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Our Cursed Unholy Maiden, Tsarina of Rhode Island, Queen of Judea, Grand Duchess of Newport Marky Jane Thompson
In previous episodes:  >>/34632/



Old picture collections
 >>/25646/ Marky.rar
 >>/25615/ Album pa2i7 - Imgur.zip
 >>/30878/ Marky-secret-stash.7z

 >>/27484/ haiselnet +  >>/33243/  >>/33258/ full-res selfies
 >>/34653/ mirh

 >>/33249/ purintain    >>/34653/ haiselnet
 >>/34619/ mircolat    >>/34727/ mirinoru/mirpng/tain_pudding
 >>/34556/ mirlodie    >>/33232/ Marky Dolls & Figures.zip
 >>/33232/ bash script to extract timestamp from Twitter filenames

Twitch clips
 >>/29337/ mirmeat
 >>/29342/ haisel

Youtube channels
 >>/29654/ +  >>/30101/ +  >>/29432/ mir / mirrr [UCj_UmWzyMhrNgs1Q3W-aOGA]

May 2023 Youtube streams
 >>/29663/ [2023-05-06] mir_read description.mp4 +  >>/33644/ chat screenshots
 >>/28090/ [2023-05-06] i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i [CMhVZ-aoq6s].mkv +  >>/28092/ chat log

 >>/29334/ Mitomo7/Dropofcandy [UCTJkRaslIJzlehqxrTpjZTw]

Oldest channel — mj [UCjvNbOC04iFZvNI7hVpiMMA]
 >>/24626/ [2015-05-27] autobio vid [HTyreb3_RUA] - only archived video

IRL streams with Alice ( >>/7552/) and some videos from deleted Mega
Fishtank 2 plus Creager's drama.
These days must be hard for Marky.
I wonder how much longer she will endure it.
what gave you the idea marky wants you to care about her? your ilk not caring about her is a win. you think marky will lose sleep because some pathetic genetic dead end stopped orbiting her? get real.
What the fuck is fish tank even about Why does it have a general on /tv 

We had tv shows of random faggots locked inside a house in the early 2000s and even those were dogshit and became boring after a month, why the fuck did they come back?
people liked that kind of trash then and still do now. it has a general bc sam has been a 4chan meme for years. even people that have no idea what mde is know him from shooter meme
after brazil and things fell apart with sam and andre the trannymaxxing period began, which is too bad bc 2019 was arguably peak form
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Instaloader archive of mircolat/mirlodie/mir_png account. Mostly from April to December 2021, I think she stopped posting as much at that point or maybe I just stopped saving around then for my own reasons, I don't remember. There are ony a few things saved after that, whatever the case. Starts in April because I think that's when she started posting a lot on this account. Mostly stories because that's primarily what she posted. Not a complete archive because I only ran instaloader if there was something I thought worth saving. Around 500 images and videos.
Thanks for the share markybro. That's very appreciated. 
I wonder if anyone has the 2019-20 insta archive, when she dated the russian and the tranny. I'm sure there is topkek material in there.
Do you guys think that when Marky's current bf kisses her on the lips, he can taste the leftover Brazilian cock material from when she was getting throat fucked in South America by ugly mixed race goblins with toxoplasmosis? Hypothetically speaking, of course.
No don't be silly. It's been like 4 years now. I really don't think there would be any lingering taste of the brazilian's penis and cum.
do they surpass being raped as a kid or getting scammed by a brazilian or being forced to self harm and record CP for a a fat gook?
how was she was scammed by roberto? and what do you mean forced to record cp? weren't her and the gook the same age and dating at college in alaska?
the whole shed tranny cheating thing happened at end of 2019 or beginning of 2020 so it was hard times for her back then. you can tell she never really got over messing things up with andre.
> how was she was scammed by roberto?
He had convinced her that she would have worked for a super secret gaming company to find out later on that they were just the two of them working on a budgetless game that never came out.
> and what do you mean forced to record cp? weren't her and the gook the same age and dating at college in alaska?
I can't knock roberto-san for scamming a clout chaser/gold digger that was pretending to love him because she thinks he's some successful game dev. Very impressive he kept it up for 3 years!
Shit, is it too late to send a Christmas card? Why use email when we know Marky's real world address.
its a helpless feeling not being able to send her money or gifts for xmas. i just want her to feel loved and appreciated. shes probably sad and lonely and just getting drunk by herself on xmas
If you really cared you would just send it in the mail. Be honest, you don't give a shit about marky or you would send her lavish gifts like I did
I'll never forgive andre for robbing her of the last of her smile and optimism. it's like he drained her of everything and left a dull grey blob
it does seem that way. looking back, it seems that no other breakup affected her as much as that one. charlie, roberto,tinder chad. she got over them rather quickly and seemed to get on with her life. but the andre one was different. it took everything out of her. she was bedridden for an entire year.
you can tell by her appearance too. she started looking all sunken, sad and drawn thin after that point. I think she also lost self confidence. she stopped trying to appear pretty or feminine and began covering herself up and dressing in an unflattering boyish manner (though I think this also has to do with tranny influence).
Do you think she loved andrei or she is having a hard time coping with life after ruining her chances of being a neet and having everything paid for like before she cheated on the russian? She did say she wishes she could be a neet again.
> she got over them rather quickly and seemed to get on with her life. but the andre one was different. it took everything out of her. she was bedridden for an entire year.

