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Chariots Of Fire (1981) will be on womboflix tonight neets. Set in the 1920s in Britain, in a time when running was the sport of gentlemen amateurs, before it had all been ruined by niggers and steroids and pro athletes. 7pm AEST
I drink chai in the morning, green tea during the day, ginger/lemon in the evening and chamomile when I can't sleep. I used to drink pepsi max all the time, the tea is an improvement, but sadly I still haven't lost any weight.
I have a feeling there was a Fast Forward or Full Frontal parody of Chariots of Fire. Or maybe it was a TV commercial.
I've never seen it myself, as I mainly only watch movies about aliens eviscerating people, not sports dramas, but maybe a change will do me good.
one of the real guys (a christian) ended up murdered by the japs during the sino-jap war where he was a missionary
in typical style they got an aids ridden faggot to portray him in the film
I think people who put lots of sugar in their tea (2 or more spoons) probably don't actually like tea and just like sugar.
When you wash the anal region you remove the protective bacteria in it which leads to shaffing, infections and bad bacteria, therefore the smell of disease. The anus is better served with yoga bowel movements that lead to the excretion of self cleaning anal mucus. You just have to wipe it with an organic cloth (or tp of that's all you have).
Why does monk never ask if we want anything when he goes to gook lady's? He would make a poor room mate.
Took the old chook out for lunch.
She ordered the flathead and salad and they gave her three huge pieces. She wrapped up one piece in our serviettes and I had to take it home for Sweetie, forgoing the ice cream stop I had planned.
> 3 fillets
Very nice. Was it grilled or battered? I had a grilled one recently and think it tasted a lot better than battered. 
Hope Schweity likes it.
I can hear a smoke alarm going off, hope it's the chink's place again, this is gonna be epic if it is.
Started the day with (2) Dexies. Half a pureau waters bottle of vodka down the hatch. 80mg of cancer patient special oxy down the hatch.  Got a party to go to later.  Going to own this mother fucking weekend like a true boss man.
Oh nurse look at this patient that presented himself as an outpatient… looks like he has a terminal lack of BASED 

We suggest instant suicide.
> https://www.encyclopedia.com/arts/educational-magazines/kuran-peter
Based director, only seen 2 of his nuke films but theyre great
I have never been left anything in a will. When my grandparents died everything went to their children. Nothing for grandchildren.
Same. Although I can't remember the last time I spoke with her. I don't think she has a phone anymore. She has dementia and gets upset at herself when she can't remember things.
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Party in the complex next door. Playing house music instead of hippie crap. Just rocked up. Girls Everywhere. Got plenty of spare oxy and dexies for the slags. Woohooo. 

Struggling to keep down the pound of tart. Deprived as I have been of butter, cream, sugar and rich foods I can ill stomach them
My VPN has a counter for when the plan expires and I swear it is counting down twice as fast as it should. That or I have lost track of time really badly. Woe.
I want one of those fancy woolies bakery tarts now, it's not fair, if the other neets can have them so can I.
They put that on there so they can pretend they don't know that executives eat them all in one sitting.
"We're not making people fat, the serving size written there was three chips."
I still don't know what it was. I'm not going to eat more than one onion in a go for a while. 
I was thinking that maybe that caused excess stomach acid and it burnt through. 
in the mucus from my bum, it was either really thick stringy anal snot or it was stomach/ intestine lining. It looked like thin skin
Remind me next sunday i need to attend church while shitfaced, my ketamine should have arrived by then
This week instead of getting a $5; takeaway cobbee everyday I'll save it for a pub meal on the weekend.
Beers seem cheap. Nice view. 
Yeah, he's a peculiar fella. 
Wonder who he was with. Might've been a sheila, not sure why he'd get something off the regular menu when you can get a special and a beer for $15. He was also acting coy and not wanting to be too noticeable. 
There was a lack of GregOisms.
The beer alone would have been $8 anywhere else.
I'm sure he posts here. There's too many times where it's seemed too obvious. 
Maybe one of his weirdo mates is a NEET here.
> wondering if the reason a jewish guy won the olympics in 1924 was because most the slightly older atheletes who he would've been competing against died in ww1
I was watching his rave music videos yesterday. 
Haven't seen this one yet. 

