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Dunking on the mentally ill

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> If I say you're unwelcome to any my profile, the moment you're even an asshole, you respect that boundary, not go over it.
Name one person here, who makes accounts to reach out to you.
> Making a "burner account" also counts as evading too, I know that technique anywhere
What are you even about. I don't see Klim doing anything to you on his youtube channel, other than uploading his own vids. Aside from that zoofucker site, no one's made accounts on any site you frequent. If your PDD delusion, was truly the case, we'd know all about your hidden discord inducing brain damage. But, you unfortunately can't lure us into your grooming grounds.
It's one of Jordan's usual projection sessions. The person who makes dozens of accounts so that he can get around bans and blocks to continue harassing his targets is him.
Just look at how long the list is.
Answer on if people hate, then why do they still continue to reply to me. 

I didn't say you make burner accounts, but rather a percentage has done. 
> I don't see- 
Because he knows I scare him off with boundaries I set. He used to be on my "channel" during 3 years ago, to about late 2021. 
> no one's made accounts- 
But sometimes it can get stalked, which is almost pretty often. 
> pdd delu- 
No, I don't have. 
> we 
Nobody thinks the same as you, I dont have 'hidden brain damage'. I have not even lured anyone in any nonexistent groom grounds. 
It frankly deserved to be taken down. 

Also I meant an old song, which was a cover by Virgil Fox. I'm not talking about that fucker, not to mention you're already late so you barely know what song I refer to. You don't listen to organ songs. 
Projection? On a fucking person who  HATES me but still checks my youtube channel or other nsfw account almost every time? 
> he can get around bans 
On what site. 
When have I ever "harassed" someone?
In fact if I remember correctly, you were even using a VPN on 4chan when you got banned for being underage. That's not making an account, but it's still getting around bans.
> In fact if I remember correctly, you were even using a VPN on 4chan when you got banned for being underage
We all stupid for not using protection on the internet. But then, again, we don't go grooming kiddies. Nor bullying old peeps like Klim. As for Geordie's idea of tor.  He don't realize 4chan is monetization now. Making him sit in the corner mean something.
> then why do they still continue to reply to me.
I'll be willing to reply, if you answer me why you fucked the catalog, only to enlist your minor tard to engulf attention off you.
> Yeah because as a teenager I didn't wanna leave it. I also wanted to be in France.
Lololololol I fucking forgot you said you were on tour and visiting France, England, Spain, and all of Europe.
caps lock doesn't equal meds, idiot.. i'm already sane, you're the one that just disregards any actual lore, but then i realize you're not a fully smart person to realize that. you dont know that watnai is anything but a "shit" place for weird scat people. 
it's you that needs to get a check, otherwise you need to shut up. 
Isn't the "poop kingdom" YOUR lore? Which one is it
> You shut uuuup, girl.
> I will speak facts whether you like it or not.
By throwing your so called friends to us, to get us off your back.  >also wtf was that at the end of the ?
Your gurgling goblin sounds.

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