She literally cheated on him with an autistic tranny and treated him as a paypig. I don't think that she was miserable in 2020 because of Andrei.
What do you think it was? I believe there is more going on there these past few years than her just hitting the wall hard. I think it could have been a combination of losing her paypig, free apartment neet arrangement and all the schizo stuff about andrei being a galaxy brained secret kgb spy
do you think there is any dollar amount for which she would do a 10 year anniversary re-creation of her /b/ posts? man that would really break the internet wouldnt it?
Are you sure? When?
That looks like her body plus the same poster posted rares and pics of her brother Hunter back in 2016. Sounds convincing to me.
I'm not saying that I don't believe you. I'm asking where and when they debunked it. 
That pic was posted only once on 4chan according to the archives.
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> daydreaming about killing myself to be reborn into one of these nerds and have loli marky in my class and become college sweethearts

life is so unfair
I still struggle to realize that 10 years have passed and that Marky is almost a thirty years old woman...
if she wasn't molested I wonder how things would have turned out for her. She seems to have had a relatively nice, privileged upbringing compared to what most are used to.
really interesting stuff. i honestly didnt know she was such a well traveled explorer who appreciated other cultures. hasnt she been racist in the past though? seems like an odd contradiction. or was she just memeing?
the racism was larping, just playing to her 4chud audience. she is anti racist and very pro lgbt in practice. she has had a pretty comfy fortunate life so far though... living on a nice ranch with animals, traveling the world, being sent to a cool school in Alaska. it's easy to forget she has had this life of opportunity and to just think of her as the poor victim of Sam Hyde and 4chan
She is into trannies and lolis, so no she is not "based" like she once pretended. She's just your avg Wednesday Addams basic bitch archetype with an element of internet degeneracy thrown in.
I never really considered how many pretentious art hos and goth lites modeled themselves after wednesday. If it works it works.
It's true that she hates blacks with a passion. In the archives there are numerous instances where this was discussed.
In most of these clips she doesn't look happy to be there anyways.
> In most of these clips she doesn't look happy to be there anyways.
Why did she join this geographic soyciety then? Seriously, this shit looks like torture - being stuck with normies in the middle of fucking nowhere.
Seriously, get the literallyme vibes from this shit.

I wanna fucking shoot every motherfucker over there (in Minecraft). And I can't even put into words why, it's something irrational and primal. My asociality really runs deep.
I dunno what you guys are talking about. All kids in these videos look like a bunch of mouthbreathing dorks. I'd bully she shit out of everyone there, Marky included.
That shit gives me flashbacks of my school trips (to Hell), too. I bet her parents imposed it on her, thinking that it would have been good for her.
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This is from Kohlchan /int/
I have no time to babysit that shithole, bumping thread ten times a day. But there are some oldfags, they have stuff.

