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Dunking on the mentally ill

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Why would someone want to block something that is specifically designed to report to the police that a person is still in the area that they are meant to be?
Might as well hit it with a fucking hammer, they'll be showing up at your house either way once the signal drops.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;
thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Similar sounds, but evolved from growls to terrifying braps. And instead of drums it's the toilet lid shaking against the toilet lid. Geordie and the Scat Factory are visionaries.
And even taking influence from death metal bands of tossing presumed blood onto their crowds, it's raw sewage.
How about I make a "metal band" to rape your ear drums to hell. 
Don't you ever make a disgusting idea of scat and metal again. Please.
> the ga- 
No, this isn't a game. This is 
 by definition, harassment. 
> shitpo- 
No, it's not funny and no one in their right mind would EVER mix a defecation kink and a music genre of rock. 
Only an asinine, moronic and possibly crazy fool would fucking think of that.
You must enjoy embarrassing and humiliating yourself over and over again, anon. There'd be no other reason why you keep coming here and posting.
Klim is an irredeemable, undesirable pedo. and an art stealer. 
No one deserves mercy if they lust over an ACTUAL teen. 
Man you've told me to kill myself before or something, what makes your dumbass think I hadnt caught you being rude to me as well? 
You've also called me stupid shit like "pedo" and "fool" but you only ever misused that. 
Embarrassment and humiliation are 2 different things, it is neither in this case. 
You deserve an interrogation at your home.
> Perha- 
How about I take legal action on you. Stop contacting me for the last fucking time. LEAVE me ALONE. 
I do NOT wish to CHAT to you. FULL STOP.
> by definition, harassment
This is bookfag's thread and you came into it. You're harassing his thread. And blowing u g it up. Like a toilet.
>  a live stream
Nothing in the world is more lethal, than flashing a nuclear weapon, like that button mushroom, Geordie wields, at Rose.
kitty god still exists, its just a retired oc. who knows if it might've got replaced with a successor, the kitty god is just... retired. not dead. 
Using a roblox picture to attempt relating to someone isn't proof either. Jesus stop painting everyone as retarded or pdd. Please.

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