ashley are only focused on men who harassed and stalked her but you are forgetting that some of her biggest stalkers are women and some are extremely determined, obsessive and discreet, see who hacked her accounts on YT nyaxnnyanxnexnyaxx and twitter cooliostreetcat and ashleysk was possibly an obsessive woman

Because these people are woke SJWs who hate men.  

We should all agree that everyone is a shit person and is responsible in some way not just blame one person for everything.

tootsu is a funny lad ngl
Ashley is so annoying it’s unbelievable. 
Reminder that the person asking to delete her archives posted pictures of her boyfriend cumming in her ass back when she was 19 on insta.
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I tried going through the way back machine for her old nadesicola insta but it doesnt work. Does anyone know if there is an 8chan archive where you can search for words like desuarchive since she was supposedly popular on there? I’d imagine they would have more unseen pics of her and more info
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 >>/46631/ does anyone have a zip with her other insta pictures? The nadesicola account had over 700 hundred posts and I’m curious what it entails considering the large amount
Her asking her to have her internet footprint deleted is pathetic and stupid
> made multiple threads on 4chan attention whoring and posting pictures of herself
> posted her ass and her boyfriends cum on INSTAGRAM
> have trillions of blogs, YouTube channels, and social media accounts with an overwhelming amount of posts
Now imagine a even younger egirl, like sunny or Ciara asking the same, even though they were underage in most of their internet shenanigans, people have given them no mercy and wouldve probably laughed at them for asking people to take shit down. Why does Ashley deserve different treatment? She literally did most bullshit on her adult years
One that I know of is https://hollaforums.com
Search seems to work, ex:

There's similar one for 4chan https://veekyforums.com/
> Why does Ashley deserve different treatment? She literally did most bullshit on her adult years

This is exactly what I'm saying anon these people coming to her defense have obviously never participated in chan culture nor do they understand it.

Things were better when she was only known on imageboards she should have never gone to TikTok.

She is an unhinged e-girl and being known as the mentally ill hikki girl on the internet doesn't fit with her current military larp
I’ve come across this a long time ago, unfortunately it doesn’t seem to include pictures which is what I’m most interested in
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i can't forget her completely
at least until now
even after her statement
daily she appears in my head
nadesicola is worse than fentanyl
she had serious effects on my sick mind
i know shes never come back 
im sorry, but im still in love with this woman

That was the first video of her i ever saw.

Realistically speaking her story should have ended when she got married and her wedding photos were leaked. 

It was better when she was niche and only known on imageboards and her fanbase was mainly lonely NEETs and autistic pedos she should have never made it to TikTok let alone went viral on there that was a mistake if that never happened, we would still be Ashley posting today and she wouldn't have returned to tell everyone to fuck off.
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This popularity boost given by tiktok and added by Lynn on pinterest was the last hope of bringing Ashley back but it didn't happen as planned. We only discovered that she has zero desire to return, we got a statement and a few days of interaction in her comments. That's the end of the story.
But if you analyze it coldly, it would be very harmful to her mental health.
These nostalgic Incels and these new fans who came to TikTok don't want to know about the new Ashley, they just want to know about the old Ashley who is relatable to them. She would have to play the role of being a psychologist for this class and in a year she would give up making videos, they wouldn't want to know about new things, just the dramas of the past, that would be hell for her.
Those who kept her from coming back were you who don't forget her past. Damn nostalgic people!
> These nostalgic Incels and these new fans who came to TikTok don't want to know about the new Ashley, they just want to know about the old Ashley who is relatable to them.

I don't think that's entirely true though because there has always been a demand for her to return and make new videos. 

People do want to see her all grown up it isn't an age thing nor are they clinging onto her past.
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> Lynn on pinterest

A massive hypocrite guarantee if Ashley hadn't returned and said anything she would still be Ashley posting instead of white knighting LMAO.
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Lynn dug deeper than anyone else and brought old things like lost videos and many images to share with us.
After Ashley-Sama statement, Lynn ended her activities as everyone should do
Lynn's dedication is worthy of applause
This bow is for you Lynn

Yeah, she only did that after Ashley snapped at her and made her feel bad.

She was originally still saving shit and keeping stuff up.
Hello, we are searching for a 22-year-old Asian female with the name of "ASHLEY ISHIGANE HANRAHAN" on suspicion of rape of a minor, 15-year-old Asian male with the name of "WILLIAM MIZUKAYA HANASEGAWA-PATTON". If you have any information about the suspect or the victim, you are obligated by U.S. law to report all such information to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Agent Brendon, F.C. Langley
- Nudes being posted on 8chan when shes was a minor
- lost bless
- stukapi87 blog
- deleted 2 hours long video
- bombiberite discord server
- more archived 777crycrycry  singing videos
> - Nudes being posted on 8chan when shes was a minor

Lynn got that wrong.

