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Dunking on the mentally ill

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Considering it's a children's movie about animals, you'd think Our Boi Geordie would have got the 'pig' reference from another post [since deleted].

But no... he was too stupid.
i stop paying attention for a couple days and geordie has his biggest sperg out ever, killing half the threads on the board. what is he even pissed about this time?
3 6 12 24
nevre froget
idk how long he was planning it but it could have been related to just how much evidence of him and the minors was building up
he cant even enjoy his klim attacking any more since geordie has far more minors at far younger ages than there was ever proof of klim collecting
so he aint even got the moral high ground over that ol bastard lol
but ye the current known list of underages at the time of questionable interactions is
rot and co
but also some deviantart kiddies
then ofc theres thyla who keep scaring off his new potential victims when he starts trying to lord it up again
all in all he was having a bad day
it was actually because of the horrible state of the board, thats why i wanted to raid it so bad. 
> blah blah blah geord does this or tha- 
Fuck off. 
Evidence of what. 
> poorly censoring 
that's not gonna stop me from knowing who it is, retard. not everything we talk about is sexual nor questionable
> him and the minors
> that's not gonna stop me from knowing who it is
lol geordie you are meant to know who the children you have tried to groom are
that dont mean i have any interest in posting their usernames do it
> retard
you mean pdd lol
> not everything we talk about is sexual nor questionable
> not everything
fuckin lol good admission geordie
so at least some of it is ay
whats the best amount of sexual or questionable content to be talking about with underages lol
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Since you're clearly lying about that, are you lying about the other chats too? There must be a goldmine of child grooming over there in your Discord account, huh?
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> it was actually because of the horrible state of the board, thats why i wanted to raid it so bad
And you did. You avoid my question. Did you change anythjng? No one is dettered here by you. Your autism could have focused on something worthwhile. Instead of standing around seeing what is posted. Like some lost feral unflushed Publix toilet.
So you are genuinely putting forward the argument that Jordan can use that word since it's not racist because he isn't white? You should definitely raise that with him, he's going to LOVE that.

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