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> all of those times she would visit those random friends she wouldn't tell me about
Let me guess, those were all male "friends", right?

> everyone was telling me that she was
Who'd tell you? How would they know?
yeah they were male friends, I mentioned the stories of her leaving and then crying after and some people personally said she was def cheating which she denied so idk
> her leaving and then crying after
Yeah that doesn't sound suspicious at all. Holy crap. How did you take that when it happened? Why didn't you press further and get the truth out of her? I think she would have told you if you'd pressed on
When I question her she gets mad so I try to keep the peace, much better than her arguing with me and giving me the silent treatment and whatnot
Yeah but at least you would have known what actually happened, which is much better than living with an artifical peace with a big ass elephant in the room
Not her ex but I know that the epic memester guy who groped her tits was from Colorado, so I don't know if anything other than that happened while she was there. Maybe she fucked him, maybe she fucked other people there. I hope her ex could answer this too.
Hey, I'm curious about your take on the recent discussions about her dating pattern, where she seems to be drawn to younger, less experienced guys. Some suggest she enjoys the power imbalance dynamic of having more money and sexual experience. It's interesting how her exes often discover her baggage AFTER getting intimate with her. Do you think there's truth to the idea of her being labeled as a manipulative predator who preys on the vulnerable? What's your perspective on this?
she probably doesn't seek out those types of guys consciously to exploit them but because she's a mentally ill manipulative person she is drawn to those people (desperate inexperienced boys who will take her abuse) and those types of people are drawn to her because of their own mental problems when others would see the warning signs in her and run for the hills. It's not some brilliant scheme, more just her being who she is and doing what she does naturally.
it's easy believing the lies someone tells and how they've been a victim of every bad situation they've found themselves in when you want to believe it and when you're getting laid (or your ass pegged/eaten in some scenarios)
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> the year is 2002
> your existence brings your family together
> all in joy and happiness
> hopes and dreams and wishes about the person you could become
> life is good
> it will be years until the word "sex" enters your lexicon
> even more years until you would be sentient enough to entertain the idea of "ass licking"
> as of now, you drink away from you bottle
> not a worry on your innocent mind
> not preoccupied by what the future may hold
> life is good...
Well then that's even more fucking sad than what it already was
Unbelievable that a girl like her WANTS to have kids after the shit she's done with multiple men. How are you gonna make your kid drink from the same tit some random men who are not the father were suckling on a few weeks ago? How are you gonna kiss a baby in its sinless and pure head with the same lips that were pleasuring some guy's asshole? It's literally, actually, unbeliavably, morbidly evil.
her reality is a fanfiction to insulate herself from any responsibility for the things she's done so she won't see things that way. everything she has done will be justified, someone else's fault, or she recounts it completely different than what actually occured.
I wish I wasn't so attached to her so this wouldn't sting as much and I'd laugh about it instead but oh well
I'll be getting drunk tonight ruminating about this whole mess
To her ex:
Did she ever make you lick her armpits? I have my reasons to ask this which you might know too....
She's been known to do the same with every guy she fucks btw
It's as if she preemptively guards herself against the  bad rep and bad feedback she'll get for being who she is
being the supposed victim of big meanie pedro stalkers and their smear campaign also really feeds the captain save-a-ho complex egirl enjoyers tend to have
> Paulie will have known more sexual partners than you will have through your entire lifetime
How does that make you feel?
> GetsuFumaDen

Bruh that game is ass
I think it's funny how she has so much unlimited money she can afford to get these shitty games just for the aesthetics
Hate to say this happened to me. At the start it made me upset and sad, now whatever resurfaces about her just makes me laugh but damn it still stings a bit.
lmao many such cases anon

laughter is the best medicine. you had her on a pedestal and now you can see she's a liar and a joke who does the same thing to everyone she ensnares and has no self awareness.
It's not that I had her on a pedestal, it's more that I simply feel cheated. Kinda perplexing that she's done the things she's done when she'd present a whole different image outwardly.
> she'd present a whole different image outwardly
The craziest part is the consistency in which she does this. I've been through her accounts and she keeps this character she does consistent. What are your thoughts on this?
I agree with this, but I just find it disturbingly grim that she uses her pussy and her "means" (money/home/age difference) to get people to believe her lies and not leave
Yeah she's good at giving off a false impression, but I don't think much of her surface level "facade" is a lie; which is why she stays consistent, since it's easy and to just spout some comments or posts with no further depth to it. But past that point she lies about pretty much everything and is a completely different person, especially when it comes to her motives, history, baggage, and interactions with people.
It's why I always saw stuff like her call out post in her youtube as a bunch of baloney. She said all of that stuff and acting the victim when in reality she has having break up sex with the guy, telling him she'd take him back after a year, banging other men on the side, and even playing games with him a couple days ago. And that's only one example.
Just caught up with the threads after being away for a couple weeks and oh boy. I swear to God I don't wanna hate her, but she makes it damn near impossible.
> why not?
Embarrassed to say but the same reason many people in the same boat as me have said, I liked her and thought she was a fun and decent girl
I don't think she's physically uggo personally, and that makes all the degenerate fucked up shit she's done/does even more 'sinister', idk if it makes sense
And she's a cunt for sure, but I didn't expect it to be this bad
feel that. even the shittiest people can have good qualities or behave as decent people at times. people like her and their ability to endear others to them is part of what makes them such successful predators. being interesting, good looking or fun to be around is all kind of surface level and speaks nothing to her actual character, which as we all know is just pitiful. liars like her are cursed to spend all of their days running from the truth always nipping at their heels. What an awful way to live.
I know how you feel, for some reason I don't despise her either. Maybe it's cope but I kind of feel sorry for her but she also isn't an abused little girl anymore so her actions are unforgivable personally, not that is really means anything. I remember her telling me after the break up she would never forgive me but didn't say what specifically, maybe it was for calling her a waste of intimacy, something she acted all shocked for and then said it back to me. I don't know if it was projection or her being cruel but I still do feel bad for her in a way, occasionally she does something that reminds me why I do hate her and it's really hard if not illogical to separate her actions from herself since we are what we do but this is just semantics at this point. She was nice and seemed genuine at times which I can't forget, along with every other moment. One of the reasons she said she broke up with me was because I didn't make her feel special even though she agreed with me in the next breath that no one is really special. When I would ask why she broke up with me later she said I should know, this and many other cruel moments make me lose sympathy for her, especially after finding out how long she's been doing this. Audrey, I know you said therepy wouldn't help and you didn't need it but there is this method which is basically shock therepy that mortifies you into reality, it's just an option and only helps you, you won't be doing it for any of us. You're still an asshole for getting as close as you could just so you could hurt me as much as you did. I wish we never met and nothing useful really came out of the year I spent over you. I'm being a fag now but get on pills or something at least, I'm sorry any of this happened but I also don't really feel bad or regret it. I hate being reminded of you but I don't feel good from you suffering
it's a complex situation and you are able to still feel some sympathy and fondness for her despite what she's done to you which speaks to your own decency and humanity. guaranteed she doesn't feel a shred for you sympathy for you, but you're better off without it.
Yeah I always tried avoiding telling her how much she really hurt me because I do think she gets off to it, it was so disrespectful when she said she kicked rocks over me and then read all of my private Google docs which she had access to since we were together when I used my email on her laptop once, I saw every single time she spied on me. After that month long trip we talked shortly and she pretended to care about my trip and how I was doing but it was all to get me to apologize for calling her out and saying she was a monster. I remember the day I got back home after officially moving back and texting her just to tell her and see how she was doing and she blocked me on everything even though we left on a friendly note, plus I was worried since she was doing shrooms in the woods that same time and those strong emotions do not pair well with them. I told her how I cried at work once secretly while we were still together because of her and how I had to take a break from college because I was almost having panic attacks, I could barely leave my bed and I lost weight and she didn't care, one of those foot pics of hers was actually weeks after she broke up with me which makes me believe that she was cheating even more. I'm a bitch sure but at least I was genuine with her
> being interesting, good looking or fun to be around is all kind of surface level and speaks nothing to her actual character
Absolutely, that is very true. Sadly most people, me being an impressionable fool included, are lured in by this aura and end up getting hurt in the end when she shows her true colors but you're in too deep and emotionally invested to just let go, you just try to excuse it or justify it for her and never questioning the excuses she gives herself
It gets to a point where it's just too much and some things start falling apart at the seams, and the truth starts to come out, and even the glimpses that have surfaced are so bad it's made me feel both dumb and embarrassed

I think it really sounds like projection from her end if she'd say stuff like she'd never forgive you and that you should know, but never being actually specific
That tells so much that in that it's just a convenient excuse that covers all bases and passes the blame to you without her actually addressing what her issues were so they could be worked out
Do you think she's really malicious enough to do this to people and like you say get off to it, because it makes her feel powerful or something?
Ok lots to unpack here man, but please answer these questions if you can or feel comfortable

> After that month long trip
What month long trip? And why was she trying to contact you again, didn't you say she had you blocked on everything?