Ashley has no nues she only had lewds and second by the time she was posted on 8chan she was an adult because 8chan came out in 2013 and lasted until 2019.
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Some things leave me intrigued, it seems like there are unresolved things about her
An example is this channel on YT AtsumiNyan, the person who hacked this channel changed the profile pic and changed the name of the channel, deprived or deleted the videos but why didn't they delete the channel?
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My guess is it is probably the same anonymous hacker who hacked nyaxnyaxnekoxnyaxx and changed the channel photo to Nadashiko era Ashley and used a photo from like 2012 even though the channel is from 2007.
Plus, add two more Twitter acc hacked ashleyhka and cooliostreetcat with the purpose of impersonating her and deceiving the unwary.
Her internet history has already been corrupted
I reported you to the moderation. That's a kid and you are breaking the global rule:
> 2.No suggestive audio-visual content of underage children. Loli ok.
The only things to lament about this zip is the date that was shared January 13th, two weeks after her statement
Should have shared months or years earlier
Ashley's best period where she was naughty and alt right
anyway, thanks to Hero for sharing

God save sodapopangel !!!
The feeling is that there is unpublished material not posted by Lynn, Admin Odysseus, HIKKI CHAN ARCHIVE CHANNEL and others
Ashley's statement stopped posts from these channels

There is a channel that has videos
954 Huasipungero 593 @Huasipungero
The person who owns this channel wanted to sell videos of her from 2011 and 2012

Give it time and another archive channel will pop up that is what usually happens. 

Also, i have no doubt there is still rare unseen content still floating around out there but at this point the fun has been ruined by normies so it should just end tbh.
I am also a normie who found out about her through a deleted documentary. I heard she started a war on the 'chans and I'm curious.
I honestly forget how i found her, i think it was through the yt algorithm a couple months ago 
Im not in love with her or anything, i just relate to her too much its scary so thats why im so interested w her
Thanks, ive already been there b4 and i know a bunch about her already
Also whos that lynn girl that was mentioned at the top? I was on pinterest and saw a pic of ashley in a military outfit with a dog and the account name was “lynns personal archive” or something and it was privated
> Also whos that lynn girl that was mentioned at the top? I was on pinterest and saw a pic of ashley in a military outfit with a dog and the account name was “lynns personal archive” or something and it was privated

Lynn is not Ashley but rather someone who was a fan and used to archive her stuff but then turned into a white knight moralfag after Ashley came back to the internet and told everyone to fuck off. 

Lynn is a hypocrite because if Ashley hadn't come back to the internet and said anything she would still be arching.
I think its the same as boxxy, people loved her or hated her and that led to arguments
People also said she “betrayed” the when she started living a normal life and got married and stuff. Like that tatsuhiro guy
Just to be clear I believe her storyshould be told on the internet, not her livelihood. She's interesting, but it shouldn't require every photo and video she ever posted to tell it. I like the memes and edits of her and I find her relatable, but at the end of the day the internet deserves to see her as a cautionary tale, or at least something we could all learn from. Especially since she wants nothing to do with the Internet

I completely agree the KYM article should have stayed up for this reason.

People are learning the wrong lesson from Ashleys story.
yeah, i remember i wanted to start posting vids like her but didn’t because i was too self conscious. i am SO glad i didn’t because i would’ve just gotten made fun of

If you are male, you will be made fun of but if you are a cute girl like Ashley, you will be romanticized stalked and turned into a meme.
i’m a girl going through the same stuff she was at the same age too. it would be nice to talk abt it but nowadays that’s cringe and attention seeking because being mentally unwell is a “trend”

Nobody deserves to be and that wasn't Ashley's fault however what is her fault is ignoring the problem for so long and giving 4chan attention knowing full well how they treat women especially /r9k/ of all places which is known to be the incel board on the site.

They are out there somewhere someone somewhere probably does have everything that was deleted. 

Someone else uploaded a few of her videos and music to the internet archive in January. 

Just waiting for the Zombiebeatz complete collection torrent file.

Very true however i feel now the fun has been ruined because she got popular with the Tiktok crowd and now you can't even Ashley post without either some underage cringey teenager going owo she's literally me or some moralfag  normie calling you a pedro or an incel.

Things were better when she was only known on imageboards normalfags ruined it for everyone just like how they kill all 4chan memes when they go to places like Twitter TikTok Facebook ect. 

