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Dragnet was better than modern trash but suffered from a modern problem--all the criminals are fucking white.  Yeah, it's the white good-looking guy shooting people over five dollars.  

Almost 90% of crimes are just any fucking nigger.  Any fucking nigger in town.  Something like 4% of crime show villains are ethnic, and over half of cops.
Back in the 50s and 60s if you described what America would be like today most people either wouldn't believe you and think you have gone crazy, or they would be too shocked to fully absorb the horror of this new reality. Those old shows were made during a time America was actually America (mostly white). Those people had absolutely no idea the kind of world we live in today, life in America today would have been considered appalling and unfathomable. The kind of gang violence that exists today did not exist in those days. Criminals would not be able to post bond if they violently assaulted another person. Back then families did not need deadbolts for their front and back doors in their suburban homes, they did not have deadbolt locks until the 1970s. Hell today in the USSA some people have to katy bar their doors at night. The simple fact is when Dragnet was made modern America did not exist.
> Yeah, it's the white good-looking guy shooting people over five dollars.

Not only did modern America not exist during those rather prosperous and glamorous eras, $5 bucks back then was the equivalent of having $200 now. Our fiat currency has severely devalued ever since Nixon took it off the gold standard back in 1971. Back in the 1960s you could buy a serloin steak for about 69 cents per pound. Remember when people actually used pennies and nickles to purchase goods?

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