> I told her how I cried at work once secretly
I don't know if this was a smart move, I mean sure, you tell the people you trust stuff that make you vulnerable to them, but she's the kind of person to actually despise you if you're ever emotionally vulerable to her

> one of those foot pics of hers
Damn, I thought all of those were photos she'd send you. I guess it'd be redundant to think she was messing with other men to send them that kind of shit. It's certain. 

> I'm a bitch sure but at least I was genuine with her
I don't think you are, you've been more honest about this than she's ever been and it pisses me off how she's still pinning every single negative comment about her on her strawman monster of an ex going off on a smear campaign when it's actually just things she's actually done
If I may ask, what kinda stuff did you have on your google docs and why would she spy and read through em?

Is it related to what she mentioned in her callout post about you having a diary/notes that she also read?
> she also isn't an abused little girl anymore so her actions are unforgivable personally
lol she ascribes everything bad about her character to trauma and ptsd because of her mom and a friend dying, but she's not that stupid to believe that herself anymore.
what exactly is unforgivable, like what concrete actions that she did (other than cheating obviously)you can never forgvie her for?
someone like her does get off to making you feel bad as long as you're thinking about her. the shift from an equal, caring and fun relationship to one in which you're always feeling bad, apologizing, compromising can be so subtle you don't even realize it happened to you. 

never let her know you care or are hurt by her. best thing you can do is act dismissive and treat her like like a joke to bruise her massively inflated ego or just act like she doesn't exist. expressing genuine emotion will just annoy or digust her and attempting honest dialogue will get you nowhere except manipulated
dunno the name, just know that a friend of hers died after her mom did and iirc another person close to her died too. in her own words, her trauma and ptsd stem off these deaths and getting sexually abused.
> expressing genuine emotion will just annoy or digust her and attempting honest dialogue will get you nowhere except manipulated
Amazing in a nutshell description of Audrey
For sure. She's never really believed that herself tho. She just loves the power trip of leading people on and manipulating them for sex, money, and having them kiss up to her. She conveniently uses trauma/PTSD as an excuse only when called out, and that's when she's not blaming others and calling them liars.
she's too far up her own ass to realize that life is fucked up and lots of people have trauma they're dealing with. you just don't know it because most of them don't tell everyone who will listen and use it as a convenient excuse to be abusive to others.
I've been told by other people that knew her well that she literally said she likes being vindictive and I'm sure she's admitted to psychopathic things on telegram, I mean she literally skinned a squirrel and a raccoon and even held its heart in her hand recently. I remember before I even knew what BPD was telling her that she was idealizing me and it felt like I had to fit into her idea of me I swear to God. Near the end she also said it was like walking on eggshells and other BPD traits to me but at that point I already realized what she was doing so I didn't internalize any guilt from that thankfully, her example of me gaslighting her was me not wanting to tell her she oversalting the pasta once. She would passive aggressively bring up like saying I love you and trust you because you are my boyfriend but mmmmm you did gaslight me and lie, something apparently I was the first to ever do to her. I would tell her sometimes she would make fun of my education because I went to a community college and then she would make me give examples which is hard when it's just her using a specific tone of voice or something so innocuous it makes me look pathetic for even bringing up. I did say she was mean and that did offend her and only because apparently she's been told the same thing before. She also got off on humiliating me and others so it doesn't seem so far fetched of her to like being cruel. 

I don't want to give specifics on my personal life but I traveled with my family, after that was when I would comment on her private videos and on Twitter after she would be all nice and then switch up and say something horrible and block me before I could respond, I found those YouTube comments she called essays and they were me just calling her out basically, not much different than this. I never called her names or anything, I wanted closure at the time and she specifically would taunt me with that.
I already cried with her physically in my room because of my brother and she didn't emote at all and even got annoyed at the idea of me still living there as if I had any other choice, plus I don't think about it like that, I mean I don't get triggered or anything.

Yeah I was trying out journaling, literally once btw and within a week she saw it and told people about it. It was kind of helpful because I had no one to talk to and it helps set away thoughts I would ruminate on and waste time thinking out all day. It was basically me talking like I am now just trying to get it all out, I did say I wanted her to suffer but she took that out of context because I said I didn't want her to suffer but I did want her to understand how she made me feel so that's why I even would attempt to call her out to her. That was in passing too because most of those like three paragraphs at most where not focused on her but on me obviously since I was tired of torturing myself with all of these feelings and memories I didn't know what to do with. I deleted it a couple days later because it felt stupid but she had read it by then. It's called expensive writing but I don't think that's what I needed at the time. Alot of it involves bringing up stuff you don't want to talk about as a form of emotional disclosure. Anyways doesn't matter, just a little offensive because this was semi recently and honestly didn't even involve her as much as it sounds, I wanted to move on past her and deal with the issues I got as a result of her.

The breach of trust and subsequent abuse
I remember when I would cry because she would belittle and insult me and make me feel like trash I would apologize to her and say sorry for no real reason and she would get annoyed and say sorrys don't mean anything and I should just be better, for things I didn't do but absorbed for whatever convoluted reason at the time, she made me feel like I was the manipulative monster and I felt so guilty for it.
I do remember telling her, idk where but around when I took a break from college, that I actually moved on and made friends, just to piss her off really because at that time she was flaunting at me while I was suffering and apparently she was seething because of that lol and even called it cheating! I was the cheater for moving on too early after she broke up with me. I can say I have moved on enough to be happy and productive in my life and I have my identity back.

She drank and did weed before me and smokes now 

Some friend who "died in her sleep" but what she told me was that her mom drank herself to death and her friend was depressed and on antidepressants and still drinking so she definitely killed herself that way, no disrespect to her friend but Audrey seemed surprised at this notion. Another person she knew somehow was a bitter old man from a farm or something that said she would see his dead body or blood or something, I don't remember how he died or her connection but she would bring it up. Also on her friend, it was her birthday when we were together and so we watched her friend's favorite movie which was midsommar but I had a job then and slept early which pissed her off and she said I was so disrespectful and made a whole show of turning off the movie and bringing up her friend again. She also said I reminded her of Zoolander once so we watched that and I guess I wasn't fully engrossed and she did the same thing of getting pissed off and saying I was disrespectful to her.

Honestly her story is kind of weak and doesn't really even involve her mother, and to be honest I never had PTSD because of my brother and I walked in on him still breathing so idk, maybe I'm a psycho too, I think we all just kind of move on and the ones who can't kill themselves, the rest of the world lives with much worse than I do so I don't think it's that crazy, it's not like I don't think about it still but I tried to be as healthy about it as possible.
> at that time she was flaunting at me 
Wdym? What was she flaunting? And yeah it was crazy to see her calling you a cheater when all her proof of you contacting girls were after she dumped you. What a fucking wreck.
When did you try journaling, and when did she see it? I guess it says a lot about her that she'd still be doing that even recently
Yeah those soc posts were also to piss her off which apparently did since she brought it up lol, I never even talked to them, not that any of them responded lol but that's when "our little game of cat and mouse" on Twitter happened I think, she knew I wanted to talk but refused but still entertained it sometimes, she would like stuff specifically I liked on Twitter and posted tweets that referenced me including reposts of her art of me, even one of her YouTube videos was like that

It was not too long before her call out post
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> what she told me was that her mom drank herself to death
Jfc, I knew it was from cancer but I never knew she was an alkie. What would she say about her? ANy details about her mom and Audrey's relationship with her?
Also I gotta say two things regarding that, first is that she'd share this pic of her with her mom's shirt on r9k, and second is that I remember someone said recently that she admitted to "not feeling anything" regarding her death
> even one of her YouTube videos was like that
Do you remember which one? And yeah I remember those drawings, it's nuts to think she was referencing you still. I don't know if it can chalked up to an overinflated ego, being evil, or both
> It was not too long before her call out post
Bruh that was what, January or February? So she was still looking at your stuff even when she was already fucking some other guy ? Fucks her problem?
Nonono sorry her friends mom drank herself to death and then her friend drank while on pills and died not too long after, Audrey's mother was from cancer, I do feel bad for her for that, no one should have to go through that and I feel bad talking about it

