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The bored four NEETs

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Looking at her profile through the tiktok app there is a link for her instagram account but it won't let me see the username without an account. The profile as viewed through a browser doesn't provide the instagram link at all. This has hindered my stalking efforts somewhat.
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got 4 cans of doubble raspbery poofta drink but the guy at the bottle-o said to get 8 for a few dollarydoos more
postie put 2 parcels behind a wheelie bin
i think they are my brass dooflickies from the other week
apparently another postie is bringing something else later today
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> World record in Norway: Ken Stornes performs a daring "death jump" from a mountain face, at a height of 40.5 meters, into the cold waters of Stryn.
I thought throwing the stone to break the surface tension was smart, but then he appears to do a belly flop.
I got half a liter of țuică/răchii from a coworker (thanksgiving in his father's memory) 
it's supposed to be 43% alcohol, but it's much more pleasant than vodka
Ain't popular here. Quicker to find a drinking pal who's all like:
> come on lets drink jäger!
> come on lets drink becherovka!
> come on lets drink absinthe!
Never heard this with rakija.
We have our ever popular drinks the million type of pálinkas ad wines. And even our shitawful beer.

No other choice just creating a virtual personality who only exists online but has all social medias. Ofc have to access through 7 proxies.

And still noone posting the well-cushioned cowgirl ever since.

Apparently there are people whom are afraid of pinecones killing them.

No. That's not local patriotic at all. You can't even drink beer from other region of the country, and if you travel there it is your duty order the beer you drink at home, and if they don't have that make a scene about it.
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Funny how you have been breaking big ol rule 2 by mentioning his real name every other post and yet here you are appealing to authority pointing fingers again

Also half this problem is Monk. He should have been range banning anyone mentioning his real name, but Monk is on Team IGAy so yeah whatever…..
goddammit I hate sweet alcohol 
the absinthe is alright though 
pálinka and tuica/rachiu are the same shit 
the only difference is how many times you distill the alcohol and the volume
I hear it rustling ever since.

There are legal definitions of pálinka. Even EU recognizes it.

I'm sorry but that's unlikely. I don't say never as they say never say never. I was in Transylvania twice so not that impossible.
Wait. The real answer is: when we go with tanks!
Well that's the first time I've ever eatn an entire jalapeno raw. Will update tomorrow which hole it came out.
I feel it would work better as a suit. If you're going for standalone jackets you want something not to bold that can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion.
Same deal, you don't wear a checked jacket without matching pants. Used car salesman. 
If you want slim fit go tarocash, cheap, but everything on the rack is cheap now
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Hello NEETs

Just Finished my meeting at Nambour Police Station

I voiced my concerns about the Stalker and the times and dates he has visited along with the unwarranted phone calls.  

I went to lengths to explain the fraudulent weapons charges he is falsely accusing me of.

Turns out he is known to police due to his previous stays at NAmbout and Maryborough health facilities due to another poor girl that targeted and stalked, details such  that i am not able to go into.

Turns out his vehicle may getting a personal registration check soon.

Stay safe NEETs.
I'm glad to see you're finally taking some action, but if he's already 'known to police' and still running around, it doesn't seem like they'll do much.
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When johnny law finally catches up with me, is it actually a good thing to ask for a jewish lawyer? Or is that just a meme? Asking for a m8.
> Caught
No it really is a case of some NEETs here being absolutely retarded mouth breathing drooling fuck ups. 

Considering my enemies i am very coy and carefull to give out information these days. 

And you end up with a situation where the retard is positive i have been getting NDIS assistance all these years when i have never received a cent

< unemployed retards and their seething feedback loops
> Considering my enemies i am very coy and carefull to give out information these days.