If you are reading this, your song about the girl in your imagination is okay but the bass could be playing half notes, it's a bit heavy for an acoustic sounding song. Needs more space. 

Imagine if one of these rave goers is the based one. 
I see NEETs everywhere.
Can imagine this playing in the toilet block. Oxy slags passed out on the mattress for later. 
Ooooh I feel your love.
Went on a remember 8chan thread. 
Fuck it was good. 
Wish this place, or any altchan filled those shoes.
I am 26% through the Children of Dune novel. I have quite liked these sequels, I think I will end up finishing the whole series. Or at least the ones Frank Herbert wrote. After he died his son apparently wrote more but they are not well regarded.
Fuck yeah. That guy was weird as shit. Thank god for internet aficionado autists. He kept it up for years, made sure everyone was aware of it and kept us all updated. 
Man, oh man. What a whacky time.
Good thing my bank doesn't drop the cennobux at midnight or I'd be tempted to go on a drunken Macca's run.
Yeah, I don't know why. I think it started as a joke that kept seeming too easy to continue, even though it wasn't funny. I don't know. I've apologised to him a few times, then kept being an arsehole.
December 1, 2018: /unna/ wins the first ever /test/ Cup, defeating /genesis/ 4-1. The win is thoroughly meaningless, but they celebrate nonetheless.
Back on the quantum physics videos. 
In 2023 they proved that light can go faster than the speed of light, but it will always reach its destination at the expected time. 
Weird shit.
They also made it stop moving by passing it through certain chemicals. 
Caesium makes the light sort of come out of the chemical before it enters, but not really.
I will today. Noticing it's hard to wind down though. I've had less angry bursts/violent fantasies though which is good. 
Also had less nicotine mints, I need to stop eating them. Been on them for around 8 years.
Brewing a chamomile. I haven't tried them yet. I think it's in Earl Grey, and I'm not a fan of that. Smells nice.
He's snorting lines of crushed oxy in a warehouse thinking hes 'based' because he drank some bottom shelf champers and offered some random girls valium
No I was larping as a 'former team-leader in a past role' (half-truth) last week to cover my sickie tracks and cozy up to management as much as I can. Advantageous given me being the oldest on the team. 
Worth the risk I think, probably 50%
> shit
> tap water splashes onto ass
> go to wipe spot with water
> shit all over hand
> wipe off
> go to wipe off water
> more shit in hand
> nigger stop
> again
> nigger why
> get up
> shit all over rim of toilet seat
> "oh"
He is on call and will need to log the time and interaction to prove why he should get paid. There's likely a minimum cost too. So he's happy, he just got something but someone above him will likely look at why he is logging 4am interactions. 
Monday morning meeting is in 3hrs.
When I used to do it, initially they were just paying a lump sum for having to do it per day but the awards changed and now every time an employee does something they now have minimum engagement time. It meant everything I did took longer to do because every call and text would need to be noted, otherwise I wouldn't get paid. When I first did it I got $20 per day, and $40 for weekends and it didn't matter how much I did. Sometimes that was okay but other times it would be non stop. I once had 13hrs of interactions on a Saturday night, that was before the award for out of regular hours changed so that sucked.
Sorry, not trying to do a 'if I can do it, you can' schtick but you need to get better excuses, and better timed.
wot do you mean? It's better to send the sickie message later. Act up like you're proper sick and not just gooning for no reason. 
As if I'm just some weird cunt who stays up till 4am drinking box wine, thats weird regardless 

I hope wagie gets a decent earn. I used to get $50/h for any interaction with the AH phone 

Have faith. You lot are really autistic
We used to share workers excuses over coffee most mornings. Usually my boss would expect me to tell him as soon as I got there. They all know the excuses are bullshit because if you wanted to be there you would, even if you were under the weather. 
> $50
Wages don't cause inflation but it drives it. Nothing anyone does in a liaison role is worth that.
A late sicky message means a rush to find a replacement. I'd just scrap you, but workers seem to pull the ropes I guess.
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The womboflix movie selection committee is now in order. Vote for a movie on the list, or nominate a new one to be added.

