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Idk why you use these anime girls for your posts, you should be plastering your ugly baboon face, it's just false advertising. It's like an Indian chadfishing on tinder.
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you said, why do you think you won't get popular. what i meant by my answer is that if i were able to become popular it would have happened by now. also because there are so many people on there that i would be unnoticeable. same things ive been saying all this time. i was able to find people who will notice me here, which is why i stay here.
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"false advertising" idiot my face is literally the op of the thread. if you find me that ugly just hide it and leave.  some people think im cute so thats good enough for me.
ok this girl is histrionic most likely due to neglect from parents or envy from the success her kid sisters are having. you're not young anymore, sweetheart, you cannot be acting like this. grow up, you're about to turn 20. go help your parents retard, it is your duty as the eldest child to set an example towards the family. you're such a failure and i really do pity you.
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> go help your parents
i literally pay rent to them each month from doing bg work. plus help with paying for groceries and etc when they're running short. clearly you don't know anything desyu. they support my streaming stuff they think it's cool. i got my juri han cosplay from streaming and my mom was impressed. idk what is histronic about posten on a imageboard and streaming and cosplaying for fun. if i don't start making proper money by 24-25ish i will probably quit and find a real job.
you're so retarded and i feel nothing but pity for you. a teenager can accomplish those sort of feats. you're going to be 20 with nothing ever actually accomplished aside from hurting the feelings of men and being an attention whore. hope you overdose next time you get drugs junkie bitch. at 24-25 you'll be looking old and disgusting anyways because you're extremely malnourished. even right now you look disgusting with the acne all over your face.
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Don't listen to those who want to make you feel bad iris. Keep doing your thing and have fun. You'll probably never become a popular streamer but maybe you'll meet people who like you. It would be worth it for that.
yes im sure she looks like the wide variety of images she posts dumbass, literally every girl

now that ive defended u iris, pls let me pet u
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I just wanted to copy the anon who namefagging with sage.
On 8chan there was an anon that did the same thing. It must be him, for sure. He used to be more demonic. I think he's softened up a bit.
I like you iris, You seem like a nice girl. But I don't watch streaming anymore with very few exceptions so I don't think I'll interact with you through that medium. 
Live your life as you want and be free. I wish you the best.
yeah but it's different, they're not trying to sound like an underage girl either so whenever they do it it's ok. all i am trying to say is you are projecting how you think you look onto these anime girls but that just isn't the case.
ok yes but she heavily edits her photos and uses filters and makeup so it also gives a false perception on how she looks like.
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i am not trying to sound like an underage girl either, kek wtf?? that's disgusting. and also there's a million shitty photos of me with no makeup or filters that people like to repost whenever they see me so yeah, don't worry about a "false perception", dumbass
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anyway im taking another break from here cause people keep trying to shame me into leaving anyways, also i plan to be busy working on stuff for streaming this upcoming week. cya and love you to the nicefrens
> ok yes but she heavily edits her photos and uses filters and makeup so it also gives a false perception on how she looks like.
Again, that is only your delusion.
There are plenty of pics where she looks like a dumbfounded child or where her acne skin is very clearly visible.
There is nothing wrong with taking pictures where you look good and use makeup, costumes, suits or whatever to make yourself look better. That is completely normal.
I don’t have to worry because no one likes you anyways. I’m just saying your whole branding is false advertising. good luck though cowgirl 
a cute girl can have a candid photo and still be pretty. this girl acts like she’s stacy and deserves all attention when that isn’t the case. if anything someone like me is prettier than her but because she heavily edits her photos people see her as pretty.
 >>/66593/ this is what I mean no editing and she looks like the average girl maybe even below average.
no thanks I’d rather people not know my face. and she didn’t age well, I thought she was in her late 20s.
this whole thread? she thinks she deserves twitch viewers just because she’s a girl. and she’s look down upon other girls before thinking she’s better. I know she is just projecting but still
im not ugly, i actually come here to compare myself sometimes and im prettier than iris for sure, any 6/10 is. I actually feel bad for iris since she’s never getting anywhere with that face!
> this girl acts like she’s stacy and deserves all attention when that isn’t the case
For the third time now; that is just your delusion speaking.
You have completely lost touch with reality and your brain does not remember things properly.

> heavily edits her photos
Like here?
Where her acne skin is super obvious?

I'm actually surprised you seem to be a fembot who's just incredibly delusional and not one of her male orbiters trying to get under her skin.
There was a thread a little while back where a guy said his 4chan gf hated iris and accused the bf of being into her, it's probably her.

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