Lol. You already doxxed yourself. We all know exactly where to go to find you aimlessly riding your bike around hopped up on a bunch of drugs. You have utterly failed at whatever you like to larp as being 'opsec'.
> woman calls me about a chair
> first thing she says is that she a single mom
> not sure why she felt the need to tell me that
> then she's hitting on me
> then she's trying to dump her kids on me, a total stranger
Whatever is going on here I'm having none of it
they didn't have red rock chillis so got a 45g pack of smiths salt and vinigger. 1577 calories for the day including the burger I will have after the standards.
Weber thought he was going to the state rifle championships but it was actually the CWA state trifle championships.
All the ladies laughed at him. His trifle didn't place either.
Do you remember that neet that used to post a photo of two skanks and the text "COCK FUCKING DESTROYED"?
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> known to police due to his previous stays at NAmbout and Maryborough health facilities
Yeah, because coppers will just disclose that to anyone.
Please learn the meaning of words before using them.
> i am very coy and carefull to give out information these days. 
You posted your email address in a screenshot only about a month ago.
The asymmetry really gets to him. The only information that nuro has on IGA is that photo of IGA from a decade ago and IGA's phone number. Both of these were given to nuro by IGA. Nuro otherwise knows nothing about him. Meanwhile IGA knows nuro's name, address, names of relatives, phone number, email address etc.
> uppity chink uni student
No, that would be me.
> cant make it in the real world again..... 
< 40
< no qualifications
< no money
< no family
< homeless
You really seem to be making it. Keep it up big boy.
Was this on gumtree or something? I reckon you're wise to steer clear of such women. They're nothing but trouble.
Would you object to pics related? I consider it a bit of an old man thing to do.
> do you have any package for *insert real name here*? 
> no, some mistake must have occurred; are you sure you placed the order with that name? I'm asking because I've even seen people placing orders anonymously
oh shit, oh fuck 
> do you have any package for "anon"?
> we have one, now show me an id with the name "anon"
goddammit I forgot I signed up as anon
the whole thing was so awkward
I haven't listened to it in a couple of weeks now. I don't really agree with BAP and Nietzsche philosophically. One other observation I'd like to make is that they're both better off listened to than read.
Suits are a personal choice, but that jacket fits him like a dress and the shoulders don't do him anyfavors.
I prefer my suits sharp, more shoulder padding, higher cut, no pattern, none of that stupid 5 sleeve button business
Davo/FluteNOOT: The person you have been discussing jackets with the last few times isn't Weber, for what it's worth.
> 'Rizz' named Oxford Dictionary's word of the year

> funking
I suspect the android auto-correct software has some weighting bullshit to almost always correct swearing to something else. I fucking hate it and it is very resistant to learning otherwise.
The days in Davoren Park have been alright due to the cool zone but the nights are often too warm to be comfortable but not bad enough to have the aircon on.
Yeah, she doesn't like having it on except when the solar pays for it.
At night it is fine in my room due to its positioning in the house and the brick. It is just in the kitchen and living room that it is a bit too warm.
Christmas Beetle, I havent seen them in years, its probably a good thing that they havent been killed by DDT or Roundup or whatever.

Got my new bag delivered today. The shop sent me this cool plastic magnifying glass, 10/10 would reccomend getting free shit again.
At least here they have to back it up with a breathalyser and the option of a blood test. Large parts of seppoland they can just use a field sobriety test and arbitrarily decide you failed.
i scored some free lamb roasts during my NEET phase but good luck doing that now with extra cameras and securty layers they added to the self serve machines
It was a very nice double walled paper bag, a pleasure to handle and it slit open nicely without tearing or damaging the bag inside. I think it was made in the west and not chinaland or some such place.
So hungry today. Does maccas/hungry jacks/kfc have anything new that might interest a ravenous executive?
Back from the Dr's, got my paper scripts like I wanted, also gave me a referral for blood tests and a referral to the heart specialist at the hospital for an echo, both of those have been binned.
The NEETs need to take better care of themselves.
I have felt much better since I finally went to the dentist the other week.
If you don't get these things done they become anxieties that lodge in your subconscious and trigger addictive behaviour to distract from them. Pure misery.

