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perhaps the Endchan crowd might want this.


if anyone has Twitter/X(or a workaround), feel free to archive the thread(don't forget alt text, they provide vital context)
What's ironic? 
You're literally just eavesdropping 
> we 
nigga 2-4 people ain't enough 
> all you care about is- 
No, I don't only spend time on my works. I spend time with family and my other relative. 
And no it isn't grooming.
PDD renders him incapable of counting doesn't it? This happens time and again. https://endchan.org/boards.js?boardUri=baaa&tags=
He didn't, he's a literal retard. How can you be friends with someone who blatantly commits theft, acts like a total creep, and denies any slight wrong doing:?
> She blocks me
She who?
> Thinks I'm Macker
How do you know who that is, "stranger"?
> Didn't post MY art.
His PDD makes him incapable of pretending to be someone else. He doesn't grasp that if he wasn't who he is, he wouldn't know the things he does.
In short, Pedocat retarded.
Just an FYI Thalia, the reason why macker has a blue tag on 8chan is because he types "sage" in the email field. Anyone can do it. You can type anything in the email field, and your tag will become blue. 

When you type "sage" in the email field, the thread you replied to doesn't get bumped to the top of the board. Yonkers uses "sage" in the email field to express his dislike of the thread he is replying to. When you stated that yonkers didn't have a blue tag because he was probably on a different device, this is factually incorrect. He could have simple neglected to type "sage" in the email field.

sage (下げ, さげ) (sah gey) is a conjugated form of the japanese word for "lower (verb)". The first "chan" style board was japanese (2ch), so most chan's have Japanese words for certain functions. English speaking chans have kept this tradition as a kind of skeuomorphism.
NSFW how? Where's the penis? 

Oh right there isn't any, so you have no say, honestly. Fuck off if you care about even one of your diaper art being used. 
I type sage because of the sheer low quality of the threads and board, not because of "dislike". 
It's not of incapability, and again, I don't have PDD. Repeating it isn't going to validate it any further. I grasped more than Chris Chan ever thought of when he fucked his mom. 
> durrr, anon, poopcat, yonkers, mittens 
you really need to be consistent. this isn't good for you 
Literal retards that blatantly steal art, make lies abotu innocents, and much more.
> Literal retards that blatantly steal art, make lies abotu innocents, and much more.
That's you, Jordan! Okay, don't worry. Most adults that don't have PDD will follow your advice and not be friends with you.
You don't even know reality LMAO. I've never been born with it, so I think you're projecting really hard 
I'm not saying "much more" like that. I'm talking about frowned upon stuff. 
> not be 
I have friends I just dont invite them to random imageboards
> You don't even know reality LMAO. I've never been born with it
Spectacular. I'm saving that, because although I know what you meant, it can also be interpreted as being born without a grasp on reality.
Which you were since you have PDD.
Don't save me without consent. I've been born *with* a grasp on reality, you are the one that isn't grasping anything because you think me rightfully denying your claims is apparently "incorrect" to you.
You have no proof for the dumb stuff you say about me. You weren't even in my actual life to even KNOW what was going on (in which everything is fine), so instead you have to recite a 2022 video claim that wasn't even verified nor backed up.
> Don't save me without consent.
Don't put your words in public spaces.
> I've been born *with* a grasp on reality
I was hoping you'd argue with that. No baby has a grasp on reality, everyone is born without a grasp on reality. The D in your pervasive disorder is developmental, since it is the part between a child's mind and a fully formed one that has been interrupted. Instead, you argue that you were some kind of magic baby proving you just naysay without thinking.
> You have no proof for the dumb stuff you say about me
> so instead you have to recite a 2022 video which proves what you say
PDDcat retarded.
Well, I'm still not a retard. That's my point. 
> don't- 
No no no no, how about DON'T violate my boundaries. One of them is doing something I don't agree with, nor want. Screenshotting counts
I don't fuck toddlers though. I don't even fuck anything LMAO 
> filipino 
Oh right forgot you were those pinoys, doy! Pinoy doy! 
Did I say I was gonna fuck you? no. I'm not fucking a real person. I'm fucking a character/pokemon. And it WILL be a fucking green "guy" if I have to.

My cousin doesn't want to talk about it. It means he actually did that to me so. I don't fucking know why he did that. Maybe he thinks putting his dick on my ass would make him feel better or what reason he had in mind

And an another reason. I hate waiting or just think it's very cool to draw weird shit, I'm a weird kid anyway. Also I discovered omorashi first before diaper fetish stuff
i like how you didn't just see the filipino tease as anything racial. wow. 
you cant handle any other thing  yet you're not affected by 'transphobia' or even... racism?
We've been getting hit by our resident retard lately. I guess his 2 day ban didn't sit well by him. As always appreciate the assist.
i think he tarded up a few of his replies
not surprising
talking to him im a lil amazed he can figure out how to get the electricity into wtf he using to reply with
All of those pedophilic comments people make on me and telling me to send my nudes to them are screenshotted, so have fun getting exposed motherfucker, see you later!
> im going to post screenshots of klim being a pedo
ok cool
maybe geordies so full of pdd that he had to spread it out and give half to this lad so they can work shifts shitting the place up

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