Sorry for not being your secret Santa this year, someone else has to do it.
They're so desperate for a girl to hold their world views that they believe these girls aren't just pandering to them because that's who's giving them attention. If these girls got most of their attention from leftists, they'd display more of those behaviors. Red pillers? They'd pander to that. 
These guys are the same people who point out companies pandering to the woke left as if they aren't victims of it as well. 
These girls have no true hard-set values, only what can gain them the most in their social circles.
I'm black and hate blacks. That doesn't mean I'm delusional enough to think women's "views" come from trying to be accepted into their current social circle/a demographic they're trying to appeal to. If a more dominant force comes along, they acclimate into that communities line of thinking.
It's not even their fault. Men are just better able to defend their own beliefs, physically. 
Well, they were. Most of them are too fat or thin and weak.
she sounds both cute and annoying but I doubt she is 1/10 the bpd marky is. marky would rant about how big her balls are, how sam and co are genetic dead ends, how she will destroy them etc. Summer does sound crazy but not the same level of psychopath pretending to be meek little mouse.
why would she continue to pander to internet racists when those types of people are shunned both online and irl? now she can be honest about who she is. she can still participate in a degenerate internet subculture that revolves around the whole neet anime pedo vibe she's into but she will be celebrated by those around her irl for being an lgbt ally (lives in liberal new england) while still being a special snowflake.
It's actually pretty smart. Now if she gets called out for her bigoted past she can say "I was young and stupid but I changed, I even dated a Mexican tranny!"
it's kind of like an automatic friends club too. games always have lgbt guilds, cons always have special lgbt areas and meetups, you have parades and other pride events. You can't blame her for wanting to belong somewhere and to experience a little positivity...
she doesn't even need to say it out loud with how much queer signalling her post 2019 style has. It might be an iykyk thing but the message is very clear to me
idk dude. for me, her being pumped full of tranny semen is worse than bill gates 5g gene manipilation serum but it's probably both anyway
I was being serious. audrey mogs your normie tier shit waifus to hell and back. both in looks and in interests, hobbies and personality. seethe and cope more tho.
Come one, that nude had been in archives for years and it was taken down right after that it had been posted here. Same as the mega folder.
How do you get stuff taken down from the archive exactly? Do they delete shit if you just report it?
Clearly it was either a coincidence or someone had it taken down to frame Marky. I am just a random anon with a photographic memory of her nude body, which gives me the authority to say it is 100% not her.
I agree. It definitely wasn't marky. Someone from here reported it as CP or maybe even someone not even from here stumbled upon that archive thread on their own. It's impossible to know unless Marky herself comes out and says she reported it.
That doesn't look like CP at first sight. Marky had to admit that it was her. I don't think that you can take down random nudes claiming that's CP.
Besides this, we both know that no one cares about reporting this shit.
How can you prove you are the person in a faceless photo? You don't have to prove identity to report and successfully remove CP, since it is such a touchy subject
The picture is not Marky. Anyone with eyes could see this. so if someone has the pic saved feel free to post it here and shut all these h8ers up!
I don't know man. I don't know how these reports work. But I doubt that you can take down any nude you want from the archives just saying "hello, this is cp". 
If Marky proves to be Marky, that should be enough reason to take down any nude she claims as hers, I guess.
is the damage control that marky reported a nude that wasn't even of her as CP or that a markybro did it? given how long the image remained up before linked here, no one is buying that the report originated from anywhere but this thread.
It's obvious she's the one that got it taken down and she wouldn't have done so if it wasn't her in the photo. There's not really any room for ambiguity here.
I also had checked back a few times on the archive of the "marky" nude that was supposedly ciara which was posted some months ago to see if it was reported and taken down like the mega stuff. it hadn't been last I checked. I guess this time it was different.
anyone from here could have but why would they? we know marky visits here regularly and reports things so it's not exactly a giant leap in logic to think she did it again. Unless you have some kind of inside knowledge about this topic??
sorry guys i reported it as cp to troll y'all. i had my fun but now you can consider this debunked. not marky btw
not true. I am the one who received the report and censored the image and that's not what happened. i have more to say about this... I will return with all the details you seek in roughly 2 weeks
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if you mean the "report" option next to the post, that's useless most of the times. these kinds of archives receive daily hundreds or thousands of reports from users every day. they mostly reply to emails and DMCA take down requests.
there is no doubt that it was marky. whether it was actually her or not in that pic is a different matter.
She didn't (or couldn't) take down the last nude to be linked here when it was fake. Not saying that is proof of anything but it is worth noting.
My point still stands. Anyone could have done a report for CP, and why would a mod take the time to dispute it? It was some grainy webcam photo of an underdeveloped body.
It wasn't underdeveloped. What are you smoking?
Also it was just a thumbnail, the image data was gone somehow time ago. Why would a mod remove a thumbnail of a completely normal nude, if that wasn't reported by marky herself?
> underdeveloped body
Stop the cap. It was an adult woman. She was much thinner than in the /b/ nudes so it was taken long after them. There's no chance she was underage in that photo.
has anyone itt actually seen marky's nudes? the boobs look entirely different between hers and the one that was removed
The nipples are pale and puffy like marky, but the size of the breasts seems different. The stomach is almost identical. The piercing seems weird though.
or she could have like she has before? It could have been someone else but she is the #1 person invested in having something like that removed and we know she's here
if you compare it with the other nude showing her stomach, they are quite similar assuming that she is 20 pounds less. the only thing that doesn't convince me is the size of her breasts.
tits and body in general look close to proportions from the hovermale photo but I don't know of her having a piercing, if that is actually what that is.
very weird. its original filename was 1389450853623.jpg , so unless it was randomized, that pic was originally posted on 4chan on Jan 11 2014. at the the time she was fatter and had no piercings. also I've never seen any room like that in marky's pics.
I can see only 2 possible explanations. either that isn't Marky and someone is trolling or that was a nude she had taken time before, when was still slimmer and with smaller tits, and posted it on 4chan a few weeks after the christmas threads for some reason.
the second explanation would explain why she can get that taken down so easily.
she was like 14 in it and that's CP
i agree she hasn't hit the wall but she ain't what she used to be either which is why we like to post pics from 2019 and before. she still has a natural beauty but poor mental and physical health and her new odd looking unfeminine style really drteact from that.
There's no proof she hates us. She left due to the consequences of her own actions, like she said when she was trying to sell her YouTube channel. She had a good time streaming for us, she just took it a little too far and had to take a step back is all.
She's like her mother. She will hit the wall around her thirties and still stay somewhat good looking (prettier than the average woman) as long as she stays thin. As the other anon pointed out, she has a natural beauty that will remain even in her old wrinkled self. 
Unlike most e-girls here, she has been blessed with good genetics lookswise. Can't say the same about her personality and mental health.
does anyone have any of the screenshots of convos between marky and ciara? i know there were a few times when they got into catfights. i remember ciara sending screenshots of it, saying "did it make you feel good leaking our conversations?"
I heard marky was really mean to her and stabbed her in the back somehow? Maybe envy because ciara was younger and had bigger boobs. I'm interested in the history of Ciara on Masterchan (ran by Marky's pedophile Brazilian ex boyfriend)
1. Someone watches these threads and reports content:
a) Mega with old youtube videos but no explicit sutff
b) Nudes on desuarchives
2. Someone ignores regular pics of Marky although many early non-nude pics were pruned from archives.
3. Someone ignores multiple underage Eliza's boobs posted multiple times.
4. Someone watches threads inconsistently, so above points could be valid for this reason.
she had beef with sweet ken too. she seems to have issues getting along with other women. they say she threatened ken and enlisted katelynn to help harass her
she could dress so much better than she does. i wish she dressed more cottage core/ trad wife/ coquette
ngl i'm really tired of the tradwife aesthetic you fags obsess over especially when all these girls just do it to appeal to you and it's not their true self at all.
idk im not trying to be a fag about it, its just she doesnt really have any style at all, its like she just grabs random shit out of the closet and throws it on
I like the way she dresses anachronistically, you can't really tell what year she's from on pictures taken in 2019 (sans the modern smartphone), could be anywhere between 2005 and 2011.
i don't mind it at all i think it fits in with the fact that she's an adult and not some 15 year old pick me girl looking for attention from older men.
where did i say she's not looking for attention? obviously an e-girl wants attention. what i said is that she's at least not trying to be some quirky pickme girl that tries to appeal to tradfu men.
imagine having a wealthy family, a nice house, you take vacations to Ireland, you have stupid parents who constantly bail you out, you’re objectively attractive, you look youthful, you have a nice body, and you could have had a relatively normal life 

and you piss it all away for the approval of a bunch of cumbrain retards online and when that doesn’t fill the hole, you begin tearing other e-girls down out of jealousy and when THAT doesn’t fill the hole, you start scamming people for money (despite having an upper class family) and when THAT doesn’t fill the hole, you post feet pics and nudes online and when THAT doesn’t fill the hole, you start dating someone closer in age to your dad and when THAT doesn’t fill the hole, you fuck yourself up by buying heroin on the darknet because you’re too retarded to find a dealer irl in fucking NEW YORK of all places 

honestly, how can you fuck up this bad? she had everything set to succeed and she still failed miserably at everything. i hope bianca getting sexually assaulted and murdered and ciara subsequently pretending to die and going into hiding is what she needed to get back on track. it’s endlessly angering that she turned her decent life into a living hell for trite asspats from orbiters
The most quoted/referenced post here, "I thought your mother blocked this site" uses image from her Twitter, and you believe everything else?
and the rest of them? the ones she mass dumped? post the screenshot or the archive proving they came from elsewhere or just stop making stuff up to damage control

also, I thought your mom was blocking this site?
ueoumm is a friend of shedguy's. They are linked on one of his YouTube profiles https://www.youtube.com/@falkuistion