> they become anxieties that lodge in your subconscious
That's his whole life. It's why he can't mow the lawn or change the sheets, and why hes been sleeping on the couch for a year. 
Weber needs to be sectioned. He is dysfunctional.
I'm still amazed by nuro's claim that he spoke to the police about IGA and that they just gave him a dossier on his mental health and criminal history lol.
Also, what would nuro even say to the cops?
> There is a website and there is a guy I don't know on it and he rang a business I am illegally squatting in.
> No officer, I don't know his name or any useful information for you.
The idea is just hilarious to me.
> nuro i am nuro committing a crime in another criminal's crime framework, .. hello police please prosecute me so we can together prosecute the guy on the website i don't know
..    Would you fuck a goat if it meant Dan gets arrested? A real live goat, and you have to bang it like you were a Muslim. Tough call.
stop having a go at floof as well
he is my m8
i will kick you in the face if you mock me about who my m8s are
i bought a very fine hat the other day
and i wore a bolo tie into court
which is technically an SA-indian weapon
bailiff sussed me hell sweating
I'm about to finish the rachiu bottle 
not even 24 hours
I'm working on my skills, I don't want to make a fool out of myself on the new year's eve 
the boomers at work are another breed of alcoholics, but hopefully I will catch up
Came in my undies. She knew because I moved my dick from under my belly to on my hip. She kept working my thighs like nothing happened and like a professional, left before I got up. I thanked the owner and commended the lady on her pressure point accuracy. Not going back to that one.
Both have been here. 
Ian was on the news recently, he lives in 'rural' SA now. I thought it was Unley. 
Bradley is into that discord ausneets/auspol and has something to do with c Kyle who made the video of Ian chadfishing meme. 
I don't trust any of it. 
I think that friendly jordies and those types im sure there's more of them is also part of it. 
None of it even seems real.
Your recent news article was interesting Rob
> Rob has stood up 350 women on dates. He says incels are taking revenge
What is Bradley's story?
NK said something about him raping cats but surely that is an exaggeration?
I am out of touch with 4chan these days.
the weighted stone for hurling into the agitators
they probably took down light grazing animal with those
it is turquoise stones which has ?spiritual meaning
He had a lot of questions about a lot of things. 
I think if monk had timed it better and didn't mention lobster pills, things could have been very different.
I like where you're going with this. 
They might've used as weapons for snakes or something. 
Could pull the rope through and have a lot of length, then spin it like a helicopter.
You just reminded me about the food poisoning Motherbat gave me with some shitty packet ham she brought from Victor that she conveniently didn't eat.
when I was younger my dad had a horse  
27, castrated, but still a goddamn nut 
my dad would tell me to pick up the horse from the hills (unless we had work to do, the horse would usually graze on the hills) 
he would always run free from me because I was a goddman kid and couldn't keep him in check 
he would ruin our and our neighbor cucumber crops 
then my dad would run after the horse for a  entire hour while screaming and cursing 
because he was usually drunk
after that he would give the horse a good beating (as if that would solve anything) 
anyway, some years passed and he got older and milder to the point where he was almost easy to deal with  
unfortunately he couldn't carry the cart filled with wood anymore so my dad sold it to the local zoo to be fed to the lions 
I guess that's what you get for 30 something years worth of service
> unfortunately he couldn't carry the cart filled with wood anymore so my dad sold it to the local zoo to be fed to the lions
Life is suffering on the Romania.
> I guess that's what you get for 30 something years worth of service
It is usually not much better for humans.
Thinking of doing a cert IV for free at tafe.
> Certificate IV in Information Technology (Systems Administration Support)
> Certificate IV in Information Technology (Networking)
> Certificate IV in Information Technology (Programming)
> Certificate IV in Information Technology (Web Development)
Thoughts on which one or of the whole idea? I don't have the cert III but the course sounds pretty gay.
I don't know much about ethnic physiognomy to be honest 
the white romanians around here are anything but romanians 
it's almost like this shithole is nothing more than a cross breeding paradise
Yeah, she is mid. I have a weakness for her smile though.
Maybe as stuff gets worse in the west, some of the Romanian diaspora will return. Could be a big influx of money and educated people.
it is
you've used this animal for as long as you can remember 
your dad used it since his 20s 
the cunning son of a bitch would literally act wild whenever he would sniff my drunk granddad jumping in the cart after drinking at the local shop 
and yet my dad had to give it up because he had no money to feed us
> cub, youngling, nestling, whelp, young of an animal, or less commonly of people
> darling, dear
more like a combination of these two
it's sort of the equivalent of calling your loved one bae, but it's mostly for animals