I would not be surprised, I'm sure she was getting side dick from her school friend that always helped her with homework and would take her on motorcycle rides, I literally feel sick thinking about all of this

It was one of her music videos, also that drawing of her saying something all paths of love lead to you was about me, she drew that while we were together but she left it vague for her twitter simps
she's moved on but likes to keep emotional hooks in people she's discarded to feed her ego or in case she decides to circle back when things fall through with another guy
> I'm sure she was getting side dick from her school friend that always helped her with homework and would take her on motorcycle rides
Fucking hell
This happened while you were still together? And let me guess, she wouldn't go into detail of what went down when she went out with him, am i right?
Yeah he was this guy, older than me, from rural Georgia. She would make fun of him because he is in sooo much debt to be an airplane mechanic, she would shit on him alot and apparently shit on me to him to the point he hated me without me ever talking to him. Semi early in our relationship she went to his town in Georgia to stay over :\, she said there was some other hick with two Japanese girls with him so idk, nothing she did was ever my concern to her

Yep yep yep

Yes lol but I was into it too :/
Kind of unrelated but one time we were driving around at night I guess from my city and she wanted food but it was late so the only thing open was a bar, so we stopped and ate there, I actually got free drinks from this random guy because I was wearing an Adidas tracksuit and he thought I was Ukrainian, first time at a bar too. Anyways she dropped a napkin and I got down to pick it up and she got soooo horny because of that, I don't even know what to really say about that
Man... I don't know if you've really processed this at all since you've said before you never really pressured her into admitting what she did with those guys she went out with, but it's pretty damn obvious something more than fishy was going on. You say it was multiple guys, right? Like that one dude with the bikes? And on top of it all she was sending other online dudes compromising pics? Do I need to spell it out for you?
Good news is that she's always been like this and still is to this day, so you shouldn't feel like she only targeted you to suffer
can you elaborate on that? I knew a girl who claimed to hate people from her past or had tossed them aside and definitely did not care about them as people but still saved various things of theirs or about them like momentos I guess. but it wasn't to remember them or because she cared for them but more like she was the star of a movie and they were the supporting cast of characters she had collected so far in her big story. It's hard to describe because I've never seen anything like it and hopefully never will again.
Lmfao why would she get horny from you picking up a napkin wtf. What'd she say bout that?
And about the armpit stuff, did she ever cum only from you licking her armpits? Did you ever actually cum on them? What do her armpits taste like?
I've learned that if a girl is excessively shit talking a guy to you then you might have something to worry about with her and that guy
> teehee I luv you so much all paths lead to you :333

> *proceeds to fuck endless miles of dick both from online and irl*
> *manipulates you*
> *humiliates you*
> *doesn't give a shit about you*
> *talks shit about you to others (and fucks them afterwards)*
They will hold onto objects from their relationships as a way of proving their self importance and power, also most of her stuff is stolen from friends just like her personality. They use the objects to ground them in their version of reality.

No, to all of that lol, but to reiterate she had a humiliation fetish

You're right, it's sort of better that it wasn't in front of me and I got to fuck a lot so I didn't really think about it much then.
I wonder what made her feel she had the 'right' or moral superiority over you to think her fucking other people while still with you was okay, but don't you fucking DARE try and contact other whores even MONTHS after she dumped you because then she will seethe
> humiliation fetish
Was wondering, how does her humiliaiton fetish manifest? What does the humiliation consist of, like specific acts? Is it her getting humiliated or her humiliating you?
I think it's more psycho-sexual than just sexual because outside of the butt stuff we had pretty vanilla sex, actually the armpit and feet stuff could be related but again I was into it so I didn't really see a problem with it. She did tell me she got off to me like serving her or something, related to the napkin and shoelace thing, maybe like it was that fact I was looking up at her but it made her tremble 

Yeah whatever fuck her I'm free now, at least I'm not stuck a prisoner of my own mental illness 

Like what most armpits would I would assume, she was into it but I would usually start it because she wasn't into foreplay, one time at her dad's house she just randomly put her ass out for me to fuck which I did but it felt so weird because I didn't want to at the moment, I know how women feel now lol but that was because she was seeing if she could cum at all because of how stressed she was, she couldn't btw and it ended quickly but that was wild to me, it's like how those black women on Twitter talk about their side niggas lol, really was just a piece of meat. I don't remember what she was stressed out about
> They will hold onto objects from their relationships as a way of proving their self importance and power, also most of her stuff is stolen from friends just like her personality. They use the objects to ground them in their version of reality.
Interesting. Never really thought of it like that. I wonder what specific items she still keeps from previous guys. At least what I do know is her ever fluctuating interests and fixations which you're right, she copies off whoever (and tries to pass it off as a genuine attempt at connection via being interested in what they're into)
> she just randomly put her ass out for me to fuck which I did 
Fucking lmao. What'd she actually do, just drop her pants and get on her knees doggystyle with her ass facing you? What did she say exactly, "fuck my ass"? Was she into anal big time that she'd rather get fucked in the ass than in the pussy?
Funny how after all that they turn and suddenly hate everything about you and everything you do or are into. It's like, bitch you were just copying my entire identity, worshipping me and guzzling my cum like it was ambrosia just yesterday who are you fooling?
> at her dad's house
did the guy ever hear you guys fuck? did he ever made any remarks? what even was his attitude towards you fucking his daughter and towards you in general
I lied to her every step of the way during my time with her. I said shit that was definitely not true lmao, then she talked about her anxiety and manic behaviors and shit, I'd say something like "same xD" I hated her and wished I kept up with it so I could—
No she's not into anal but yeah it was pretty abrupt but we were hanging out in her room, that might have been TMI 

I did and honestly not particularly

He knew I wasn't going to last with her, she even said that because of how little he cares about me

Yeah she would talk to me about her depersonalization too
so you fucked her in her room at her dad's house
that room with the yellow and blue walls
white ceiling where she'd put up her painting printouts
wonder if she still had her shark and other plushies there on that bed as you were fucking and cumming in her ass
> honestly not particularly
fr? I thought asses were supposed to be tight as hell 
did she ever let you do ass to mouth, and if she did did she think it was yucky or never made a comment about it
Isn't her dad the bog standard floridian boomer, fucks a lot of whores and drinks & smokes like a chimney. How tall is he btw, I always thought he was like 4 foot.
Oh I thought we were talking about the other hole, only did the poop coochie a couple of times, I did put my face there too and she was all shy about it first but then admitted that the first time she saw me she said in her head that she would let me rail her or something like that, she also did comment that my big nose was nice to sit on

Dude you nailed it, don't want to fuck with him too much but she even found his sugar daddy dating profile once

The blahaj is that Ikea shark all the trannies have

I'm beat mean now at this point, I'm gonna feel bad about it later now plus I have to be up early tomorrow so I'll respond later to anything else
> she even found his sugar daddy dating profile once
> found
Hmmmm now why would Audrey casually stumble upon her dad's sugar daddy profile if she wasn't looking for sugar daddies near her, eh? Really makes you think!
Audrey stock continues to plummet, can't stop the bleeding

Audrey Thread stock on a rocket to the moon
> admitted that the first time she saw me she said in her head that she would let me rail her
Don't know why exactly but this is making me seethe. I'm pretty sure it's just a natural response to having the blindfold ripped out but holy shit it feels like a kick in the nuts.
I mean they were friends for a while supposedly and I thought it was kind of fair honestly, it would be less believable if she said she never ever thought about it once

Yeah sorry man, I don't know if it would have been worth if to ever get with her even if you knew everything about her before. She told me that later and I felt used more than flattered
> I don't know if it would have been worth if to ever get with her even if you knew everything about her before. She told me that later 
Nta and im a little drunk so could you put this in laymans terms? if I understand correctly she admitted or at least implied  that she's not worth being with because of her baggage and sluttiness
I don't know about that dude, it's pretty fuckin weird to have the girl you're dating tell you to your face she's thought about fucking other men as honest as she was trying to come off as
Maybe I'm just old fashioned or outted myself as not having much experience there idk, but it seems like a fucked up thing to tell your partner
They were friends before I met her so I felt like I didn't get to really complain but I see what you mean, but the way she assured me was suspicious but I had other problems to deal with 

I don't think anyone's missing out on much
Hey I actually get up early too lol but I just wanted to ask you if you had seen this video someone posted here earlier  >>/62869/

And if you know its source?
If anything I'll be back tomorrow too after work so gnight
Hmm well but did she ever say something similar about other people? Like admitting she had thought about fucking them too like she did with that guy? And I'm also assuming he wasn't the only guy you mentioned she would often go out with overnight, goddamn.
Speaking of social media you mentioned she has some private videos you'd comment on? I never saw any comment from you under her public vids. So what are these videos of? Do you mind sharing them?
Not her ex but knowing her she's most likely blowing some sexual encounter out of prportion due to retroactive guilt. Classic egirl move.
I've got a question I'm truly interested in getting an answer to:
What's the biggest discrepancy between her online persona to her actual irl personality and also physically once you met her irl?
I didn't know her online persona much when we met, at most I would say she wasn't as nice as she was online and more distant. Her attitude was definitely different when we first talked, I guess that ties into how she can't really be vulnerable and intimate.