Two notes:
* I'm hoping that Godzilla Minus One (2023) will be out on bittorrent in the next few weeks, womboflix will stream it the same day it is released.
* The list is getting rather long, I might start removing a movie from the top of the list every week from next week on.

Wrongfully Accused (1998)
The Sunset Limited(2011)
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Rambo (2008)
Showdown in Little Tokyo(1991)
Who Killed Captain Alex
Truman Show
Trading Places
Fritz the cat
The Commitments
Wolf Of Wall Street(2013)
The Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum
Don's Party
The Holy Mountain(1973)
Mortal Kombat(2021)
Top Gun (1986)
The Grey(2011)
Dogs in Space (1986)
Reckless Kelly(1993)
Unhinged (2020)
Bronson (2008)
Midnight Run (1988)
The Usual Suspects(1995)
True Romance (1993)
Prisoners (2013)
Beaches (1988)
Total Recall(1990)
The Gangs of New York
American Psycho
The Untouchables
Once Upon A Time In Holywood
The Northman (2022)
Samurai Cop
Ex Machina
Back to the future (1985)
Spiderman across the spiderverse (2023)
Annie Hall
Hard Eight (1996)
True Grit(2010)
The Wild Geese(1978)
Freddy Got Fingered(2001)
Eyes Wide Shut
Star wars/Empire strikes back/Return of the jedi
The Warriors (1979)
The Magnificent 7 (1960)
Office Space
The Imitation Game
Steve Jobs
Predator 1/Predator 2
Dr Strangelove
Barry Lyndon
Conspiracy Theory
Iron Man 1/2/3; The Avengers 1
Until the end of the world (1991)
Sirens (1994)
The Naked Lunch
Police Academy
Got JUSTED by the barber. I told him to do what he thinks is best and that was a mistake. He gave me a buzz cut which combined with my norwooding makes me look like a hoholian conscript. I also have big sticky out ears so this is an awful haircut that makes me look like someone left their car doors open.
The white monster was mistake. You neets should've stopped me. I keep asking you to stop me. Why didn't you stop me?
I use my beanie as a cum rag at night and wear it during the day in the hot sun.
It's not very stretchy and it gives my scalp a rash but you never walk alone with the amount of flies it attracts, nothing beats a cum beanie.
Since downloading and watching Dune Part Two I have not rewatched even a single scene. No desire. Proof that it was a stinker.
Lynch was handed one of the greatest scifi stories ever written and he fucked it up. At least Villeneuve managed to make something that was enjoyable to watch once, Lynch's version is something you want to watch 0 times.
Why are there no new hitman or deus ex games coming out for boomers like me? What the fuck do zoomers play these days anyway?
deus ex was trash stellar blade is superior

I think a new Hitman game will hit within 5 years though

also Blood Money and Absolution are on sale on PSN if you want to replay them
Another big call. Sweating from exhaustion and having to talk with a smile about hospitals and money.
He'll have a story with a bunch of holes in it. The story will shift around for a bit then he'll deny ever having claimed anything and Pariston will clean up the posts for him.
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Big docker project I've been meaning to do for years, need to gather all my focus and will, I'm finally going to get it done today.
I get them myself.
> A cherry angioma can look like a little red bump, though it may lie completely flat on your skin. It’s actually just a cluster of dilated blood vessels.
Turns out I was a month behind in invoicing.
If only that fabled cloud engineer could have got his bleep bloop into gear and computer magicked it to work without me thinking.
All these bloody wagies think rocking up is enough. 
Is it so much to ask for proficiency without guidance? All I want is to tell them what to do, if I need to show them over and over, I might as well do it myself, and I'm not the one with the piece of paper saying that they're the qualified one.
nadia is back
This whole womens demonstration thing seems incredibly astroturfed. They totally had this ready to go and then when Bondi happened they activated it. Wasn't the killer literally a gay stripper or something too?
You talking about last night ? I had a few back  at my place spinning records having a smoke. One just got of the plane from Amsterdam and really wanted to to crash at mine but Nextdoor made a room available for her. All in all had a good night. Didn’t get my dick sucked but progress was made. On the right track, refining y game. What else can I say ?
Yeah this is social engineering straight from the ZOG corporate boardrooms. Remember back in 2010  people were pissed off the banks were collapsing and getting bailout's. There was real anger at the financial system worldwide so to stop people from getting angry at the banks they came up with identity politics. Blacks are under threat, from whitey  then trannies were under threat from whitey now women are under from whitey. 