Loving the new truth bomb from Steve Kirsch, any NEETs be seeking refunds?
while looking up at the comments I realized everything outside of big platforms is pure echo chamber 
anything outside of them dawns the same kind of people who are naturally drawn to question everything 
how the fuck do we even get more people on board?
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The ever vigilant arse-snooper.
I'm thinking of padding my resume out with one of free cert IV courses through TAFE.
Pic related are the ones available. I was thinking of the programming one but the online stream seems to be full. Doing it in person would be tricky with uni. What do you think of the networking or sys admin cert IVs?
It probably depends where your interests lie. Networking is probably more interesting and feeds into network security if that sort of thing interests you. The sysadmin stuff is probably windows point and click shite.
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Even full stack conspiracytards are right sometimes. But mostly they get overwhelmed and start to believe the fifth generation warfare CIA sock puppets giving out easy answers. I go in depth on covid and of course the jews but the rest is basically only for the lulz. YOu gotta be pragmatic with what you believe and try and keep yourself safe but some theories are just meant to trick a whole bunch of naieve people into behaving a way that benefits the opposition, i think thats the basics of 5G anyway. you dont want to be cattle, even redpilled cattle because cattle eventually get milked or slaughtered. 

I have especial disdain for retards who believe everything alt media says and then have extend their own little bit of retardation like flat earth moon bases on antarctica or flouride water ice crystal memory and go full retard on that because no one can dispute their autistim which makes them as based as jonesy. Fucksake.
Okay, thanks webby.
Networking and programming both require the same 7 core courses but differ in the pool of elective courses from which you must complete 13.
I'm wondering if I could do the core courses and transfer once the worst of the mindas have dropped out?
Is anyone here familiar with TAFE?
not entirely sure but i maintain the threat of corrections in my peripheral at all times
my sleep stages are tailored through hemisync gateways to counter/react
> Recap: 'Brittany hooked up with Bruce'
> Four witnesses were called to the witness stand on Wednesday.
> saw Ms Higgins and Mr Lehrmann passionately kissing, taking selfies and being 'touchy' at nightclub, 88mph, on the night of the alleged assault.
Well neets, im the last wagie left. When bossman started firing them the wagies started walking off the job. 
Many questions still unanswered
Look how black these treaty panel people are
Get in touch with Cruisey running UMM PTY LTD and get some of those sweat NDIS bucks. Use the funds to buy yourself a nice patch and land get mulching.

More cooker propaganda but this time its in a funny accent.
free and legal freedom beer that is smoked like a cigarette
i had connected the communion of the Eucharist with alcohol prohibition as an old problem, yet the old testament seems quite new
Worried about money, employment and so on. I know I could be doing better than I am but I don't know how to get out of this rut. I am tempted to just stay on the dole and become a mentally ill alco (half way there already) but know that it isn't worth it.
hmm  >>/782966/
the doctor that is me on ResearchGate is just a robot with my face on it
the original guy knows all the stuff and the robot just talks shit to patients mostly
That's good. I need to start sorting the house out before Motherbat gets here in a couple of weeks. I doubt Bill is going to do anything remotely productive now he has broken his toe, so I'll just do my best to clean up the dust and put away the tools and materials and make the important areas usable.
At this stage I'm not sure I even qualify as a neet, feelsbadman
Solidarity? The cunts backstabbed me as their plan A. then it seems they all quit in a group sook. I might still quit if bossman doesn't have anything to offer me for my woe.
Unsure if the wagies really qualify as commies, or if this was a victory of any sort. I could just have a job so bad nobody else is prepared to do it.
The flags almost never get used. Some use the Australian one when the assigned one is wrong and the SA flag occasionally gets used. Other than that it is pretty much just for a certain primadonna to attention whore.
Got a margarita pizza to celebrate getting paid. From an 'italian' place. 
Its shit. Fucking jeets can't do anything right.
imagine expelling the uterus during a panic attack >>/782994/
i would modify internet explorer so everyone would have a white flag antarctic warfare type of posting
> my dad would run after the horse for a entire hour while screaming and cursing 
> he would give the horse a good beating 
That will teach the horse not to run away.
> (as if that would solve anything)
I find the smaller supermarkets have offal in the meat fridges. Drakes and IGA etc.