I wouldn't be surprised if shedguy/nekoshelf is the laintranny in chat
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 >>/43988/ File itself was 404'd by the time you posted, as almost everything in that thread, now thumb is gone after file was banned. This was the only occurrence of this file IIRC. I mananged to remember it's name, something like this:

 >>/44977/ This version was posted three times
Twice with this name:
Is a timestamp for 2014-01-11 09:34:13
4chan-X got it's option to 
> Add Randomize Filename option: Replaces filenames with a random timestamp from the past year.
on 2015-08-15
Which unless I understand it incorrectly, wouldn't produce a "random" date earlier than 2014-08-15 at any day after date of this version release.

Here are my weights pro:
- Timestamp points to January 11 2014, when Marky's nudes were actively reposted on /b/ and foreign chans
- Right nipple is almost identical, areola slightly larger in diameter (not an expert on ghost nipples)
- Waist width/proportion to other body parts is rather similar
- 640x480 resolution and very low grainy quality might indicate that this is a screenshot from a webcam video, which coincides with rumors of Skype camwhoring for $40 I wonder what she needed money for, a rare book perhaps

- Breasts appear to be smaller, could also be slightly different angle
- Hips/pelvis appear to be very narrow, could also be an effect of different pose, angle or motion
- Below left nipple, on areola is a double reflection that looks like circular (horseshoe) barbell piercing, could be however a non-invasive nipple clip (?) or even household item of this function - Marky wears most BDSM-looking dog collar chokers at the time
- Navel is different, has some sort of hood, which seems to be pierced vertically with straight barbell
- 640x480 resolution photo, if not a video screenshot would be from another webcam, Marky's took photos at 1280x720
- Backgound wall color looks too dark, Marky's room is yellow-ish

> 09 - EAT3anX2
I know an Imgur filename when I see one, besides an obvious gallery positional number. I hope you have more?
Isn't that animal abuse? Even Hitler didn't harm animals.

Just Wow, Marky. You new troon friends wouldn't approve if they found out.
im so depressed and alone some nights and i wish i had marky to talk to. but i never will.
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Trust me, you don't want to be her "friend". 
She will consider you an orbiter just for talking to her and discard you like trash when she gets bored of you or her mental illness kicks in.
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> guy who want to fuck her or think they have a chance with her (they don't)
b-but markybros told me that every robot has a chance with her, that she's not like the other girls, that she's "available"

what does this mean then? that ciarabros right all along? that she was the only e-girl who didn't despise her orbiters? that she was the only true Angel?

One person may get the wrong impression, but if multiple unrelated people report the same experience, then you should start questioning yourself how good of a friend you actually are.
> meanspirited, condescending, superiority complex, self absorbed etc
checks out. as far as superiority, I think some is derived from all the attention and praise she gets but another piece is she has or had this idea she was better than the other egirls and almost an important eceleb herself because she was the girl who was fucked by Sam Hyde.
Look at who she's fucked in the past. It's luck of the draw but you probably need something to set you apart from the pack like being a pedo chan admin or a tranny. Her seeing others as disposable has nothing to do with them being from 4chan or anywhere else. That's just how she treats people and why she has no friends irl or from the 10,000 orbiters she's talked to and ghosted over the years
him and Ciara were both spot on about her pretending to be some deep artsy intellectual while actually being dumb as doorknob. she still thinks showing off nosebleeds is cool and edgy at 26 years old.
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One day Marky told me to kys myself on Discord, she added all her friends to our private voicecall, where I read her poetry of my own writing, and then they all laughed at me for 5 minutes straight. In the end Marky consoled me with some sort of ominous "surprise" she had prepared for me tomorrow, and that they were just fooling around, not really being mean. I went to bed with mixed feelings that night, on the verge of tears and with mildly upset stomach.

On the next morning, as I sit on my porcelain throne, scrolling through my DMs, I notice a message from Samuel Jebediah Whitcomb Hyde himself, writing from a secret alt account, he offered me a job as assistant director for his new project at the time. I was so excited I accidentally deleted the conversation and didn't remember his @, he never contacted me again, neither could I.

True story, this all really happened to me. I won't show you logs though.
unexpected turn of events tbh

thought Sam would send you a video of marky screaming for his cum while he squeezes her titties as if he wants to get some lemon juice of them

oh well..
this same exact thing happened to me. I followed up on the job offer not knowing any better and drove two hours to what ended up being an abandoned building in a low income Rhode Island neighborhood. When I got back home and logged into discord I was greeted with a picture that had been taken of me from a distance when I got out of my car to walk to the location I was given, the messages simply said "you're fired". My first thought was to go to Marky's server and give them a piece of my mind but I had been booted from the server and they all individually blocked me. The strange thing is I was invited to this server, I never asked to be a part of this group so it is like I was targeted.
About a year after this took place I randomly received a message from Marky. She said it had been a while and what was I up to, kind of acting like nothing had happened. It wasn't long before she started dumping all of her current discord dramas on me. Names of people I had never heard of and their crimes, all these screenshots of mean things they've said to her and embarrassing things they've said themselves. She never asked me anything about my life or how I was doing and she never apologized for what her and her discord cronies had done to me the year before. Once I realized the real reason she had reached out to me I stopped responding and we haven't spoken since.
The guy is describing Marky's general vibe and summarizing his friendship with her and his observations. I don't think that's something that requires screenshot proof especially when it's all basic stuff we already know about marky. He's not making any big claims like she fucked her dog.
Marky IS a deep artsy intellectual and she has every right to have a superiority complex because she IS superior.
lol, superior in what way? if she died tomorrow what would be left of her that wouldn't be left of some bum under the bridge?
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Exhibit A: picrel