They were like gaming videos or videos she posted to show me something irl

She never told me about her past, at most she showed me old pictures or vids but I didn't ask for context
That's interesting. Everything you say about her points to the fact that she really can't be intimate. But what about physical differences? Surely she must have sent you photos and voice chatted before you met, so how much did she change irl? Did yiu think she was as cute as she was on pics, maybe bit, maybe shorter, or fatter, or what?
> distant
Bruh hate to say this but based on everything you've told us it seems that she was most expressive whenever she wanted to fuck. Every other instance she was distant and cold as hell, like when you cried over your brother and she was like 'get over it lol'
She sent me this photo of her in front of the window looking kind of trad, said she was a 7 early on too lol but I thought she was still kinda cute, there was a difference from when we did meet irl but I wouldn't call her a catfish.

Ignorance is still bliss at this point 

Yeah definitely
> Ignorance is still bliss at this point
Like bro I'm not even the guy who asked about the shark plush but how do you think he knew about that and her room at her dad's place and stuff
She's been around the proverbial block on the Internet, touching tips as she called it with all sorts of people that might increase her social status I suppose 

I'm sure it's in the first thread somewhere
Just gonna copypaste what I saw in another thread cause I think it fits Audrey like a glove:

> She (and other women) know full well what they're doing. The reason she gets mad is because she doesn't want the "judgement" for what she does.
> Women are perfectly fine with doing the most heinous shit, AS LONG as other people don't think negatively of her. 
> This is also why you can get women to do weird shit in the bedroom, as long as she "feels" she isn't being "judged" for it. Women are amoral.
odd question here but does she have bad breath? she likes to larp as a primitivist who doesnt shower and she smokes and drink like a sailor, so i figured that maw must reek
Why take accountability when you can pretend you have no agency and are some bot driven forced or coerced into doing everything you regret, or that it's your mental illness or trauma's fault?
Yes, it was foolish of me to ever think she was ever honest, it's on me totally but I don't feel like I should apologize or feel bad for believing her and being kind to her. If anything I think she's an even worse person not only for not taking accountability or having introspection , but for actually treating people like shit unless she's getting something out of them
Ignorance is bliss to a certain point, man. Maybe you do well in trying to protect yourself from knowing the depths of her fucked up shit, but at least if it was me I would have pressed her on til I got the truth out of her own lips. Stuff like her refusing to explain her overnight stays with "friends" or mysteriously crying after coming home after having paid some guy "friend" a visit are not only sus as fuck, it's stuff that stuff that doesn't sit well with me at all and I wouldn't have let that shit slide as much ass as she was giving me.
I got to live with her and fuck constantly, if I did press her she would just accuse me of being controlling and probably use it as an excuse to fuck with me more, at worst she would have broken up which at the time would have not felt great for me either, I tried to balance everything out as much as possible but I every possibility wasn't really great either way. In a perfect world I would have known before hand and never dated her in the first place
I'm curious to know what life with her was like. Like day to day life, aside of the stuff like her emotional draining stuff that was dealing with her that you've mentioned before. Like what time did she get up, her daily habits, what would she have for breakfast or lunch. Would she cook for you both, would she do laundry and do the dishes or keep a mess, would she clean her room. Stuff like that. I'm kind of fascinated with that aspect.
Did she really take her of everything out of her own pocket? How could she afford to house you and provide for shit, did her dad really dole out the cash to support her and by extension you?
Plus I already settled in and even got a job there, a big reason I even moved in was because she offered after my mom spazzed out because of my brother's death and so I had to move out of the apartment I was also paying for at the time. I don't want to get into specifics but that's when the trauma bonding happened, when she told me how much she loved me and that I wasn't alone. As I slowly trusted her more she slowly started disrespecting me and I guess I have my own issues if I stayed while being abused, that's why she probably liked me in the first place

She would in the beginning but I would clean and then buy food most of the time, she would get bored easily so when she wasn't playing games I was dragged around to whatever places and walk around while not ever really connecting, she always wanted stuff and otherwise was just trying to distract herself all the time or hyperfixating on school work. She is a messy person without me but I think she likes the hoarding, it's like a controlled chaos. 