Butchers will definitely have it, ignore what that other NEET said he was talking out his bum.
Imagine the man, who in 1600 was propositioned by a wench so vile that the man hastened for a salami skin to protect his member.
Philippino girls are so ugly
Anytime I look at videos about Thailand I get these suggested philippino sex tourist youtube shorts and the girls are revolting, ugly little Hispaniola gook goblinas
> internaitonal cruisey
> international monk
> international posso
> international webby
Imagine the possibilities.
Back on seek. Job hunt is going poorly. I've been pacing around in my room for the last hour going on a racist rant to myself about indians.
I was doing some reading on reddit about it and they are surprisingly aware of the problem. It must be fucking horrendous that even they are willing to talk about it.
Yes, the immigration debate has shifted. Shitskins are replacing the Australian middle class, but only in the last 9 months have normies even considered talking about it. They're 10 years too late. Fuck them all.
> I've been pacing around in my room for the last hour going on a racist rant to myself about indians
happens to the best of us 
godspeed with the hunting
How about becoming a hunter? I doubt many Indians on the field.

But it is ancient. And kinda lost because we still don't know how they built 'em despite the theories (some are more sound than others).
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Slept well, well coffee'd, and got my todo list for the day all written out. Today's going to be the day I start to turn my life around. I feel certain of it this time.
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> an epidemic of pyramidic retards

Nostradamus predicted this, its some kind of denial of reality where you pick a wooden horse to ride around in circles in the cage of your mind, imagining you're a cowboy on the open plains. All jonesy has to do to exploit these morons is salt his crock of shit with the truth sometimes. If you dont name the jew then your story isn't true.
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Daily reminder that the pyramids were built by a bunch of dumb africans too stupid to invent cranes and pulleys so all they could do was use thousands of slaves to pile rocks on top of each other, and that 99% of the pyramids they built are now just piles of rubble.
perhaps the pyramids are glued together with the eutectic of dead body fluid curing
is that comparison of Africa in parallel with another civilization or is that the linear human retrospect
I've seen that stuff. 
The supposed tuning rods along the causeway were steel but pyramids were made in the bronze age.
It's also kooky hippy Terrence McKenner/Alan Watts hoodoo. 
It's from the recount of a caliph that was told that by a local copt who was probably talking shit.
It was in the 900s iirc,  which is at least 3.5k years after it was built.
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they're rolling it out a few accounts at a time - some people have been selected as the lucky ones to get ads before others. I may have to create a new google account just for watching jewtube
I'm going to have to start putting the bins out at night.
It is a bad home area, hopefully nothing happens to them.
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So we can see that nostradamus clearly predicted that youtube would go behind a paywall unless you can use non chrome browsers. YT dont care if you see ads or not. They only care about taking money from both sides, the ad buyers and the ad avoiders. No one cares about the poultry who consoom any crap content because its free to air.
On the bus. Pajeet is playing with his penis and trying to make eye contact. Vile. This is why pajeet can't have nice things. Wish I had a loo.
drunk again 
I have to wake up in 3 hours for work 
somehow I got to chat with a highschool normalfag 
we'll get shitfaced after I finish my shift 
life is good
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I went to my old college and its full of Globohomo now, not that it wasnt when I was there. Nothing changes, teenagers want to be gay because its edgy, once everyone is gay then they will want to be edgy some other way, perhaps by being normalfags.
he was dumb, really dumb
but a good fella
he would play along with whatever the fuck we would do 
his only weaknesses were women and booze 
i.e. he would try to act tough whenever women were around, and he would throw up after 3 cans 
fucking noob 
the women part is excusable, but how the fuck can one throw up after so little alcohol 
vile shit
She has the Xmas outfit, but I suspect she is saving it for closer to the day. I heard that for Xmas Day itself she is going to show her boobies and her cunny.
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Are the NEETs looking forward to playing any of the gaming franchises this christmas? I might look at Metro Exodus if its on special.
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This Saturday on womboflix we are screening the neo noir crime thriller, To Live And Die In LA (1985), starring William DaFoe as a corrupt secret service agent who will stop at nothing to catch a ring of counterfeiters. Rated (R) for nudity and violence, so make sure your mummybot says it's ok to watch.