Exhibit B: the rest of her life

That's all I have to say as far as any intelligence or superiority goes even though I know anon just playing
true but she didn't do anything with the talent she had other than take commissions from orbiters, many of which she bailed on and refunded.
I didn't say it was acne that's another anon. but it sure as hell ain't freckles. I am just pointing out marky clarified this when she was in the thread and someone said it was hormonal acne
we know what Marky has on Sam but does Sam have stuff on Marky, maybe from their 2019 interactions? If he is backed into a corner will he go on the attack to defend himself? Maybe it is a standoff or maybe they have made peace behind the scenes and agreed not to speak of it.
AHAHAHAHAHA Scam Hyde is going to get so paranoid of people saying marky he'll end up cancelling fishtank I bet he went home and cried after this
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I want to pre-empt by saying I'm not typically /r9k/ in my views on women. I've even met single mothers and women who used to cam who I'd consider, though flawed, decent people who I'd give a chance to. I don't think all women are whores and I understand that women face difficulties in dating and companionship too (though different ones to what men face).

But with Marky it's like... how could you marry someone like that without thinking back to how she spent her teenage years? We're talking about a girl who, when she was in the prime of her life, decided to give it up to a two-bit "comedian" used-car salesman who threatened to kill and rape her and she still met up with him.

I legitimately don't think I'd even be willing to go on a date with her. This isn't just "had sex with my high school boyfriend at 16" or even "hooked up with a classmate at 16 at his house while his parents were out. It's something far darker and more disgusting. To me it suggests damage that will never really heal. Knowing what she did just makes my skin crawl, it makes me fundamentally repulsed. And this is coming from someone who is a degenerate pervert.

How is this girl ever going to get married?
I feel you. I'm not much of a misogynist myself and I'm one of the main posters who argues with the woman hate posts. But Marky is genuinely depressing. I think it is completely possible that a woman who's done the things she has to become a stable adult. But Marky is not a stable adult and has still not recovered from most of these issues that caused her to act this way as a teen in the first place. Which is where the real problem lies, and I think that's why it makes your skin crawl. It's not about virginity, or "being a whore," or anything. It's about the fact that same exact wound that led to her getting with Sam and posting her nudes is still influencing her. It still exists and continues to result in insane decisions. I think she can heal, but I'll refrain from preaching on what I think would help considering that even if she read it, she wouldn't do it, because she feels stuck in shit.
> same exact wound that led to her getting with Sam and posting her nudes is still influencing her. It still exists and continues to result in insane decisions

That wound is called child sexual abuse and in all honesty I've never seen a girl to fully heal or recover from that. The emotional baggage is too big. All these girls who face abuse turn into a self-sabotaging and self-hating mess like clockwork.
marky CAN improve
marky CAN hold down a job
marky CAN have a successful relationship
marky CAN overcome/live with trauma

but she WON'T, until she takes therapy seriously
It's a lot more common than people think and many women recover from it to lead normal healthy lives even if it's something they will always carry with them. You usually don't hear about these women or know they were molested when they were children, it's the broken ones like marky you hear from. It must effect each individual differently but in Marky's case I think she was slapped by nature and nurture.
my 2 cents: she is mentally the same person as she was back then as  >>/45810/ says. she is hard-locked into the brain of a messed up teenager and will never have the maturity or awareness to get better, as in being a remotely normal functioning adult. Everything about her points to someone that is severely mentally stunted, on the level of a schizophrenic or retarded person. I think the best it gets for her is staying off the internet so that when she acts up only her family witnesses it and not potentially the whole world. collecting disability or acclimating to a quiet low level wagie lifestyle while remaining medicated is a best case scenario.
I would describe her as a mentally retarded person. Not like she has down syndrome but she clearly has a reduced mental capacity and special needs.
In a better time she would have been taken care of at one of Rhode Island's finest mental institutions. Now we have nowhere for someone like her to go. If they don't have their parents to rely on they end up homeless or dead.

that was nice of you but i would feel like a cuck if i donated to a girl so she could go get creampied by some brazilian or tranny
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i have this hunch, let's call it "schizophrenia", that there was more going on in this discord server of Marky's and more to what happened in this whole beef between ken, team markyatelynn, and andrei than marky's version of events would let on.
ive always put both marky and ken both on a pedestal. but these screenshots make them look so...ordinary? banal? theres something so disappointing about them.
I don't think Marky was friends with Bianca. They knew of each other's existence but Marky befriended Ken under the guise of that "art server" Marky had, which was after Bianca had already died. The pieces we have of the timeline point to Bianca meeting Ekat before Ekat knew Marky and Ken, which definitely makes everything even weirder. Ekat was a manipulative adult pretending to be an underage girl needing help and guidance, but in reality is the one who indirectly got Bianca killed with her pushing her further toward degeneracy. So it makes you wonder if Andrei was invovled in that too.
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how many other minors were in this server being exposed to these people? Would bianca still be alive if she wasn't introduced to ekat and encouraged to kiss donatello in front of brandon that day?
I don't know what the nature or extent of their relationship was but Marky definitely acts like she was friends with Bianca. Marky was also already friends with Kennedi well before Bianca's death, if you look at the first screenshot in  >>/40112/ you'll see Kennedi is in her DMs and that's from Feb 2019.
it sounds to me like ken is being smoothtalked or something, especially with that apology and the stuff about ekat. i wish we knew more about what happened there. the vibe of these exchanges made me think about this post for some reason  >>/33555/
So the "I didn't mean him any harm" and other stuff in October was about her cheating on Andrei with shed guy I presume? She's going to Kennedi for info on how Andrei is doing during that period? They both think he's a good guy and Marky is sorry for what she's done.