She is a dead meme at this point time to move on.
Well I have a lot of pics, videos and screenshots of things that were not published by either Hikki Chan Archive Channel or Lynn

stuff from accounts like velfarre2000, flight.f35, dopamina, sonyashnyky, dancefloor_degrader and other accounts

more than 80 things
It's reasonable that I delete all this and no one will ever see
> Well I have a lot of pics, videos and screenshots of things that were not published by either Hikki Chan Archive Channel or Lynn

Please share.
> Also an edit of her i saw made its way to insta reels and got like 200k+ likes

LOL so what who cares she has been a meme for years.
You mean the vid? I guess i could yeah it was just her saying “i dont go out of my house blah blah” w sad music and random clips of her
> people here are mad abt “normies” finding out abt her

I don't like the fact that normalfags have found out about her either.

Back in 2017 Ashley was super niche and only known on chan boards and hikikomori/NEET communities.

Ashley-posting used to be comfy but now you can't. Ashley post without someone going oh she is so me or moralfagging and calling you either a pedrophile or creepy.

It isn't fun anymore and honestly it should have stopped after she got married and Benny Willson leaked her wedding photos because that was the true ending to her story. 

She should have NEVER made it to TikTok Pinterest Instagram or any of those other normie-tier places and went viral.
> Ashley-posting used to be comfy but now you can't. Ashley post without someone going oh she is so me or moralfagging and calling you either a pedrophile or creepy.
> It isn't fun anymore and honestly it should have stopped after she got married and Benny Willson leaked her wedding photos because that was the true ending to her story

I have to agree
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Most of the stuff in that Google document is just shitpost that they are taking too seriously.

The people who made that are too young to understand chan culture and weren't alive during the old internet times when people didn't take everything super seriously like people do now. 

In my day on the internet, we didn't take a lot of shit seriously and just fucked around and all had a good laugh. 

The current generation needs to lighten up a bit.

I have said this over 9000 times but guess i gotta say it again.

Noriko is a meme Ashley is a person just like how Boxxy is a meme, but Catie Wayne is a person.

When i first came across her in 2017 Ashley was already a known figure on Chan boards as she has been stalked by 4chan since 2011 and would later around the time i discovered her get picked up by 8kun and she became their version of Boxxy. 

Yes, i was one of the biggest contributors in helping her get more famous and gain a new generation of fans but you can't. blame me for everything especially not her recent resurgence in popularity during the last couple years the blame there goes to the YouTube algorithm and TikTok.
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Literally every normal heterosexual man is attracted to teenage girls.

It is fucking normal to like/be attracted to sexually mature young girls with boobs curves who also bleed and have the ability to give birth. 

If you deny it, you are most likely a faggot.

Back in my day there were many teen girls who dated older men and the family was okay with it and didn't care if they knew the guy personally. 

But nowadays everyone is so fucking paranoid that even a 17-year-old and an 18-year-old or a 19-year-old with a 32-year-old even though she is an adult are both now considered pedro.

Political correctness has ruined western society with this all men are bad and believe all women PC bullshit which btw Ashley never showed any evidence of those creepy emails she was getting but people believe her because she is a woman. 

I guarantee if Ashley was a male, you hypocritical niggers would not be coming to her defense you would be making fun of her hating on her and bullying her. 

Also, nice job taking the bait Grass you just got trolled retard. 

Rule number 1 of the internet don't feed the trolls tbh idc about Ashley anymore i just like trolling you guys because you are so serious and get your panties in a bunch over shitpost it is almost like you don't know what a TROLL is do you. 

Also, if you are not American or British why be all butthurt over pedros? Literally nobody outside America gives a shit LMAO. 

If my sexual orientation bothers you despite the fact that i am   non-offending well that is your problem not mine and you need to seek help and quit being a bigot.

This will be my final post in this thread I am out Ashley posting is not fun anymore.
I can't believe someone ruined it
There is only one fact, she made a statement asking to stop
you at least are coherent you say you can't stop and continue with it, worst of all are her defenders who continue to use her photos, mention her name and post memes about her, the biggest example is the discord server which must be full of teenage fans of hers who don't stop even after reading her statement they are worse
reflection of today's society no one gives a fuck about
stupid zoomers who pretend they didn't read the statement stop coming here asking about new pics or anything

If anyone is still in doubt whether or not to continue with this, read this about 10 times if necessary https://www.youtube.com/@nadesicola/community

I hope this is the farewell, This thread can be closed or deleted by mods please
This is a bit unsettling to read..i think its okay if theyre 15+. Under 14 is too young imo and is just harmful (coming from a teenager thats had horrible experiences with older guys online)
> Ashley-posting used to be comfy but now you can't. Ashley post without someone going oh she is so me or moralfagging and calling you either a pedrophile or creepy.