Her dad has millions and even her mom left a big inheritance, she told me bear the end she lied about all of it so I wouldn't stress out about money while she never actually had to work and mooched off of her guy friends. She's very unappreciative too
> touching tips as she called it with all sorts of people
Cracks me up fr. Imagine deriving your self worth on the incels and memesters and notorious e-girls you talk to.
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> she always wanted stuff
> mooched off of her guy friends
So she actually does have paypigs then.Blows my mind how she'd excuse that when she'd sing a very different tune before, she'd actually call the egirls who did that whores. I can actually show you, se vid related
> As I slowly trusted her more she slowly started disrespecting me and I guess I have my own issues if I stayed while being abused, that's why she probably liked me in the first place
Confirms what others have mentioned before. The kinder you are to her and the more vulnerable you present yourself to her the more she loses respect for you. Wonder what sort of mental illness this is, or if she's just an evil cunt by nature.
So she's a hoarder? The few pics I've seen of her current room are always messy. Does she shower often, is she a dirty person, did she mind you listening when she peed or took a shit, did she care about her appearance at all
Kek shameless
She also had a feminist era for a while where she'd be anti abortion, anti being provided for financially, anti hookups, anti sex even
they do this kind of shit all the time... hate on other women for being whores, cheating, having paypigs, etc but then they go and do the same thing or already are. When they trash other women for this kind of stuff it's not really a moral judgement, they're just jealous or trying to cover their own ass
Makes sense. It lends itself to all kinds of zany interactions once you confront them with the fact that they do the same shit. Seeing them fumbling with words trying to justify themselves is hilarious. Somehow the way they do it is okay and not at all comparable to the way those other whores take advantage of people, no sir.
I can confirm this. that story must have been from late 2018-early 2019. big part of why she was well liked then was because she was shy and authentic, there's no way she was doing the shit she does now then, she actually called all of that out. her personality and actions did a full 180 since those days. i figure you also knew her back then?
Why are you giving me shit for lol I'm just telling you the things she used to parrot herself not long ago to which now she does the exact opposite of
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> she changed on a dime completely
Why? I refuse to believe the same girl who was nervously teaching the parts of an aircraft is the same girl who some time later was pegging and eating ass, banging guys on the side and having paypigs. The dissonance is insane, it's some anakin to darth vader type shit. What made her become like that?
> You're still an asshole for getting as close as you could just so you could hurt me as much as you did
You know this is all in your head right?
Dichotomy is a reference to plural issues interacting... not an ill reflection in particular behavior, although BBC posting is certainly more your specialty
> ha! you beat it to porn so that makes my fucking multiple guys and licking ass and be a manipulative whore who takes advantage of people okie dokie!
> heh that'll teach em
post it then, coward 
you’re right, expecting a bunch of one dimensional sex pests to possess the ability to separate private life and public presentation and understand those things naturally contrast is asking too much
Well you see, when that private life and that public presentation differ so wildly from each other that they are actually polar opposites then it stops being a matter of understanding a separation of them and it starts being what we colloquially refer to as being a hypocritical whore. Hope you understood!
> i-if you have a problem with my ass licking and fucking of multiple men i meet online and stay with overnight and my piss and anal fetishes and my leading men on to waste their emotional energy, time and money on me, then it means you are actually a porn crazed freak lke I am
Sure showed me, Audrey
Trust me bitch, nothing at I might  have beat my meat to once comes anywhere NEAR the sick shit you've actually performed with several men and countless times lol
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trauma dumping isn’t a definition it’s anecdotal, typing about it through tears angrily won’t change that. hope you understand. since understood is past tense and we already know the past you is a dipshit.  here’s something more on brand for you.
cumbrain denial is tragic. you wouldn’t have a masturbation addiction and a hard drive full of shame if you had any other avenue to nut. you sound circumcised 
thanks for taking a break from your coveted diaper fanfiction forum to interact here with other humans
>  the only whore worth hating is your mother for fucking indiscriminately in every direction and making you.JPG
Holy projection, guessing you're referring to chain smokin, green card chasin, second choice kraut mommy there, right
they/them do this routine in other girl's threads too. not sure if it's extra thick bait or they're actually this hopelessly cringe and devoted to defending dumb whores
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> what? they're calling ME a whore for acting like a whore and being a whore and whoring around for years with any whore chasing incel I can manipulate? 
they just deny and deflect every accusation even if it's been 100% proven, insult and act very antagonistic to other posters, call everything fanfiction. Could just be bored
> the only whore worth hating is your mother for fucking indiscriminately in every direction and making you
lmao thanks bro, gonna start using this on audreys kids if she evr has them
> those things naturally contrast
Gonna take a second to entertain your dumb ass here, in case you are actually this desperate to defend an objectively evil person. 
She cheated on every men she has been with. She has lied to every men she has ever been with. She leads dozens of men on at any given time despite her official relationship status. She has taken advantage of people emptionally, sexually, financially for years without a single shred of sympathy, compassion, and let alone remorse. She spits on the face of the people who open up to her by sheer humiliation and then acts the victim. She's betrayed the trust of everyone who has ever confided in her, incluiding you. These are all unforgivable acts done by a shameless and horrible person.
I intentionally left out her sexual depravity so it had no bearing in your empty accusations towards anyone who has a problem with her and your coombrained rhetoric. And if it's a dumb troll and I just wasted my time here then cool, at least I got to put it in plain terms.
i hope you didn’t write this paragraph thinking i would give a fuck about her, what you think about her or what she does to other people.
you’ll notice nowhere did i deny that she’s a shit breathed aberrant whore.
because she is. 
but if she’s a sadist, it’s because you’re a masochist. 
some of you retards, no matter how many times this happens, still act shocked when someone who was performative and pleasant online is a degenerate 
by now this should be drilled in your heads but it seems people prefer blindly fall for the  “women are wonderful” fallacy and it’s ridiculous
people like you and third wave feminists are two sides of the same coin and it’s beyond me how you don’t realize that 
i really think you might be retarded if you think any girl on r9k will ever be anything even remotely close to normal
you don’t use 4chan and lose your innocence while doing it
you go to 4chan to be around people as fucked up as you are
none of the people you believe are exceptions are exceptions at all, that’s just you being incapable of moving past personal preference and idealizing a version of someone that doesn’t exist, all made capable with narcissism and the idea that your opinion is rule, somehow 
every single person you think you know, you don’t. i know damn well you don’t tell everyone around you anything. which is why it’s even more bizarre that people expect otherwise from the people around them
you’re kidding yourself if you think your qt3.14 oneitis virgin angel favorite hasn’t had someone pull out of her ass and shove a butt cock down her throat or something of a similar degree
guarantee you. ask your mom what her body count is on the next phone call you get from her
not to mention, porn is hardly any better. if you enjoy lining the pockets of people who do minimal work and take in advertisement money, you’d be better off doing that on YouTube. preoccupations with porn and sex are impure and a sign of a rotten soul 
get used to the idea that the people around you are garbage or don’t, keep making yourself mad forever and never learn from it
i’m sorry about your foreskin and you have my condolences, but having a ruined penis isn’t a good reason to be this stupid
Dunno if you answered this in a past thread, but how long after she contacted you on soc did you move in with her, in term of weeks?
Most based post itt. Sick of these guys who willfully put themselves in these situations expecting sympathy after getting what they wanted.
what is your motivation for coming here? to write walls of texts seething over some dudes naive or desperate enough to trust a girl like Audrey? you have a point to an extent but it seems kind of weird that you come here and rage at them when she is objectively 1000x worse, not to mention their posts are appropriate since it's an egirl gossip and drama board and have provided plenty when the other threads are dead.
looking for sympathy is kinda wack but exposing her and airing her dirty laundry is based. nice to warn others before they fall into the same trap.
> /agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory
> e-girl gossip & drama

> she is objectively 1000x worse
NTAYRT but I doubt that. People attracted to these types are into them for a reason and tend to find themselves in the same cycle forever. It's symbiotic. With that said, the post is also relevant since it pertains to Audrey and many more of the girls. Anon is likely a regular poster here but just wanted to call this out as he saw it. 

He definitely did not kill himself.
I guess he just wants the board to be shut down since he flings his shit everywhere whether you're simping for egirls or trashing them. maybe we should lose the drama and silently post pictures so he doesn't have a melty welty.

so dumb that him being a whiteknight larping as le based incelbro is actually believable
He's engaging with discussion about Audrey and called her a whore but saying that it was obvious from the start anyway, how is he a WK?
> giant rant lecturing, analyzing and tearing apart guys posting info on Audrey
> oh yeah and like, she's bad too I guess...cause i hate women and stuff...
hmmm I wonder??
> People attracted to these types are into them for a reason
What? Audrey's entire appeal for alot of people here and elsewhere was that she was a nice break from the rest of the girls posted to this board. If you actually read the threads or knew her history and lore you'd see the same lines spammed everywhere about her being "different", "unlike the other whores", and such, and to a large extent it was true. The root of her drama has been that she's been exposed by her ex and others close to her to be probably the most deprived of them all and it's no surprised this has shocked many people who until very recently were still on her side.
Yes, but that is an orbiter's perspective. The reason men entered sexual relationships with Audrey is different. They liked her sexual sadism. They admit openly to it here. Let this be a lesson to any femdom fetishists itt. Women who want to be mean to you in bed are obviously going to be mean outside of it.
sure you could assume Audrey is a whore or mentally unstable like many other women are. but if you have never experienced a person like her in your life before, and have little experience in general, you are not going to be able to comprehend just how bad it can be in so many ways. plenty of "normal" women are attention/actual whores but your avg attention seeking whore vs a bpd nightmare or whatever she is is night and day. blaming someone that found out the hard way and assuming all kinds of nefarious or degenerate things about them when they were probably just lonely and looking for a connection is sussy af
> Women who want to be mean to you in bed are obviously going to be mean outside of it.
True. Now add to that the myriad of other fetishes such as anal, humiliation, rape, piss. At some point those fixations stop being mere fetishes in bed and become a sign of something fucked up in her core.
absolutely correct. im not going to hate on someone for finding this out the hard way as long as they've learned something.  the things written on this anonymous message board or elsewhere on the internet can sound very sensational and schizo. doubly so when they aren't matching the very real person that is standing right in front of you explaining it all away.
> getting your asshole pegged and eaten by audrey
Miss me with the pegging but just imagine the sight of Audrey eating your asshole for a minute. Must be surreal. Especially for the guys who have known her since her days as a cute innocent shy girl. Makes me hard as much as it makes me sad. Dude gets to brag forever about having had Audrey eat his asshole, no matter how much shit she flings at him nothing will ever make her unlick his literal anus, and her reputation is gone to shit forever after that for me. Can't see how she could ever live down the ultimate sign of submission and degradation, especially since it was willing. Thoughts?
You are so depraved yourself it's hilarious watching you call her a whore when you wish you were the guy getting his face sat on by her phat WAP ass.
Ass eating can go one of two ways. Either the guy is being degraded or the woman is being degraded. In Audrey's case she was the one degrading the guy by making him submit to her as she ate his ass. Obviously we see her as degraded too, but it wasn't a submissive act for her. She was humiliating the guy, not the other way around. Not that it matters at the end of the day, but something is to be said of these femdom porn addicted guys who like this about her.
my point is that to the uninitiated you would probably expect at worst your average 2024 ho, not a sociopath that is going to mindrape you for their own sick pleasure or because of "trauma" (kek). so why sperg out so badly on some shellshockded guys who didn't know the difference?
ass eating is gay. rather have her mouth on my dick than getting my ass eaten like some poopooeater sodomite

