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I can't wait to experience this content I got from a transaction online because the last piece if content I received was cancerous, toxic and problematic. I feel nauseous just thinking about it.
Came in from the overboard to post
> hating a word
but then I saw the board title. Carry on you magnificent fucking autists
initiate , secretariat , master, sanctum, silence, chateau . degrees, calabash, awry, wry , course , ashlar , weening
Peck (when used as 'kiss')
Literally - it annoys me even when people happen to use it correctly. The word is fucking ruined by retards
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God, this. A 'puckered anus' is not fucking sexy in the least. It just annoys the shit outta me.

Do slang words count? 'Cause there is NOTHING more annoying than nigger-speak.
ESPECIALLY when white people use Ebonics under the impression it makes them look cool.

'Already' (used to express approval, similar to 'nice!')
Bread (money)
Thot (that hoe over there) (so fucking clever! Truly the pinnacle of negro wit)
Fittin'a (fixing to)

Bonus: if you are around retards who think they are part of the 'Bloods' they will refuse to say a word if it starts with the letter 'c.' Crips start with that letter, which apparently makes it taboo to gang niggers.
So naturallly, they change the 'c' to a 'b' (for bloods, get it??)

I never thought it was possible, but it actually makes niggers sound even MORE fucking stupid, and you get words like this:

Bill out 
Boolin' (I don't know what the original word is, but I hear it all the fucking time)
Straight outta Bompton
Bildish (childish)

How do I know all this?
my little sister is a coal digger
I come from a poor family so they're never eager to waste food, which is fine. But when they constantly (I mean at least twice a week) say stuff like "it makes a turd" when it comes to eating food they may not like, I want to grind my teeth into dust.

Yes, it makes a fucking turd. Shut the fuck up, you don't have to announce your basic understanding of human biology and the nature of your turd hole at the dinner table.
the name gretchen
who names a baby gretchen? you may as well just name it shit piss dick
Agree with you on insider, mine are.
problematic (because tumblr)
SJW (because Overspammed)
cuck (same as above)
newfag (when being spammed by LARPing newfags)
reddit (both do to all the hipsters at that site and the idiots who think that everything they don't like is reddit)
normie (feels like a butthurt incel when used, use normfag when derogatory or some phrase like mainstream average person otherwise)
slash/het (old fandom terms I don't see as often in the newer fandoms but I still hated having to deal with those crazier shippers and their bingo boards) 
I would include 'lit' being used as word similar to 'cool' but if that helps that word survive against 'lighted' than I'm all for it being used among the younger population.

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