Welcome to the era where it is disgusting and repulsive to be heterosexual. Saying a woman is hot makes you creepy
I don't like how SoundCloud / Tiktok normies post this woman alot and pretend to be oldfags seems like normalfags took her as an icon.
I have to say, even though after 2 months of her statement he chose to continue this madness, I have to say that I still have a consideration for you hikifag.
I remember that in 2018 you posted the video "talking about programming in a fake English accent", you were always nice sharing her stuff, I won't forget those were good times. I hope to contact you in the future.

Another person I have unfortunately lost contact with is maybe Ashley's biggest stalker (Spanish language), I hope you read this...thanks for sharing those things. I hope you are well

And the others who also came to me and shared I say thank you.
> 2010s internet was peak

I would say late 90s and 2000s was peak but early 2010s still had some stuff going for it.

You could actually still cuss and be racist on YouTube back then.
> I have to say, even though after 2 months of her statement he chose to continue this madness,

I only continue because i like pissing off Grass and his friends it makes me laugh when i make post on here made specifically to bait them and they get all triggered and take what is just a shitpost so seriously and add it to their shit doc which doesn't expose anything.

> I remember that in 2018 you posted the video "talking about programming in a fake English accent", you were always nice sharing her stuff, I won't forget those were good times

those were better times i miss them too.

I hate that she got this popular outside of chans but all things die at some point, and we must move forward. 

Normies usually are the ones that ruin internet culture and kill memes.

  Pathetic, isn't it? 

These kids need to get off the iPad and go outside and you know it's bad when it is coming from a hikki of all people.

You realise you're arguing with someone else right? Grass doesn't use endchan

he does update the doc though, new updates include the stuff here
> "dude you're retard"

This is you in a nutshell, tootsie

Is it really "fun" if ashley herself asks you guys to stop?

Also why is everyone so angry at her? She just asked people to leave her alone lmfao
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how is this thread still going

the oldfag who keeps responding to this thread is a motherfucking child lover

noriko is so fucking dead now, incels ruined it all and pedros keep beating a dead horse

mods gotta kill this shit
> You realise you're arguing with someone else right? Grass doesn't use endchan

Yeah, in that other post i mentioned his name because i was making reference to the fact that i have made post to specifically bait him and his friends yet they think i am always 100% serious even though this is a chan-board. 

They have bad reading comprehension because of how young their underage brains are lol.

After seeing the doc im not surprised why they think you're serious when 90% of what you say comes off creepy as fuck

I'm not picking sides because all of you fucking ruined everything

they did lmfao

otherwise ashley would not have cared about her publicity at all and all would have been good. pedros and incels fucking ruin every good egirl
> After seeing the doc im not surprised why they think you're serious when 90% of what you say comes off creepy as fuck

I'm an edgy shitposter who just likes to piss people off.

My sense of humor is old fashion and is more in line with the 2000s era internet which the current generation hates and makes me a controversial troll.  

> I'm not picking sides because all of you fucking ruined everything

Fair enough i will agree with this.

Everyone should stop and that includes me Grass and his friends and everyone else in this thread Ashley is a dead meme now.
> pedros and incels fucking ruin every good egirl

What do you think about the Ciarafags who still obsess over her even though she's dead?

Ciarafags are worse than Ashleyfags and Ciara died due to a drug overdose and her drug addiction was enabled by the toxic people she hung out with and her fans.
Tatsu do you have unposted pictures of Ashley? If so, can I message you on discord so you can send them to me. Thanks.
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> I'm an edgy shitposter who just likes to piss people off.
> My sense of humor is old fashion and is more in line with the 2000s era internet which the current generation hates and makes me a controversial troll.
nah you're just a nolife laughingstock lol

> Everyone should stop Ashley is a dead meme now.
3rd time you're sayin that and keep your anal ranting up, interesting >:D
she pulls off literally any look istg shes so gorgeous  
except for maybe that bob she had when she was on tumblr she looked like that girl from kill la kill
What is the “777crycrycry” account she mentioned in her response? Was it a youtube channel or something? I dont think ive ever seen it before
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Fucking this.

She made the stupid decision to give /r9k/ attention when everyone knows that's an incel board where misogynistic virgin's wannabe mass shooters and mentally ill/depressed lonely people hang out.

