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thumbnail of [2013-12-26 18:33:53 UTC] [pastebin.com_6z4nJf0v] listography tinuviele.zip
thumbnail of [2013-12-26 18:33:53 UTC] [pastebin.com_6z4nJf0v] listography tinuviele.zip
[2013-12-2... zip
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ook merci pour ta contribution
mirinoru and naikonu+haiselnet (can't find evidence right now, but apparently same account too) it is. Both have images floating around.

Not sure if this were posted on agatha2 before, I found it on 4chan archives. Someone made a snapshot of Marky's listography page way back in dec 2013 and uploaded it as text file to pastebin:
It has no profile pics or background, yet has embedded css, so it can be viewed in a browser almost as it was supposed to be. Some lists are truncated, expand link [...view...] points to a separate page, and hence were not saved. Listography website still exists and still looks like it used to 10 years ago, very cosy.
Is marky watching fishtank again this season? How does she feel about Summer having a mental breakdown thinking she gets markied on a matress in the basement by Sam hyde as the cameraman wept?
thumbnail of no results
thumbnail of no results
no results
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Ummm, I'm gonna need a source on this one, brotha.

please dont say that. i know she doesnt hate me. i was very kind to her when we talked, im just very boring so she ghosted me.
I have plenty of boring friends and I haven't ghosted them because of it, that's not normal or kind. Good luck with that though
I'm sure that you are not as boring as you think. Even if it was for a brief period, Marky talked to you for some time and keep in mind that she experienced all kind of men online, dozens and dozens of interactions through years, so bringing a sense of novelty to her is extremely hard, if not impossible. Besides this, expecting social rejects with no life like us to be a long-lasting top product of entertainment is insane and wrong. A real friend doesn't base your worth on how entertaining you are.
It seems that Marky ghosts everyone at some point anyway, even if you did everything 100% correctly.
I want to also add that Marky easily losing interest in stuff doesn't apply just to people.
She's kinda faulty for this aspect.
wow look at that. even as a little girl she had the dry, cracked egirl lips. its as if from a young age , she already knew her destiny
It was homo gay sex, so I think it's fine. Maybe marky it's like those men who watch only lesbian porn or solo not to feel cucks...
Should we really cater to first page tourists? Let's keep thread topical and laconic. If you have nothing to post, do not post.

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