They made everyone an  oppressed 
Minority so we would be fighting with each other endlessly over social politics and never unite and question the financial system and the ruling elite.
And when did you talk to a female last beyond all talk ? Oh please enlighten us all. Is turbo projection and gaslighting your secret power ? 🥴
I am impressed that Nuro told us the truth. A real step forward for him.
I was afraid he was going to tell us one of his tall stories.
Well done Nuro.
Appointment with new JSP. 40 minutes filling out paperwork and answering the dumb questions they all ask. It appears my engine is leaking oil too.
The air mattress is a double. He could have moved it out of the bathroom to a less weird part of the workshop. He could have told them he just keeps it in the workshop for the occasional night he sleeps there. They would not have to know he lives there and sleeps in the toilet.
I don't know. I saw the arnie one recently so I thought I might enquire to the neets about watching the new one. Doesn't matter to me I have a lot of movies.
if you are a true ectomorph with skeletal frame larger than your muscle mass, relatively speaking. Then the only advantage you have over the other body types is a shorter recovery period and higher metabolism. Essentially you are the original hard gainer and will struggle to keep weight on if you do manage to increase muscle mass in any significant way at all. You're never gonna look like Ryan Gosling in the place beyond the pines, best you can do is cardio and calinsthetics, on alternate days without any rest days or cheat days. At least then you will be a high grade endurance athlete like mountain climbing or cycling, rather than a power puncher mma brick shithouse which is fashionable but usually doomed to get fat as fuck because they keep the training calories up in the off season, generally, in my experience, as their youth gives way to adult opportunities like cushy IT desk jobs...
Can you sort this out?
> Taxi drivers in Tasmania have gone on strike and rallied in response to what they describe as a spate of violent attacks and youth crime.
watched a youtube video from a few years ago about the race around the cambridge university courtyard that was in chariots of fire, was horrified to see that women are now allowed on campus, and that nobody was wearing suits. Absolutely degenerate. None of this would've happened if hitler had won.
wont see the sisters marching over this one
I know those kids, I'll talk to them. They just need an ideological framework to channel their youthful energies and focus it with some relevant skills.
> None of this would've happened if hitler had won.
He might have just blown the whole thing up as the nest of Jewish and masonic conspiracies along with Oxford and the rest.
Yeah gangs of new york was pretty kino. Also can you add The place beyond the pines to the list and then put it on? Its pretty good for a millenial flik.
nonsense, he'd have appointed those anti-semitic cambridge college heads as the new government of england, society would be rebuilt as a society of gentlemen conducting themselves in gentlemanly ways.
Hitler couldn't care less about English "gentlemen".
All the anti-semitic elite just wanted to take what the Jewish elite had, and rule the Anglo Global Empire themselves instead of the them (since the Jewish Global Empire and the Anglo Global Empire is the same thing).
The Anglo Global Empire would have been dismantled by Nazi Germany for it is always a danger to Europe. This process however is very much against the leading Anglo elite.
What would have happened very much depended on who were willing to lead a Britain which is subordinated to Europe. And this would have decided the fate of these unis.
Yes, although it took me a moment to realise it does up at the neck and is meant to hang open somewhat.
I need some clean trackies under it.
> based vikangs
He couldn't care less of that pagan nonsense. He said (in Mein Kampf) that the modern neo-pagan larp is misguided, Christianity won, get over it. It was nice back in the day but now it's water under the bridge, times changed.
But would he admire the Normans for their strength or would he despise them for conquering a closely related Germanic group? As I understand it Hitler admired Charlemagne so he may well have just viewed the Norman conquest as being another step towards unity of the Germanic races.
My guess is he had no strong feelings towards either of the competing groups.
His convictions came from his experiences living in the Austrian Empire in his youth. And I use that name on purpose over Austria-Hungary, since he never considered the Kingdom of Hungary as part of his country. He only thought on terms of Germans (Austrians), Slavs (Czechs), and Jews, the three component that determined the economy and politics of his homeland. I do not think he had any strong feelings beyond these.