Even though they were raiding her Discord at the time she should have known better to not feed the trolls which is something she still hasn't learned.
i'm rethinking my opinion on this and I'm almost agreeing that she deserves it.
yesterday I reread this thread https://randomarchive.com/board/b/thread/674623576/404d-again-thanks-to-everyone-who-helped-me-out-if-you-have

she's always been an attention whore and now maybe she's acting machiavellianly making everyone a fool
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"always" is kinda retarded, its not really her fault she only attracts doomer pedrophiles with a hiki fetish

is still her fault for coming back in 2019 tho. It's been 5 fucking years anyway, ashleyfags always hold onto grudges from 19 years ago

she's a fuckin normie now
Also, i was doing some digging and found a link to a youtube channel that isnt available anymore..the link is https://www.youtube.com/@Nadesico-la
Does anyone know what this was?
does anybody have the documentary videos archived somewhere? it seems like all the links in this thread to those videos have been nuked
By “digging” i mean doing a reverse image search and finding that link connected to a picture lol but OHH i should've checked up top i didnt realize that was lynns account
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> , its not really her fault she only attracts doomer pedrophiles with a hiki fetish

Her fanbase is more like this.

> Mentally ill teenage girls who love cutecore and the literally me culture on TikTok.
> Lonely depressed incels and NEETs/Hikikomoris and failed normies who feel like they can relate to her.
> Horny underage boys and creepy older men who obsess over her and simp for her. 
> Obsessed creepy fans who stalk her and leak stuff.
> pedrophiles with yellow fever who fetishize and romanticize her younger self.
Man, this thread. Hory shet. Has everyone born after 2000 has adopted world views of a grumpy old hall monitor lady with immense desire to ban rock music and violent games for satanism? How come modern youth is no more on the edge, no more humorous and chaotic? And liking 15 year old girls with sizeable tits is somehow pedrophilia now... What might be the cause, is it the microplastics and too much seed oils in their food?
Am I the only one here who fell in love with her as an adult and at her current age?
I mean, I don't give a fuck about the 15 year old version of her
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> Has everyone born after 2000 has adopted world views of a grumpy old hall monitor lady with immense desire to ban rock music and violent games for satanism? 

Pretty much the new generation has been brainwashed by identity politics. 

> How come modern youth is no more on the edge, no more humorous and chaotic?

It is because of the current pc culture of oh you can't do that or oh you can't say that you will hurt my gay friends' feelings or because i am a mam in a male body.

Teens have not been edgy since 2016.

Leafy was the last bastion of youth edginess after that they all became a bunch of politically correct pussies. 

> Liking 15-year-old girls with sizeable tits is somehow pedrophilia now. 

I know retarded isn't it? 

People throw around words nowadays without knowing the actual definitions. 

We as a society are getting dumber and dumber everyday thanks to social media which was a mistake. 

The 2000s was truly last good decade.
Ok well steven universe is a nice show.
And i so agree, being a teen in the 2020s sucks cuz everyone is so chronically online. Also guys my age suck. They dont make em like they used to 😔

> Leafy was the last bastion of youth edginess

I was with you til you said that anon

Leafy himself was a fucking pussy, he wasn't a "bastion" for shit

Yeah and according to some dumbfucks here, the retarded tiktok fans are somehow to blame for why she's gone

They're just autistic edit posters, incels and pedrophiles always fuckin ruin the good E girls

no wonder she's just scared of the internet now

I was referring to his content not him as a person. 

His fanbase was mostly made-up of edgy kids who didn't give a shit.

My point was that was the last time i actually saw any real youth edginess.

There was a recent set of leaks a few months before her statement that got passed to me and another person i was friends with at the time. 

I ended up not publishing them and making them public out of the little amount of respect i have left for her. 

Those leaks were very recent content from like 2021 and 2022 and contained very private stuff that would have basically doxxed her again and gave away her current location. 

After her statement i lost most of those leaks because i didn't save most of them i only saved a few even though there was a lot more.
Can you send them to me privately, the few ones that you have, I don’t plan on posting it it’s just to add to a folder that I have. I’m probably deleting the entire collection once I lose interest.
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Miss Hanrahan, if you don't do what you said you planned your hype will probably grow again, it's time to take down zombiebeatz2000 if you want your past to have no connection with your today. How long do you think it will take for people to discover and leak current things about you?
I hope you are successful in this but I must say it seems that you are being very incompetent at the moment

Someone will just reboot the channel and reupload everything.

Her Zombiebeatz videos have already been archived many times and many people have them now. 

The leaked videos and ones from other YouTube channels are a little harder to find though.
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People find and discover her most of the time through her original channel, which currently has 83,000 subscribers on March 8, 2024.

The smartest strategy she should take is to take control of the channel, put the videos private and take down each video using copyright if someone decides to post it.