How did we get from that point to Marky dating shed guy and all this stuff about Andrei being the evil mastermind and all that?
Did the thing with him meeting ken and trying to hookup with her happen before or after marky cheated on him with the tranny? If it was after I couldn't even blame him.
It is reminiscent of that because she is explaining her cheating to ken and going
> i didn't mean to im bad at this im scared

> if andrei kept her around there must be something good about her
yeah im confused by the timeline
marky and ken cleared the air about ekat pitting them against each other in 2019
but then they fought in 2020 anyway and marky was threatening to post Ken's address or something supposedly?shed guy contacts kens exbf?
i remember an anon who made a claim kennedi and shed guy had beef that had nothing to do with andrei. paging that anon pls
if marky cheated on him and and was offering shed guy a trip on his dime at the end of 2019 how did it get drawn out so long into 2020? shed guy's friend made it sound in the leak like marky and shed guy were together from that point on. she cheated and was dating both of them in 2020 or just keeping andrei around? this story is convoluted as fudge
Not the guy you’re looking for but Ken and the shed guy were both in similar /mu/ circles and most knew some of the same people. One of these people accused shed guy aka katelynn of being a pedophile who tried grooming her when she was like 14.
If Marky had threatened to post Ken's address, I highly doubt Ken would have cooperated with her again  in 2020 against Andrei/ekat.
I've heard something like this happened too, marky going hard after ken. Supposedly it was because andrei was putting them against each other and they eventually realized that and turned on him. I think it was more they buried the hatchet because marky explained she had been manipulated into doing these things.
The timeline and details of things happening during this period all seem a little sketchy to say the least
Apparently an alias of marky's ex boyfriend andrei. He was really busy at the end of 2019... Grooming 17 year old bianca and havingn an influence in her murder, dating marky and giving her an apartment, meeting Kennedi and trying to fuck her too, masterminding a feud between Marky and Kennedi. In the end all it took to defeat him and end the madness was a tranny in a shed. 

This is only the stuff we have heard about through the e-grapevine. This guy must have some craaaaazy stories to tell.
If this Andre character is some devious sociopath why hasn't he leaked anything about marky or ken after all this time? He must have some good stuff but he held it even when his name was dragged through the mud by both girls. Make it make sense bro.
look at the screenshots of girls talking to ekat. does it look like they're not enjoying it and playing along? look at both marky and ken singing the praises of andrei to each other. for all we know marky just lied to ken and made up a bunch of stuff after she cheated on andrei. there are no specific details about anything he did other than something about using a fake name and him supposedly being ekat.
No, Ken once posted a section of list of things he lied about and it was pretty long. This was when there was a schizospic spammer going after Ken who had ties to Ekat. Don’t have it on me but I’m sure someone here does. She censored Marky’s name in it several times.
The "it's ekat's fault bianca died" is a dubious claim too. Because they encouraged bianca to kiss a boy? Yeah, I'm sure it was a huge orchestration to make Brandon jealous and get her murdered and not just a normal conversation... He's not some 6d chess puppeteer. ken is just gullible and believed every schizo lie she was told about Andrei by marky and Katelynn. Other people have vouched for andrei's character too describing him as a down to earth and helpful friend.
> Date Russian
> live in apt paid for by Russian
> Get bored and cheat on Russian with tranny in a shed
> Russian is the real bad guy!
pretty obvious what happened here was a woman moment
idk personally i don't see the issue with desuwa. 

like if he was doing the same things to girls like bianca and marky that they were doing to guys that is justice in my eyes. The reputations of these girls precede them. way more evidence to suggest they are malicious than there is of desuwa or ekat even.
This. The man should be celebrated as a hero here for what he did. He put himself at great risk, even getting cucked by a tranny, all to take these bitches down a peg.
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Video's garbage, very revolting style, I almost puked myself, however.
A few clips in it prompted my memory hole anxiety and I started shuffling through our archived stuff to recall (evidently I haven't bothered to watch every video and stream), until stumbling upon this Twitch clip.

Now we have answer to these  >>/43909/  >>/44253/. Through patient and careful observation.

Additional trivia. The green-white Fairbanks City Transit System 142 bus is a local trail attraction.
Bus is no more since September 24 2020, it was removed by Alaska Army National Guard for "safety" after couple of women drowned in a nearby river trying to reach it lul. Museum of the North at Marky's Alma Mater, University of Alaska in Fairbanks has become it's permanent exhibit holder.
it sounds like they indulged in CP together and after the fact she's blaming it all of him like she had no choice. she was in love with this guy and lived with him for a few years. she even went back to him after her little cheating oopsie when she visited the states. he didn't physically abuse her (she would have told us and everyone else). you think she was crying and asking him to turn off the cp at that time? She really told on herself with that one lol
That's too bad there could have been some good laughs. Based on the screenshots of him posted here he would only be good for a troll and fully lives up to the name cuckberto.
If having compassion for someone who you loved for years of your life and shared a deep spiritual connection with is being a "cuck" then maybe he is. Roberto is intelligent enough to understand that the things Marky has said and done to him are the result of trauma and mental illness so he doesn't take these things personally. He looks past those things and sees the beautiful soul lurking underneath it all. He lived with and loved Marky for 3 years. There is no one in this world that understands Marky better than Roberto does.
> t. cuckberto