I heard good things about Australian beef steaks.
I wouldn't be surprised.
Tho in times of William there were very few if any Jews in that north (around Normandy). Not sure about his southern contacts.
Went to take a piss but a nugget of shit developed after a fart and I had to do some sick maneuvers to land it in the bowl as I spun around and lowered my arse. I was probably a dive bomber pilot in another life.
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You are welcome.

Ordered some thai, While waiting for it i went to Dans. Just as i was parking on the side street there was a boom and a crash. A car T-boned a a kid on electric fat bike. Ambulance was called. ike was in pieces. Good Samaritan was helping out. Bike was just there, no lock nothing after the kid got carted of by ambos. I offered the mom on the phone free transport and storage to the bike shop. Stupid bitch refused and did not trust me. She said he "ex parter
 wpu;d pick it up later" and if he cant make it  she would just get a new one on insurance. 

fine then stupid bitch lets se how long your 5k electric bike lasts unchained next to the beach  at 7:30pm o a weeknight .... lol i am done trying to help people
I wonder what insurance she thinks she has that covers a $5k eeb? It's not a registered vehicle, so car/motorbike insurance won't cover it. $5k pushes it into 'special/listed items' territory on home insurance... and are supposed to be at home.
was tempted
it was brand new bitch was probably still paying ot of with afterpay.

you can just tell by the ciggie filled voice and irrationality of this shaza its just someone not worth dealing with.
Damn, I want to try some mints. Is there any way you can just buy a couple of them? Also is there a way you can just buy 1 or 2 cigarettes?
They're not great. You can buy single packs, but they have 20 in a pack. I saw some at nqr (like a discount shop) for $5. They were the nicorette ones. Usually they're about $15. I buy 6 packs of 20 at a time (usually 2 6packs). The bulk packs are usually around $45.
I saw Sherlock Holmes use nicotine patches to enhance his intelligence and solve crimes. Their effect on boosting ordinary neet intelligence could be extraordinary.
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This is an absolutely terrible idea

If you are a nuclear weapons scientist on meth nicotine can help you. I have bee through this. NUro reccomends in order of how hard to get / how well it works

1) No Doz and good water 
2) Infowars Brainforce force plus 
3) Nasal Decongestant tabs (pseudo ephedrine) over the counter from your pharmacy
4) black market dexies

fuck sake apply yourself, even nacent iodine is amazing at clearing brain fog https://c60olive.com.au/product/iodine-potassium-iodide-30ml/
I think nuro's trying to keep the big brain nootropics to himself, he's afraid what the neets might become if our full potential were unlocked
Might have to get me some of this

The Americans were the far bigger instigators in the cold war, submarine patrols right on the coast, overflights of the soviet union, nukes on every border the could, korea, vietnam. If anyone was going to press the button it would have been the americans tbh
My microsoft sculpt just ran out of battery for the first time since I bought it. Years since. 
On the Logitech K380 -- why did I even buy this?
Should've went to bed an hour ago when tired. But now thanks to staring at the phone screen I'm fully alert.
It’s too late now, you’ve got to do a full chemical brain reset. You’re going to have to take 10-15 coffees over the next 12 hours to fix it.
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22 standards and work in 12 hours. What am I doing to myself, last I remember I was 11 years old and picturing runescape tutorial island to get to sleep 