By doing this, in a short time no one will post anything anymore and her past will be forgotten and in a short time everyone or most people will lose interest in her content.

No retard, she only ran away because her community was toxic and fucking insane. People ogling her when she was a kid and getting angry at her for stupid shit

no one gives a shit about edits, probably only hit a nerve because half the people in this thread are pedros
Ashley herself already said on curiouscat that she was trying to recover her zombiebeatz2000 account, and she said this in 2018 or 2019.
Now she has a thousand reasons and can argue that she is being persecuted, harassed and use the emails she receives as an argument... she can prove to Google that she is Ashley.
I can't believe it's impossible for her to recover her accounts.
She was negligent about it for years and now she's paying for it

"Prove to google" is proof alone you spent too much time in the basement, I speak to her often

How do you suppose she makes contact with google? Just fucking DMing them? She got ghosted by email and they wouldn't answer her calls, that applies for both YouTube and googles recovery services

As expected of an autistic chandweller to never deal with customer service lines or understand being a functioning adult, this type of shit isn't easy sometimes. She's still trying.
mods gotta kill this shit before it turns into more fags arguing over who the bigger dick is (its all of you)
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> Muh pedros bad

Cry more newfag pedrophiles have been a part of chan-culture way longer than you zoomer moralfagging crybabies.

4chan used to be the internet hate machine dominated by the losers of society including pedrophiles. 

However, nowadays it is just anonymous Reddit full of trans people and faggots. 

The internet is terrible now because normal niggers and moralfags ruined all the fun. 

Smartphones and social media were a mistake.
> Smartphones and social media were a mistake.

without social media noriko wouldn't exist nor would any of your other e girls

braindead take anon
> without social media noriko wouldn't exist nor would any of your other e girls

E-girls have been a thing on the internet since the beginning.

 Also, the old internet was not social media because it was widely unregulated had a very different culture and was before smartphones became common place. 

Social media is the modern internet which is no fun allowed all corporate give up all your personal info to companies and everyone has a smartphone and records and post everything now. 

In 2005 the internet and real life were separate and two different things but now the online world and the real world are connected.
> In 2005 the internet and real life were separate and two different things but now the online world and the real world are connected.
nigger this is not cyberpunk
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You all have to go back.

Get the fuck out of here.
- The kid who kept a kill list of all the people he hated in class

We're here for egirls faggot, not your hate boner session

Just ignore
> found the chan-knight defending us all from the evil "reddit normies"

Clearly this went over your head which shows how new you are.

 The point is you are a moralfagging normal nigger who probably came here from some normie social media site so you should go back.

You don't belong here.
You're not the one who's obsessed with pedrophiles and "literally doesn't know how to post on endchan"
Besides being stupid also a liar
> this proves the point that she is being incompetent

She has had over 10+ years to try and stop this.

She has been known by channers since 2011.
Tatsuhiro says shit like "Ashley posting is dead !!!!! its not cool any more !!! normalfags ruined it all!!!" then starts literally doing the same thing he's been doing for a decade

You gotta admit you're still obsessed tootsie, even if its out of spite she forgot about you and you still care

You just can't get her out your mind
> you say that to everyone who disagrees with you retard
Because most people on chan sites now are retarded zoomers who dent know shit and came here from TikTok YouTube and other places same with 4chan.
> I don't know if I'll ever publish it. I'm sure that not now, but maybe some years after the dust settles.

That would be the smart thing to do just wait till this shit dies down.
can mods kill this? It stopped being fun when the autistic fags started spewing their hate boners for everyone else to see
> Can you send them to me privately,

Hmmm idk if that is a good idea because someone might end up publishing them and making them public and even though i dislike her now i still don't want her to be harmed you know.
Yeah i was just curious. I deleted my folder and im gonna stop interacting w ashley stuff cuz im moving on and i realize that its creepy and weird. Bye bye people here
> is proof alone you spent too much time in the basement
> As expected of an autistic chandweller to never deal with customer service lines or understand being a functioning adult

Your words weren't nice, I thought this was a place for gentlemen and ladies to socialize and make friends
You made my saturday even worse
the person being argued with is a terrible person:


You greatly misunderstood, this is not a place to find gentlemen, rather incels and pedros.
saying "newfag" over and over just makes you an angry reddit boomer, not a proper chan enthusiast

fuck off out of here "shitposter", you give us a bad rep
> saying "newfag" over and over just makes you an angry reddit boomer, not a proper chan enthusiast

The term newfag originally meant a Newgrounds user who came to 4chan only oldfags know this. 