100% of guys that eat a girl's ass close their eyes and think of their boyfriend so they can get off
def submissive. you are being penetrated, even if by a little bit of tongue. I guess there could be certain scenarios where it is more degrading and submissive to the female but I'd imagine they're outliers.
> you widh you were the guy
> if you call out what's objectively disgusting it's becaude you secretly want it yourself XD
Fuck outta here with that faggot-tier logic
to be fair you or whoever he replied to did say it made them hard. very good point that she can never ever unlick that asshole though. what can you say to someone after you gave the walls of their rectum a tonguebath?
Actually lmaoing at the levels of this cope. There's no way you can spin this any other way. Licking ass is the ultimate symbol of submission; you are on your bended knee or down at the level of his cock in bed, pleasuring the most private part of a person, willingly placing your tongue in the one place of the human body from where solid waste, excrement comes out of, not deriving any physical pleasure yourself but finding pleasure in the act of degradation. And Audrey  actually did this, it's the whoriest of all whorish acts and she did it.
I'm the guy he replied to and yeah I said it made me hard, but at the cost of forever tainting her image and reputation. Makes no mistake, I wasn't anywhere near as attached to her as some guys here and I recognize I'm a bit of a sick guy, but I always saw her as a cute and innocent girl so the idea that she'd be this corrupted and turned out to be this slutty to actually lick ass is what makes me hard, and it makes me sad for exactly the same reason. In the end it's a lose-lose situation because she'll never live this down, she's forever marked as an ass licker, and how can you ever come back from that? Basically this  >>/63256/ and this
> she can never ever unlick that asshole though. what can you say to someone after you gave the walls of their rectum a tonguebath?
I  >>/63251/ was not coping or defending audrey but getting penetrated by some lesbian looking chick's tongue, writhing around like a faggot while she is in complete control with her hand on the pleasure throttle is pretty submissive in that moment. but I was wrong, it is undeniably more degrading to the one munching ass. 

weighing the potential of embarrassment of the two positions, clearly the one tonguing ass loses the battle.
> it is undeniably more degrading to the one munching ass.
> weighing the potential of embarrassment of the two positions, clearly the one tonguing ass loses the battle.
Obviously. It'd be like saying "ha, I made you my bitch because I sucked your dick", which is illogical since by definition giving a blowjob is a very submissive act. Rimming someone's ass is much, much worse in terms of submissiveness for what the posters above have already said and also factoring in the post-act embarrassment. No matter how much guilt she feels it's already over, she's officially an ass licker and she'll never unlick that anus. Booyah, girl.
I'll add that the descriptions of these events make it sound like she was the one in control. if he called her a fat little piggy whore and told her to clean his mud hole nice and good it'd be a little different.
don't think it ultimately matters. she had her tongue brushing against the skin of his anus, the place where shit comes out from. and it was out of a degradingly deranged horniness which imo is worse than having been ordered to lick it clean.
that's just autistic technical commentary on the submissiveness of the act, just for the sake of discussion. either way it's irrelevant to how that act reflects on the participants, which is badly for Audrey in all cases. No one cares how the act played out when he says 
> yeah that egirl over there had her tongue in the hole that just pushed out a massive stinky log mere hours ago and she liked it, no she loved it.
> yeah that egirl over there had her tongue in the hole that just pushed out a massive stinky log mere hours ago and she liked it, no she loved it.
kek.but just as one extra techincality i'd add is that even if she said she didn't like it nothing would change the fact of the matter.
We don't know who this Eric guy really is/was, but whoever he is or might have been he was obviously close to Audrey to know the stuff he mentioned in his posts. Maybe it was an alias only Audrey would recognize since he starts off by saying he was embarrassed to even be posting here. He mentioned her ex David by his name and he also named some Michael (?). He mentions having had long chats wih her, and some other events and places on top of a photo titled Wisconsin or Wyoming. He also signs off as her "phantom" and one of the attached pics is an old drawing. It's cryptic and obviously directed to Audrey because I have no idea what the hell this could all mean.

But what I think the most telling thing I noticed from his posts is that he mentioned that he "was there that day at Union Station" or something among those lines. What happened that day? Which Union Sation? There's no fewer than a dozen spread throughout the country. 

I don't know who or what ever happened to the guy, but I'm intrigued and I'd like to know others' thoughts and if they found anything out too.
Pretty fucked up trying to erase Eric like he's not real. Like he never existed, like he didn't suffer like he didn't kill himself. We'll never let them do it to you Eric. Rest easy friend.
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> Union Station
Doesn't Audrey have some history in Colorado? Cause there's a big one in Denver.

Actually as I was typing this I also looked up the Dot's place he mentioned and turns out there's a place called Dot's diner in Boulder, so I'm 99% sure whoever this guy is/was has something to do with Audrey's shady history in CO
> Union Station, Colorado
> Diner is relatively closeby in nearby Boulder
> Wyoming is a bordering state to Colorado
So all of this is in the same area, tho I'm not sure what could have happened in Wyoming. But it's geographically roughly the same area.

No idea what the Da Vinci drawing could be.
> lived long enough to see the Audrey going from cute shy lonely tomboy to cruel degenerate roastie whore arc
I really don't know how to feel about this timeline, lads
Now I find that hard to believe. It was one of her few legitimate interests I think, at least back then. Tho recently someone mentioned that she wasn't really into her major so planes could have been more of a hobby and an interest than a true career path.
Her ex mentioned here  >>/63000/ she also fucked some georgia ginger who was a plane mechanic who took her on bike rides and she also posted some aviation memes on twitter but those things have happened well into her thot era, not when she had a true interest in that stuff
> girl has sex
> girl has sex with random men
> girl has sex with random men while in a relationship
> girl whores around both while in and out of relationships
> *lies*
> *leads guys on*
> *hooks up*
> *has paypigs*
> *treats people like shit*
> *manipulates*
> *hides baggage*
> *eats ass*
> Noooooooooooooooooo how why it can't be
Fix'd that for you bro
Alright I don't really care about Audrey at all but I just clicked that link for her Soundcloud profile and it's the worst music I've ever heard. Why does every single egirl except maybe one or two like the worst possible music on earth? That's a true reflection of their intelligence, if anything. Don't listen to the words they say, just look at what music they listen to and what it represents (or in this case, doesnt).
girls generally have pretty bad taste in music. Normie girls care almost exclusively about lyrics and catchiness/dancibility and mostly listen to rap and pop. a lot of the egirls fall into the artho category or something adjacent to that so they focus more on the aesthetics and obscurity of the artists they listen to, or listen to memetier core shit their friends on chans/discord listen to. they're going to like better music on average than normal girls but their understanding and appreciation of it is still pretty shallow.

if you're relying on women to develop your musical tastes for you or even care what they like then there's no hope for you at all.
if you think a girl has genuine good taste in music ask her if she acquired it from her dad or a boyfriend
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Crazy, why would she comment this on a Jet Neptune video lol. I thought she disliked everything that smelled like Sam Hyde out of some kind of e-girl solidarity with Marky but apparently Jet's larping as a school shooter aesthetic was powerful enough to lure her over
classic rock, folk and country probably came from her dad or another man in her life. bedroom punk lmao...fake meme genre but sounds pretty obscure and cool
She had a lot of ultra thot pop on that playlist lmao. Stuff like Ayesha Erotica, Kim Petras, etc. I won't give her shit for having a varied taste in music since it's better than only liking two genres and that's it plus some of that shit are a legit vibe, but if you look closely she started liking that kind of stuff just around the time she started to let go and become an ultra thot herself. Could it be maybe an subconscious reflection of her lifestyle?
She comments A LOT on videos. I was going to collect the ones I found but they're boring. Multiple "Wow great song. Thanks!" Or "Cool".
> probably came from her dad
some of it yeah, but she pins some of her music taste to her alleged rugged southern redneck upbringing even though she's a spoiled rich kid who larps tough

the taste for incel rock is pretty self explanatory

the whore pop is funny and i agree it's a funny reflection of her own life

the rap tho maybe she just likes, but there might have been other influences
> faggot trash
Bruh NTA but ayesha erotica jeffree star, kim petras, shit like that that Audrey likes IS faggot trash. Why are you so defensive?
Ah I see, thanks. What do you think of her music taste

What's so weird about wanting to see her opinion and thoughts in the form of comments? do you know the kind of stuff she actually does?
Just talked to helix, he said that she hasn't talked to him in months that she blocked him after he tried to talk jesus with her and that he hadn't heard anything about a new bf the last time they talked. He also said that he wasn't sorry he made her mad enough to block him over his beliefs and that he was still hoping she'd find christ one day. He also said he did miss her and he wants to at least check in with her because he got some weird dm's a month ago and he hasn't been able to contact her in anyway.
I like some of the music she likes, some I don't, I think it's pretty telling overall of both her states of mind and her personality like everything else anybody likes (you can decipher much about a person by seeing their tastes in the arts, people, sports, etc). Take that as you wish.