I'm angry that my family and society allowed my life to get to this point. I'll accept responsibility but no one even tried to help me 
There must be more than this
Nuro's bicycle repair shop is open 24 hours a day. That's why he sleeps in the dunny at work. Not because he's poor, but because he cares about his work.
Discovered anna's archive for books, gotta stop downloading them, I'm never going to read 99% of them.
Bloody hell NEETs. The tax is thick and strong. Those two little tokes and a glass of bourbon and coke have knocked me. Really noticeable difference this morning unlike yesterday where I 'just got up'. Going to eat a salad roll from somewhere today. Less meat than salad and no spicy stuff. I'd have a Bahn mi but that's too vinegary.
Dropped an awful el nuro before. I went to wipe and just ended up mushing a big chunk of it against my bum. I wiped and wiped to no avail. Woe.
Bleepbloop, bleepbloop, retarded whizzers
Don't you think the Webber laughs at you?
(Ho ho ho, hee hee hee, ha ha ha)
See how they smile like pigs in a sty
See how they sneed
I'm cryin'
they found tiffin's lair
> Mr Albanese was heard saying: “I’m the Prime Minister, I run this country” before speaking to the crowd
> Mr Albanese refused to confirm or deny he had used the eight-word phrase, despite being grilled about it during interviews on Seven, Nine, ABC and Kyle and Jackie O.
How do job service providers get paid neets? I swear these guys are the laziest shits, no better than neets.
There was a still-in-wrapper sanitary napkin on my verge for the past couple of weeks. It disappeared overnight. I checked my letterbox in case somebody was being funny, but it wasn't there. I wonder if somebody took it home to use.
fucking vapes breaking, i hate it i hate it i hate it. A durry never malfunctions on you, fuck the government just give me cheaper smokes. I hate the robo cigs
I'm not an anime person, so I had to google the maymay until I saw a redit thread and a reference to laios
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Custom axle machined. And within tolerance. Customer French Mvix randoneur wheel built to weird Euro size.

Big bossman energy. Crushing those custom commissions.
lol not again
Spoke to the desk dude at the mechanics who said he doesnt want to do un necessary work to the car and said he was sending it to a specialist up the road, Barry swindle who has a chop shop which hath a dyno tuner. $4.4K but at least I got the clutch done. I'm gonna talk to the boss at teh wage and get some more overtime shifts to pay for the dyno tuning, whatever that is.
The first mechanic says he wants to save me money by not just putting in new parts when it doesnt need it. He said Barry at loco motors will sort out my problem.
I ignored the call from the labour hire agency earlier regarding my cancelled shifts today and yesterday. I hope I still have a job tomorrow.
srs question

What do I do to get the jobseeker agency people off my back? Do they accept coursera courses as part of mutual obligations?
Alternatively, is there a step by step process for getting on DSP?
Mate you're getting a train run on you. He fucked you out of 4k, your car doesn't work, the cunt couldn't fix it, he palmed it off to some other cunt who will fuck you for another 4k.
I havent hallucinated a second person since i was a child (soot man), now its always lame shit like birds or trees that talk to me. I want a tyler durden, hollywood schizo is way more fun
Im actually looking for work, the fucked up thing is that you can apply 50 times and never hear back. If you do end up with an interview its easy to weird them out for benefit reasons
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This Sunday on womboflix (no Saturday movie, Shibs will be streaming then) we will have The Gangs Of New York (2002). Next week will be Total Recall(1990) and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang(2005)
Say youre vying into the idea of santa claus as a whole, a true believer. Its guaranteed that your threshold for the supernatural must be large
You can study to get Austudy or Youth Allowance under 25 years old but not for the Newstart. They've closed a lot of study exemptions as you still need to report and do all the other shit. You can do short courses but they'll still expect you to look for X number of jobs and report.
So porn people are all on medication right? The higher profile stuff has actual doctors involved ensuring the penis is hard and the women dont feel anything
What is the confusion? I paid a mechanic to swap out the clutch and he drove it in while he tried to sort out a gremlin. The work he did on it narrowed it down enormously and I got a reccomendation to some specialist I would never had found on my own. I'm gonna take the long list of work done to this guy's performance shop and he's gonna be happy to work on it because he knows the donkey work has been done competently. I couldnt have played this better and all I had to do was show patience and deep pockets. He even gave me a discount because I'm not a faggot whiner who quibbles over every shkel. Not that you retards would understand high trust relationships between professionals.
Plus my new head unit came in the mail so I'm gonna put in a reverse camera with bonus bluetooth and sat nav.
Plus I lined up a brakes place to renovate the brakes and maybe fix the stupid park brake lever which you gotta reef up to the rear firewall to stop anything.
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im gonna download the maps and run it offline. Shopping for 2din headunits now. I'm thinking about the lulz when your car repair arc happens, seeing as no professional will want to repair a shitbox banger stinking of spilled goon.
I could pull all the keys off and clean everything, but it would take me three days to put the keys back in the correct places.

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