Overtime however it changed to mean a person who is new to chan sites.
hilarous seeing Tootie get dunked on by actual randos now 

Then again that happens often, he'll try and call it a "troll" or "shitpost" again probably
wasn't my point

you repeat it like it makes your points valid at all

now you invited a whole legion of people here to make fun of you, you literally have no place here

fuck outta here reddit user

Defining the term "newfag" in an argument has got to be one of the biggest newfag things I have ever seen. Trying too hard to blend in with the other channers
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ummm? looks like you made a mistake in your assumption? I guess you (inferior newfag) wouldn't know the origins of the newfag term like I (an actual channer) would. newfag originated in the Cold War circa 1986 during the advent of newgrounds (a place where all you newfags come from). A newfag like you wouldn't understand the laws of fags like I do (im a real chan user). Maybe you must "lurk moar"! (that means read more threads newfag).

if only you were as chanpilled (cool) as I (chan master) was, i (crippling 35yo) feel bad for you (inferior un-based newfag). Maybe had you been as chanpilled (smart) as I (conoisseur of chan culture) was, you would understand why im the ultra-channer (better than you) anon. (anon means anonymous.). You should go back to reddit! (place for the inferior.)

You (newfag) should kys (take your own life).
The discord fucking sucks

Server owner fag banned a bunch of people making fun of the pedrophile guy because that's his boyfriend or whatever

Also the Ashley images came from the old discord server, not even this one. Shameless plug, fuck outta here.

I'm in it and they keep trying to dox ashley using an image from when she was in florida a year ago

She isn't even in florida anymore, it's so retarded

You're the server owner aren't you?

You used to have a rule not to dox or harm Ashley and now you're all autisticly trying to dox her (in the wrong US state too) because she told you guys to stop

Petty Ashleyfags back at it again
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Came for the active thread,

Left because this is all that's left, obsessive discord message scraps.

R.I.P Hiki-chan. Ruined by the chans, still carried by spiteful incels.
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> hit a nerve?

Kill yourself simp you are so desperate for female attention it is pathetic that you need validation from internet sluts like Ashley. 

 You are no different than the beta cucks who give up all their rent or their entire bank account/savings to Twitch thots. 

White knight cuck.
> Took the bait

Also I understand this is a foreign concept to a beta male cuck like you but I am a friend of hers for many years.

You also assumed I'm a guy. Must be projecting, you're definitely an incel cuck.
You literally made an article on her for 4 years so she would suck your dick and then cried in a discord voicechat when she roasted you 

Tatsupedro back at it again lmfao
> You also assumed I'm a guy.
> I am a friend of hers for many years 

Oh, hi Bina-Chan good to see you is this baby's first day on the chans? 

You really give off the i hate all men vibe. 

> You also assumed I'm a guy 
> Did you just assume my gender?

Yes, i did now shut the fuck up.

I'm not new here and i hope you realize I'm not taking any of this seriously this is basically all just shitposting because it is funny to troll moralfags and of course they are trying to troll me back it is trolls trolling each other.
Whole thread is shitting on tatsu again lol

I hope he calls it a "shitpost" or "troll" to cope again
> made up allegation spam
Which ones are made up Tatsuhiro?
And what happened to your "shitposting" hm? Suddenly so serious. Lmfao.

You literally cried in a vc when ashley roasted you. Nina is the one who told us lol. You're the obsessed simp/cuck here, since you still seem butthurt over it.

You also admitted to pedrophilea so idk what the big deal is since you seem so proud that no one in your age range would ever find you attractive. Literally no allegations were made up. Cope.
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These Ashley defenders are taking away all the empathy I had for her cause

They think they are helping her but in reality what they have been doing since her statement until now is feeding trolls and help growing a server with shitposts and posting memes

keep adding and updating the doc about the pedro guy, he's loving the attention they're giving him. Then there will be no point in denying which state and city she is in because this could soon affect her livelihood.

Sooner or later, her home address will also be leaked, as well as where and what job she do.

"I talk to her daily" is nothing else that - my life is so tedious and I'm having fun with it all like you

I'll get my popcorn and maybe make some memes
> keep adding and updating the doc about the pedro guy, he's loving the attention they're giving him.

Talking about yourself again. You call it a troll and a shitpost yet you're still the one typing the most? Lmfao

Also she literally can't get doxxed, hasn't taken images of her new place since January of this year. You guys are using the car image aren't you?

You can pretend you're enjoying it but you've literally been seething here the most. Never change tatsu.