A few years ago some markybros reached out to him on discord and he insists that marky never cheated on him when she went back to Rhode Island kek 
cuck in denial
we are dealing with a man that mind controls women into living with him for multiple years watching child pornography. don't underestimate him or think you can grasp his true intentions.

some say him and andrei were trained by the same master of psychic arts
I feel bad for poor marky. Channing delegitimizes her story by acting like a complete schizo and now her name has been reduced to nothing but a meme, something to spam at Sam to antagonize him or have some lulz. These people are also paying sam for the privilege to do so.
oh god man.. yea poor marky but sam needs to be cancelled already. he fired the taylor girl (not a mde fan didn't know marky lore) for letting those through so they most likely will not happen. also they were all from one person "godzilla" who is probably a marky poster
anyone who unironically still thinks Sam Hyde is going to canceled for fucking Marky is brain damaged. It's over
true. but he's turning into a lolcow alcoholic. all the nu MDE fanboys from idubbz creator clash fishtank etc are dying out. WP2 is obviously ass and he is scared to release it. fishtank s1 only made 480k... if he didnt pay everyone min wage it wouldn't be worth it for him. Who the fuck is still a fan of him that got into him before WP? these new zoomer fans will move on fast
I think he'll be fine. no one seems to care about him or try to make him out as a lolcow other than some weird obsessed women. his lolcow thread at kf had almost no content other than channing's unhinged rants.

But anyway, this thread is about marky not your Sam Hyde related butthurt
It's worth pointing out that the person who is reporting the pic in the archives isn't reporting it here, as if they are hopeless that it will get removed. Very curious uh.
Used by Channing and other fags to meme on Sam like this and then mde fags posting pictures of her looking busted after her hospital stay to own the Channing fags. Neither side cares about her and are using her image as a meme weapon against others. That's gotta be rough.
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I think I'm a summerbro now
trading in for a younger cuter bpd anime girl
she even has the choker
Sam Hyde sure knows how to pick them
I'll never forgot you guys
I will save and protect her before she moves on to pedos and trannies and pray she doesn't have aids already

Does Sam think of Marky when he casts these type of girls or maybe it's just they all bought the same personality at the personality store. Either way she is crazy and precious https://youtube.com/watch?v=A2mWPjieuBA
She's so sweet and honest and vulnerable. she must be protected so years from now she's not asking for insults and drinking herself to death on a livestream to a bunch of salivating orbiters
they aren't that much alike. summy really wears her manic craziness on her sleeve without the veneer of deep art ho
I love her...
I have to lie to my friends, my gf everyday, every second... 
marky has broken me... I thought I would grow out of it
But as time goes I realize, my obsession was completely justified, and I grow more obsessed. I can't help but imagine that she's a kind soul, and maybe in a way she twists our deranged obsession into something positive for her life,  to know that she is loved and she's person with a gift to make us feel something real, feel real emotions even as men. 

she is that familliar sense of fleeting beauty, innocence that us men yearn to  capture. 
I might have accidently elevated her to a symbol of beauty, of feminine embrace, and comforting love that i longed for, yet never received . And now no longer able to accept  it when its abundant in my life. I look at the girls who enter my life with dismissive disgust, she's taking a place of the girl that I love. That worked so hard to impress, to court, to be with. 

When we needed that embrace the most marky was there, and that sense of meaning she gave me I have built my life out of. there's something more than just getting laid or conecting with someone. 

I just want her to be happy in this fucked up world, it depresses me that she's at all in pain, or struggling, how could any sane man see such a gentle, talented innocent soul struggling and not be sad and strive to make the world better so these tings dont occur to good people. That concern over marky drove me into vizualizing greatnes and becoming a good man, physically strong and now slowly amassing wealth. In my life she is more than real, I still feel an electric feeling  when I open her gallery and vids, and I feel that I am not doing enough, that I am not fast enough with my progress financially and maturety as a man. In the end I might have to let go of ever being with her as I am in europe but all I hope is she starts a family with someone she loves and lives a long happy life.
I'm disabled, how to make a regular size red text?
Closest I can get is brown like January slush.
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I hope everyone knows how to use catalog by now. There is no need to make new thread on every bump limit, we can peacefully brew at the bottom of page 4. Here are my future OP templates anyways. Rearranged items chronologically. Too much timestamp autism. Choice between [YYYY-MM], [YYYY], or nothing - single video links are cleaned too. Let's see how it goes.

Spotify and Steam links are pointless, and someone make a new introduction please, current one is kinda kringe.
[A witty punchline blah-blah-blah] Marky Jane Thompson
In previous episodes: [ >>/42657/]

 Old picture collections 
 >>/25646/ Marky.rar [2016-09]
 >>/25615/ Album pa2i7 - Imgur.zip [2016-10]
 >>/30878/ Marky-secret-stash.7z [2018-07]

/ Tumblr 
 >>/34653/ mirh [2010→2013]
 >>/27484/ haiselnet [2013→2018] +  >>/33243/  >>/33258/ full-res selfies

 >>/33232/ Marky Dolls & Figures.zip
 >>/34653/ haiselnet [2019-09→2020-05]  >>/34556/ mirlodie [2020-07→2022-02]
 >>/34727/ mir_png [2021-01→2022-08] / mirinoru [2021-05→2022-03] / tain_pudding [2021-06→2022-01]
 >>/34619/ mircolat [2021-01→2021-04]  >>/33249/ purintain [2022-08]

 >>/43027/ mir_png [2021-01→2022-08]

 Twitch clips 
 >>/29342/ haisel [2017-11→2018-11]
 >>/29337/ mirmeat [2022 ?]