I don't like her now, but I used to like her before. Don't think it's necessary to explain why that happened. Still interested in her thoughts and behavior but it's been reduced from actual fascination about her to a casual interest, or the interest you derive from observing the behaviors of a lab rat.
> admitted that the first time she saw me she said in her head that she would let me rail her

This is the same girl whose first ever interaction with this guy (on /soc/) was how much she wanted to get impregnated by him after seeing about 3 photos of him and nothing else. The fuck is her problem? Not even the worst of the other e-girls are this crass and slutty
If a girl's first words towards anyone are how much she wants to get creampied and how much she'd let you rail her .... I'll let you figure out the kind of stunted mess this woman is. Imagine what other fucked up shit she's thought and carried out with a bunch of other guys if what her ex has revealed is enough to make people see her as no better than a street hooker.
I getchu. Some people spend years after a woman only for them to spread their legs for literal hobos or random dudes they stumble upon on a whim because those guys were lucky enough to be at the same place when the whore was on the prowl. Back then it was at bars now it's online. It's happened throughout all of human history.
But don't feel too bad, bc just like her ex she's picked many other guys like that. You can infer the kind of person she is and I dont think it's one you wanna be involved with if you have any standards.
Me too here, but that's what irks me the most. How could a girl that wholesome turn out to be licking ass of guys she met on /soc/, pegging, getting guys to give her money, the whole 9 yards of shit I wouldn't have ever believed she'd ever do. Literal night and day difference to which I dunno how to feel about
> poor shark got cummed on. i wonder if it left a cumstain that audrey's now forced to look at every time she cuddles it
from her boyfriend or just a random hookup? that's sad. someone should buy her a new one 
yeah probably one of the nicest egirls
That's why many refused to believe what she was exposed for at the beginning of the shitstorm

> someone should buy her a new one
Stop it with the simp mindset. Haven't you realized it's big part of why she is the way she is rn
it was from the boyfriend she had living in her house after a few weeks of having met him on /soc/ lmao

keep up with the threads nigga, she's legit and unironically a manipulative evil whore
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NTA but I took some caps of her posts when I was in her incel tele gc a few months back. She's brother mongoose. She was a bit of a slut and attention whored a lot, and was obviously hitting on some of the guys there which was later confirmed.
> stop it with the simp mindset. Haven't you realized it's big part of why she is the way she is rn
does she really have that many simps? I havent kept up with Audrey lore as evidence by me questioning the shark plush
what kind of /soc/ thread was it? kek
Some screenshots and excerpts of DMs with her have been posted to recent threads, don't know by who but she was talking kinda suggestive in them.
Don't expect many folks to post their private Dms with her, I'm sure you know why.
Does she actually skin pets? She once told me she says crazy things for fun and 'to troll', but after seeing other stuff about her it could be real, makes me fucking sick if she does that. And what's with her body hair, why doesn't she shave?
Her ex mentioned multiple times that she enjoys killing squirrels for fun, and in her group chat she often posted about hunting and skinning small animals. She sees herself as a wild, rugged amazon lol. She also explained her refusal to shave as part of this persona, but it she can only afford to maintain this larp due to the safety net of her dad's wealth.
She's always been a fan of body hair and I can't blame her, nothing wrong with it, nothing to be ashamed of at all. You're actually gay if you don't like bush or hairy pits. Sadly that doesn't redeem the rest of her fucked up self.
you’re white stop saying nigga you fucking white trash trailer cracker bitch meth mouth motherfucker. you smell like a roll of pennies and a wet dog.
That was an obvious joke, idk what to tell you. Although I know it reflects some underlying issue, like her weird hunting larp where she kills animals for fun in the wild. Inb4 someone comes in accusing me of whiteknighting for saying that someone claiming to steal craigslist bunnies solely to skin isn't being serious.
Incredibly based and true. I like my girls petite and very thin, but unlike most on the rest of this board I don't fuck with pedroshit. There is literally nothing more sensual than a woman with a bush and pit hair. This is one of those things I suspect you might actually have to experience irl at least once to understand. It awakens something deeply primal.
Based, I agree 1000%. But when it comes to Audrey tho..... things get iffy, because she sexualizes it under the facade of it being le natural state of a peson XD but actually gets off to it. And her ex confirmed a couple days ago she'd make him lick her pits, so the thought of them having been licked to oblivion by guys she picks up on incel group chats, r9k, soc, discord, makes me fucking sick.
This girl engages in risky behavior like bareback hookups with guys she meets online, enjoys pegging, has an anal and humiliation fetish, and is into eating ass. I think sexualizing body hair is the tamest of her fucked up shit.
yo guys it's helix I think you should lay off Audrey a little or take a time out for a few days. There's a lot of stuff going on right now you just don't know about there's a lot more to this
> yo guys it's helix

> There's a lot of stuff going on right now you just don't know about there's a lot more to this
like what
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She might be a whore and those pits might have been licked a million times over but I'd give them a tongue bath if i say so myself, although I'd feel disgusted afterwards when the thought of her aborrent sexual behavior pops up back in my head
You might have said that half jokingly, but I assure you the thought has at the very least crossed her mind, if she hasn't done it already
> bisexy
Fucking told you. She always had fag tendencies in both her art and her music taste, it's obvious she's always been bisexual.
looks like a duck, quacks like a duck...