No new pics anymore, it's just people trying to dox her location. Ashleyposting is dead and and this thread became useless ever since people started arguing.
How come? You guys keep fighting and tryna find location but that tatsu guy won’t post the leaked new pics? Idgaf where she lives. Isn’t there more shit from after that lynn person stopped archiving?
Nah trust me he's an expert

There are no new "leaked pics"? Literally nothing new at all, they rely on images from last year
Moralfags are the worst they fight who they are in their subconscious

the person who created this stupid doc must be the worst damn freak degenerate EWWW
Most people wont because its against ashleys wishes and also the images got alot more boring. this is the worst fucking endchan thread for an actual e girl istg
Wouldnt getting her address me more against her wishes than just posting the pictures who cares Bianca’s dead and so is Ciara and a lot of girls here are underage and yet we still get a lot of pictures.
I don't know what the fuck that means but im not disagreeing lul. It's just there's a reason why we aren't seeing as much stuff anymore. She's a normie, and doesn't have the same charm that made her popular. So everyone moved on.
> Talking about yourself again. 

> Tatsuhiro this is the worst bait ever LMFAO

Dude you are lost. you see tatsuhiro in every post

I recommend you look for a therapist because boy you fell in love with a pedrophile

It must be your inner desire to be molested by Tatsuhiro EWWW 2X
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> mfw autistic pedrophile incel #1 is in an argument with autistic pedrophile incel #2 over who the bigger pedro is

Guess i gotta be a namefag now because now anons are getting confused over who me is actually.

Buddy that anon you replied to was not me lol. 

> what happened to your "shitposting" hm? Suddenly so serious 

Nothing has changed you nigger faggot.

> You literally cried in a vc when ashley roasted you.

When and where did Ashley roast anybody? All she said was she wanted people to stop and to fuck off. 

> Nina is the one who told us lol. 

Nina is my friend, but she admits she is not the best at remembering sometimes. 

I was upset at the situation and me and Nina were talking to some random guy about Ashley and my NEET situation which is sometimes hard to talk about. 

> You also admitted to pedrophilea so idk what the big deal is since you seem so proud that no one in your age range would ever find you attractive

I'm non-exclusive i like both kids and adults and i have dated people my age before.

>  >>what happened to your "shitposting" hm? Suddenly so serious 
> Nothing has changed you nigger faggot.

Then stop yapping lmfao, you're still the only butthurt person here writing whole ass paragraphs to trolls

You've become a laughing stock, this is too easy

 It's impossible to post anything online now without thousands of people spewing vitriolic hate in the comments, and often over the absolute pettiest shit. And if you think "moralfags" are just people with morals, you're either ignorant, stupid, or one of them. These are the chucklefucking assholes that lead religious crusades 600 years ago and would gladly do it today if it were acceptable. They're the "anyone who doesn't exactly match my individual ethics is an evil and vile degenerate" people. Aka, the Ashley white knights apparently lol.
are you nuts or just underhanded?

You're the one who thinks I'm someone else... To me, you're just another blind Noriko's defender
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> channer showdown in an egirl thread.

who will win? place your bets now

mine is that a mod is gonna purge it before we get a winner and loser

but maybe a miracle will happen and we'll get a new picture drop to save us from this boredom
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Just move on

don't ask for or look for new or rare pictures, whoever leaks this at this point is a hateful loser

This has reached a critical stage where the state, city and pictures of her license plate are leaking. Don't be part of this idiocy where only mentally ill people, pedrophiles, people with suicidal thoughts, incels and people with no respect for others with weak ethics are facing false moralists who are as sick as they are

This game is no longer funny and what remains are just zombies (ironically) that are here in this place and other places where the topic is zombiebeatz2000.

Unfortunately, the atmosphere surrounding the name zombiebeatz2000, hikkichan and other names has become synonymous with mental illness and negative things, and Ashley does not want to be associated with that negative mindset.

Go find another girl who wants to be a public figure and idolize her in your own way.
(I didn't have time to correct my English, sorry)

Actually very respectable speech, bravo

Lolcows are more interesting than e girls anyway (they just arent the same), nowadays if you want an egirl there's a place for them and it's called twitch
Pretty much based

If only this thread died out earlier when it wasn't late yet

And at least someone's pointing out the degeneracy on both sides
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Ok then here's an agreement we can reach, let's let the thread die. We're all stinking losers.

No objections I imagine? I hope so.

Ash can do whatever, just gotta hope people don't actually dox her out of spite. That would be petty and would needlessly keep the "rabbithole" going.
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Ignore the discord server, most its users just wanna harm Ashley from age old spite or curiosity. Bravo for everyone who moved on.

Let the ZombieBeatz shit just die out. Final link for people wondering where she is now:


No longer an e girl, just a normal woman. Sucks but it is what it is.
Does anyone have a screenshot of her Knowyourmeme page? I remember someone had like a reupload somewhere

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