 Youtube channels  
 >>/24626/ mj [UCjvNbOC04iFZvNI7hVpiMMA] - [2015-05-27] autobio vid [HTyreb3_RsUA]
 >>/29654/ +  >>/30101/ +  >>/29432/ mir / mirrr [UCj_UmWzyMhrNgs1Q3W-aOGA] [2016-10→2023-05]
 >>/29334/ Mitomo7/Dropofcandy [UCTJkRaslIJzlehqxrTpjZTw] [2023-04→2023-05]

 [2023-05] Last Youtube streams  
 >>/29663/ [2023-05-06] mir_read description.mp4 +  >>/33644/ chat screenshots
 >>/28090/ [2023-05-06] i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i [CMhVZ-aoq6s].mkv +  >>/28092/ chat log
@ [2021-11] IRL streams with Alice( >>/7552/) + some videos from deleted Mega: /@
 Old picture collections 
 >>/25646/ Marky.rar [2016]
 >>/25615/ Album pa2i7 - Imgur.zip [2016]
 >>/30878/ Marky-secret-stash.7z [2018]
 >>/34653/ mirh [2010→2013]
 >>/27484/ haiselnet [2013→2018] +  >>/33243/  >>/33258/ full-res selfies
 >>/33232/ Marky Dolls & Figures.zip
 >>/34653/ haiselnet [2019→2020]  >>/34556/ mirlodie [2020→2022]
 >>/34727/ mir_png / mirinoru / tain_pudding [2021→2022]
 >>/34619/ mircolat [2021]  >>/33249/ purintain [2022]
 >>/43027/ mir_png [2021→2022]
 Twitch clips 
 >>/29342/ haisel [2017→2018]
 >>/29337/ mirmeat [2022 ?]
 Youtube channels  
 >>/24626/ mj [UCjvNbOC04iFZvNI7hVpiMMA] - [2015-05-27] autobio vid [HTyreb3_RsUA]
 >>/29654/ +  >>/30101/ +  >>/29432/ mir / mirrr [UCj_UmWzyMhrNgs1Q3W-aOGA] [2016→2023]
 >>/29334/ Mitomo7/Dropofcandy [UCTJkRaslIJzlehqxrTpjZTw] [2023]
 [2023] Last Youtube streams  
 >>/29663/ [2023-05-06] mir_read description.mp4 +  >>/33644/ chat screenshots
 >>/28090/ [2023-05-06] i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i [CMhVZ-aoq6s].mkv +  >>/28092/ chat log
@ [2021] IRL streams with Alice( >>/7552/) + some videos from deleted Mega: /@
The first one looks good. To make it more compact you can remove Marky dolls & Figures.zip. It's just a compilation I made of her dolls pics posted on twitter and already contained in the other zips.

One day if I'm crazy enough, I will find and collect all marky pics posted on 4chan and on this board with their original filenames, and remove doubles/lower quality versions, and timestamp them, and organize them in folders by year and then finally zip everything.
She doesn't. She likes us and browses here everyday. The only reason why she doesn't stream is that she gave up on drawing, so she doesn't know what to bring. In fact the last streams were her reading the chat and drinking. 
I think she might have sold her mic for streaming too.
this. i think she likes it here but her mom made her stop posting and streaming to us. but quitting art and being a depressive drunk contribute to the whole thing too
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Prepare yourself markybros
kiwitrannies are going to shine some light on the terrifying darkness here
How did I not notice this pattern before? Marky is into messageboard admins with ephebophilic tendencies! That makes our BO the next most likely candidate. My congratulations, and most sincere condolences, brother.
naikonu / haiselnet

You bitches gonna cough up full archives or we have to wait another 2 years?
thumbnail of [2013-12-26 18:33:53 UTC] [pastebin.com_6z4nJf0v] listography tinuviele.zip
thumbnail of [2013-12-26 18:33:53 UTC] [pastebin.com_6z4nJf0v] listography tinuviele.zip
[2013-12-2... zip
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ook merci pour ta contribution
mirinoru and naikonu+haiselnet (can't find evidence right now, but apparently same account too) it is. Both have images floating around.

Not sure if this were posted on agatha2 before, I found it on 4chan archives. Someone made a snapshot of Marky's listography page way back in dec 2013 and uploaded it as text file to pastebin:
It has no profile pics or background, yet has embedded css, so it can be viewed in a browser almost as it was supposed to be. Some lists are truncated, expand link [...view...] points to a separate page, and hence were not saved. Listography website still exists and still looks like it used to 10 years ago, very cosy.
Is marky watching fishtank again this season? How does she feel about Summer having a mental breakdown thinking she gets markied on a matress in the basement by Sam hyde as the cameraman wept?
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Ummm, I'm gonna need a source on this one, brotha.

please dont say that. i know she doesnt hate me. i was very kind to her when we talked, im just very boring so she ghosted me.
I have plenty of boring friends and I haven't ghosted them because of it, that's not normal or kind. Good luck with that though
I'm sure that you are not as boring as you think. Even if it was for a brief period, Marky talked to you for some time and keep in mind that she experienced all kind of men online, dozens and dozens of interactions through years, so bringing a sense of novelty to her is extremely hard, if not impossible. Besides this, expecting social rejects with no life like us to be a long-lasting top product of entertainment is insane and wrong. A real friend doesn't base your worth on how entertaining you are.
It seems that Marky ghosts everyone at some point anyway, even if you did everything 100% correctly.
I want to also add that Marky easily losing interest in stuff doesn't apply just to people.
She's kinda faulty for this aspect.
wow look at that. even as a little girl she had the dry, cracked egirl lips. its as if from a young age , she already knew her destiny
It was homo gay sex, so I think it's fine. Maybe marky it's like those men who watch only lesbian porn or solo not to feel cucks...
Should we really cater to first page tourists? Let's keep thread topical and laconic. If you have nothing to post, do not post.

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