Then on Sunday, Woody Allen is back with Deconstructing Harry(1997)
Just made it onto the shitter with nanoseconds to spare. Thank fuck I hadn’t set off for Bunnings or you’d have seen me on the news shitting in one of their aisles or a display toilet. Wonder if the KFC was dodgy.
>  Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill Shorten says the NDIS needs to "get rid of the rorters and the criminals
They’re coming for you, Cruisey.
Cruisey be in court for all the fraud telling the judge your honour it was the gambling addiction that made me do it.
Nuro will end up even poorer.
Face it nuro, it is time to start sucking up to IGA. Maybe he will let you sleep on the milkcrate of the hovel for a few years. That is probably all you've got left considering your health...
there was a big plug of poo under the brown water and on top of the water was like little brown gravel pieces or coarse kitty litter

The world's gone cold
No-one cares about love anymore!
What will you say?
When they take my place

His lectures were among the best but his power point slides were awful. He was often just bringing out overhead projections and scribbling straight on the transparencies.
> power point slides
There are professors at Adelaide that still use handwritten notes with a document camera in lieu of slides. They also expect assignments to be handed in on paper and will mark more harshly if they get it digitally. What a world.
The funny thing is that, even with nuro making that illegal club and talking about zipguns, he doesn't know where IGA is or what he looks like. IGA could show up as a customer and nuro wouldn't know.
Some bad home neets just walked into my house, sprung up with the axe, bad home neet panicked, demanded to know why he walked into my house, he said he just wanted to ask about the fence. Put the axe down, I'm inclined to believe that bad home neet was just born in a barn
I can't remember. I vaguely recall IGA going to the bakery or sandwich shop next to the workshop and bragging about it and then Nuro pulling the footage and posting about how IGA looks.
Nah straight into my living room looking for me, he didn't even knock. And I was obviously home so I doubt he was trying to break in, he wasn't being sneaky he just walked in like it was his own house
Stupid games, stupid prizes. Fuck with someone like that and you're liable to get stabbed, and the judge can't unstab you so it's not a good strategy. 

There seems to be no connection between these two people either, either could just leave the other alone
He claims to have befriended the German bakery staff and gotten the footage from them. He has refused to post it despite repeatedly posting that photo of IGA that IGA posted himself a few years ago.
I am pretty sure IGA went there but I don't think nuro was aware at the time and I don't believe he has the footage.
Why would I lock myself in my own house? I need to use the door. 
Walking into someone else's house randomly, or the axe? Yea I live in a bad home area, most of the bad home stories are mine, I have to deal with a lot of bullshit.

I figure better to menace mongs with an axe but not use it, then my house become like all the other bad homes which become thoroughfares for dealer, escaped mongs, wife bashers and alcoholic aboriginals. 

Could grabbing an axe lead to an escalation? It could lead to a beheading if these mongs don't get the memo and stay the fuck out of my house.

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