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Dunking on the mentally ill

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(420.59 KB, 512x712)
Woah... Poopcat really IS a nasty piece of work now... stalking and harassing others that he just doesn't agree with. If someone has a different point-of-view to his, they become his enemy.
What a sick fuck.
He isn't playing his little diaper RP's now... he is actually causing people severe anguish.
What a complete asshole.
He's probably enjoying it, too... sick assfuck.
It seriously might be time to contact the Police about his actions.
You beat your mom why do you give a fuck?
Ffs Klim, don't get Geordie started on getting his mushroom creaming, he'll come after his cousin Rose, when satisfied.
Jordan is "Little Tommy Tickle"

He'll never tell you what happened in the showers at his [only] School Camp... nor why some of the younger children there still don't sleep well at night.
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What about THE SHADOW PEOPLE", Jordan?

Why don't you tell us about them?

Did they force you against your will to play "Little Tommy Tickle" with those naked little boys in the showers at the School Camp?
I'm neither of those, so you're wrong as always. 
It's not stalking since I'm not really doing any surveillance on them, am I? I ain't their monitor either. 
What rules, please speak normal. 
Did you kill yourself yet?
I'm not Tommy. I never did any fucking thing at this imaginary "school camp" you obviously made up. And i don't have any shadow people, retard. I've only been relaxing at my house in PA like always.
> naked little boys 
Klim you are a nasty fuck :)
> Did you kill yourself yet?
geordie just because my skin is brown
that dont automatically mean i am a member of your family lol
His schoolmates all sang this song about him, after the School Camp:

Little Timmy Tickle
With his teeny tiny Pickle
Touching little boys in the show-er...
brown pounded to death
they will be missed
collecting information on geordie is like thumbing through the necronomicon
your soul is rend from your body and the unspeakable horrors which are unleashed cannot be put back in the box
> waaaah someone i dont even know doesnt post anymore waaah. 
People have lives, just not terminally ill online ones like yourself 
> brown pou- 
it's GROUND pound you retard.
> I also stopped posting in drawthreads
Why do you say these things Jordan, does the PDD have you thinking anyone falls for such blatent lies?

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