of course she likes chicks. the worst kind of lesbos always try to act like men and be dominant. much different than a regular tomboy
how do you people find that stuff? that's if you found it because if not then she must have told you about it. in that case i wonder how many people she shared stuff like her tumblr, soundcloud, steam, facebook and stuff that wasn't as easy to find as her instagram
She's a mommy dom man beater pedrophile who likes to rape men who are weaker than her mentally and emotionally, and fuck / eat their ass. Not to mention she's an engineer who wants to make missiles which kill people (also insane)
Don't forget the wonderful habits of having paypigs, engaging in humiliation and rape fetishes, and hooking up with random internet guys.
Easy peasy, larp as a misfit incel but with a 4chan sense of humor, impress her with meaningless trivia about whatever shit she's into that week, and  follow the steps as detailed here  >>/58267/
So, it's only fair, right? If you want to deal with a manipulator, you've got to play their game. But honestly, it's not worth much. She's fast to get bored, move on and mess around with any random guy she meets online or in person.
yeah this guy gets it. that's pretty much it for any egirl and let them trauma dump on you. you might need to up the ante by having money or drugs if theyre really seasoned
I wonder what her ex meant when he said last thread that there was probably a chance to fuck her again a couple months after they broke up.
I don't think it's too far fetch'd at all to think they'd shoot each other messages after a while, remember how he said she'd chat him up from time to time and even say things like having him back "in a year" among other stuff. And lwt's be honest, Audrey IS a manipulative bpdemon who gets off to controlling people. Add to that a libido so high it drives her to chat up and fuck some random guy whenever she feels like it and it's a recepe for a proto-pornstar in the making.
It is hot, yeah, but it becomes disgusting when you think of the woman that piss is coming out of. She's had her lips, tongue and fingers in other men's shitty assholes and who knows if she's been peed on  herslef too.
Desn't matter if she's the dom or the sub if she partakes in those kind of fetishes. Anyone who gets off to pissing on somebody/being peed on, and raping or taking advantage of someone/being raped themselves is fundamentally fucked up as a person.
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This anon almost got it but it's missing some key points:
> have a cutesy  quirk that contrasts with your tougher outer persona
> make her think she's lucky enough for you to let her see it
> glorify your hobbies as being passions so she thinks you're autistically passionate about something (bonus points if it's something she has an interest in too)
> have a 4chan sense of humour but condemn the influence it obviously doesn't have on you or her
Idk who you replied to but I posted the old ass insta stories and I dont think they indicate a piss fetish per se, I just remembered they do have something to do with piss which I think is funny especially considering that her ex said she does have a pizz fetish and she wanted to piss in his mouth
Daily reminder that every single time she told you she was going to bed she was busy chatting with no less than 3 other guys lol
> t. one of those 3 other guys
Women by their nature are masochists, they derive pleasure from pain. A perfect man doesn't give pain, therefore there's no pleasure. She wants an imperfect man who will rile up her emotions, make her sad, angry, cry then happy after
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She'll make people miserable by dragging them through her own miserable sad little choices just because she can't live without the thrill of being an unredeemable failure
I just couldn't talk to Audrey. She's not nearly attractive enough for me to pretend that she has anything interesting to say and it would be difficult to pretend that I enjoy her cringe internet persona
I used to think she was pretty cute and didn't think she was that cringe. But she's gone from cute fun likeable girl  to openly degenerate whore with a cute face attached to it.
> She'll make people miserable by dragging them through her own miserable sad little choices just because she can't live without the thrill of being an unredeemable failure
Truth bomb
I see photos like these and my autism kicks in badky and makes me loathe the very ground she sits or stands on. It's now been tainted and corrupted, Audrey the asslicker has actually been there, her actual body, her with all her baggage and sins, have actually made contact with the world and the soil and now it's been made uglier and lesser just by her having been thereand anywhere she goes
sausage-finger'd, paypig-havin', /soc/-lurkin', shit-weldin', pedro-enjoyer, piss-lovin', rape-fetisher, town-whore asslickin' Audrey
Wouldn't BPD, NPD and autism fall under the Whore syndrome umbrella? Why is it its own category? Maybe even PTSD too since all girls like to cower behind their alleged trauma to excuse their whore ways when they get called out
these bitches lie to themselves and others that they have autism so they can pretend theyre like "everyone else" and not narcissistic monsters
Hey guys my psychiatrist that I lie to about everything says I have autism, isn't that neat? Please be patient if I ruin your life anon. Oopsie! I'm just kinda quirky and a little bit different than normal girls, that's all!
All that does if prove that
> she's loaded to afford multiple "mental health" psychiatric sessions
> is that big of a nutcase to require and have required that many therapists in the first place
> it was all a waste of time and money since she actually became worse
Think I remember her ex and other people saying she also didn't take the meds she was prescribed because she didn't believe in them lmao. why even go in the first place if you just wanna hear them say what you want to hear then. 

She really do be like that
lmao every shitty person like her has a bag of excuses for being the way they are. le trauma and mental illness are some of their favorites. they never use this knowledge to improve themselves and treat others better. that's part of why she sucks.
Daily reminder she got her case against the hapa who groped her tiddies thrown out when the guy's attorneys pointed out the nazi flags she owns lmaoooo
Yeah that whole sob story was bullshit btw. She fucked him and other people in her own home when she was in Colorado too so big LOL @ her ass.
why do so many egirls larp as racist nazis unironically buying nazi gear and shit but fuck mutts. she knows nazis would have her killed for that right 

its like sunny who spent years calling people nigger on discord but now wants to be a normie and date black guys. 

Im actually racist and want all niggers dead and I just want an egirl that actually holds the same views without betraying their race
> why do so many egirls larp as racist nazis unironically buying nazi gear and shit
Cool based edgy internet points. In the case of Audrey she's said its because she's proud of her German heritage since her mom was German and had some Nazi relatives or something even tho she was a druggie herself when she was still in Germany and then married a mutt GI for the citizenship. So no consistency because they're not actually nazis or even racists. 

Not calling her a hypocrite for that tho, she's a larper and edgy so nazi stuff is just cool to own for the aesthetics. There's a million other things she deserves to be called a hypocrite for.
Nah she's legit half German, her mom was actually from Germany

Maybe she got that wild streak from both her parents, cause historically germans are incredibly repressed degenerates and her dad's a total perverted nutjob too.
don't think she has, but what she's actually done  is go to one of her sisters for validation to get an abortion when she's had pregnancy scares
imagine her as a mother, period. it'd be actually evil and heartless. passing down her own and her whole family's mental illness genes, having some random incel she met online as the father, having a deviant and lengthy sexual history... imagine having a literal pegging asslicker as your mom lel
couldnt be me. if she ever decides to have a kid she needs to put the child up for adoption. she would be a horrid mother. the kind of mother that abuses their children just because, and with an incel bf thats even worse.
does anyone know if Audrey lurks here? I know other egirls come here to check out their own threads
> how did you and dad meet, mom?

> Well darling, mommy used to be very active on insta... oh, my bad, that was a "friend" mommy used to have, oopsie!
> heh well, before it got banned there was this imageboard called 4ch... oh wait, that wasn't him either. 
> You see, mommy used to be part of a group chat of ted k larpers on tele... hold on, that was somebody else.
> Some time ago, mommy was very active on disc... wait, that was another friend teehee 
> Actually you know what, that's a story for another time :^)
yeah thats going to be a bad conversation to have. but same with tinder thots. guys need to find a christian wife if they want someone who isnt a whore or just become a monk
Not only is she emotionally neglectful, how would she even excuse kissing a kid with the same lips she actually used to pleasure another guy's asshole? Breastfeed a baby with the same slut tits that had SEVERAL other dudes suckle on? 
Literally every single part of her,  physically and mentally / emotionally, is corrupted and degraded beyond recognition and she's done that to herself willingly

I know she'll say she wouldn't think of that but that's a major cope to avoid feeling like the gigantic whore she is.

She does
lets be real she would probably keep meeting up with incels even as a single mother. she would neglect her kid to fulfill her hornyness.
she doesnt fuck incels anymore or just the incels that are still in her clique? reeeee Im the anon who used to be friends with her on disc once upon a time I never knew she fucked incels though that could have been me
how do you even talk to an egirl and NOT trauma bond? if she's not dumping her baggage on you within a few days of talking it's literally over.
god damn id love to lick the shit out of audreys bushy asshole and then kiss her on the mouth. why didnt I talk to her more. that will be my biggest regret in life
> if she's not dumping her baggage on you within a few days of talking it's literally over.
Oof 100% this. She does this all the time and if you trauma bond enough she'll even let you live rent free at her own house kek
read that wrong. I said it before but we didnt talk a whole lot. she was into ww2 planes at the time, showed me her shark plush (that I now know got came on), and just our lives in general. I dont have the conversation anymore unfortunately

I know barn anon on r9k used to be obsessed with her and Kasper though. wonder if he ever fucked Audrey
a few years back. I think shes a mess but could turn it around. if she gives up the casual lifestyle. id still marry her despite her flaws.
she was nice to me. wasnt a bitch like some egirls and she actually tried to have a conversation with me despite me struggling to hold one.
> struggling
lol dude you literally just talk about their favorite anime, music and whatever meme hobbies they're into currently that week as a pretense before they start trauma dumping on you and shit talking the last few guys they've been talking to. you meet up, they act all innocent and idk what I'm doing for like 2 seconds and then you'll be fucking.
harder than it is at least for me. I am just not good at this kind of shit. I am the quietest introvert in the fucking world. Ive never had a girl trauma dump on me. is there something you ask them to make them do that
if you're too inexperienced to be able to hold a conversation then some run through ewhore is the last thing you need. You realize she's talking to 50 different guys and getting fucked by a neverending line of simps? she is more accessible yet 1000x worse than any other girl you could ever meet anywhere else.
Audrey? Lmao no. If she turned up on my doorstep dtf sure of course, but she's far below the standard where I would think to put in an ounce of effort trying to even talk to her. If I have to put in work the reward has to be worth it or I might as well just jerk off and move on to something more productive than some butch eho.
> she is more accessible yet 1000x worse than any other girl you could ever meet anywhere else.
Been saying it for a while now and if you go back on her threads people have been saying it for years. She's the weirdest egirl I've ever known on account on her surface accesibility and apparent kindness but coupled with an absolute trainwreck of a personality after a certain point and the sexual history and baggage that at first wouldn't match with the person she presented herself as at all.
The same goes for any of these girls. Browsing chans and being accessible on the internet to any random tard that messages them isn't a good thing. Thinking some girl up to her neck wading through dick is anything like you because she knows some manga or band or meme you're aware of is a delusional trap. you would be better off picking up a hooker off the street, at least that's honest.

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